Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

I will do what must be done. Then I will be like Matoro. I will be a hero.
~ Toa Ignika

Toa Ignika is the major hero that was introduced in the Karda Nui arc of the BIONICLE series. He was a Toa who is actually a Kanohi Ignika as he was inspired by the courage of Toa Matoro had displayed and decides to experience the life as a hero. He then uses the properties of the swamp of the island of Karda Nui to form the body. He became the member of the Toa Mata to defeat the Brotherhood of Makuta and reawaken Mata Nui.

He was voiced by Jason Michas who also voiced as Takanuva in the animated movie.


Following Matoro's sacrifice of reviving Mata Nui, the Kanohi Ignika later resurfaced into Karda Nui where it landed into the Swamp of Secrets. Inspired by Matoro's courage, the Mask of Life decided to exprience a life as a Toa as it used the swamp's organic properties to form a body and create the weapons. Once done, Ignika created the Skyboard by using ths scraps that he had found and calling himself "Toa Ignika". He then began to patrol across the swamp.

Later, Toa Ignika sensed the battle between the Toa Mata and the Makuta who were sent to Karda Nui. Ignika decided to intervene and save Lewa and Pohatu from Vamprah as the Toa destroyed him with his Lifeblade. He then battled Antroz, Chirox, Gorast and Bitil and defeated them though Antroz manages to escape back to Destral.


Powers & Abilities[]




           BionicleTitle Heroes

Toa Mata
Tahu | Gali | Lewa | Pohatu | Onua | Kopaka | Takanuva | Toa Ignika

Toa Metru
Vakama | Nokama | Matau | Onewa | Whenua | Nuju

Toa Inika
Jaller | Hahli | Kongu | Nuparu | Hewkii | Matoro

Vakama | Nokama | Matau | Onewa | Whenua | Nuju | Dume | Lhikan

Jaller | Hahli | Kongu | Nuparu | Hewkii | Matoro | Kapura | Macku | Hafu | Onepu | Taipu | Kopeke | Nuhrii | Vhisola | Orkahm | Tehutii | Ehrye | Sarda | Idris | Defilak

Order of Mata Nui
Mata Nui | Helryx | Axonn | Brutaka | Hydraxon | Johmak | Krakua | Mazeka | Tobduk | Trinuma | Botar | Ancient | Maxilos | Spinax | Umbra

Toa Hagah
Norik | Bomonga | Gaaki | Iruini | Pouks | Kualas

Voya Nui Resistance Team
Garan | Balta | Dalu | Piruk | Kazi

Ussal (Pewku) | Gukko (Ka) | Graalok | Krahka | Tahtorak | Keetongu | Toa Terrain Crawler | Klakk

Great Beings | Artakha | Makuta Teridax

Bionicle G2
Tahu | Gali | Lewa | Pohatu | Onua | Kopaka | Ekimu
