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Heroes Wiki

Toby the Tram Engine is a major character in the Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends franchise. He's a brown steam tram engine who works on the North Western Railway and is the railway's number 7 engine. He used to work on a tramway between Lower Arlesburgh and Arlesdale End, before being bought by Sir Topham Hatt after his line closed down to run the tramroad to Ffarquhar Quarry. His line would later be reopened as part of the North Western Railway, with Toby being reallocated to his old shed. He has a coach named Henrietta.

He is good friends with Thomas, Percy, Daisy, Mavis, and (sometimes) James.

In the English dub of the CGI series, he was voiced by Ben Small, and later Rob Rackstraw in the UK and William Hope in the US. In Thomas and The Magic Railroad, he was voiced by Colm Feore. In Japanese, he was voiced by Yasuhiko Kawazu and Tomohiro Tsuboi.


Toby is old-fashioned, both in looks and outlook. Every engine, no matter how old, wants to be Really Useful and having once nearly been scrapped, Toby is always happy to work. He is not above being temperamental sometimes, but since he works mainly up an outlying quarry line he can work off his moods without causing grief to anyone except his own faithful coach Henrietta.


           T&FLogo Heroes

Steam Team
Thomas the Tank Engine | Nia the Kenyan Engine | Rebecca | Gordon the Big Engine | James the Red Engine | Percy the Small Engine | Emily the Stirling Engine

Engines & Diesels
Edward the Blue Engine | Henry the Green Engine | Toby the Tram Engine | Duck the Great Western Engine | Donald and Douglas | Oliver the Great Western Engine | Diesel | Arry and Bert | Bill and Ben the Tank Engine Twins | Daisy the Diesel Railcar | BoCo the Diesel Engine | Bear | Mavis | Neville | Stepney the Bluebell Engine | Lady | Salty the Dockside Diesel | Harvey the Crane Engine | Arthur | Murdoch | Spencer | Fergus the Railway Traction Engine | Molly the Yellow Engine | Whiff | Billy | Stanley the Silver Engine | Hiro | Bash and Dash the Logging Loco Twins | Ferdinand the Logging Loco | Belle | Flynn the Fire Engine | Den and Dart | Paxton | Norman | Sidney the Forgetful Diesel | Stephen the "Rocket" | Caitlin | Connor | Flying Scottsman | Gator | Marion | Timothy | Glynn the Coffee Pot Engine | Ryan | Skiff | Ashima | Frieda | Gina | Raul the Brazilian Engine | Yong Bao | Carlos | Axel | Shane the Australian Engine | Rajiv the Indian Engine | Merlin | Lexi | Theo | Philip | Skarloey | Rheneas | Sir Handel | Peter Sam | Rusty the Little Diesel | Duncan the Narrow Gauge Engine | Duke the Lost Engine | Freddie | Victor | Luke | Millie the French Engine | Patrick | Mike the Strong Red Engine | Rex the Small Railway Engine | Bert the Miniature Gauge Engine | Jock the New Engine | Frank | Dustin

Non Rail Vehicles
Terence the Tractor | Bertie the Bus | Trevor the Traction Engine | Kelly the Crane | Jack the Front Loader | Alfie | Oliver the Excavator | Cranky the Crane | Kevin | Harold the Helicopter | Butch the Breakdown Vehicle | Byron the Bulldozer | Captain | Carly | Big Mickey | Colin | Captain

Sir Topham Hatt | Lady Hatt | Dowager Hatt | Sir Robert Norramby | Mr. Conductor | Mr. Percival | Junior | Jenny Packard | Stacy Jones | Burnett Stone | Lily Stone | Horace Schemer

Judy and Jerome | Rocky
