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Tommy Gilligan is Numbuh 2's seven-year-old brother. He became a KND operative after defeating Father and saving the operatives back to normal after being turned into animals with the Animalization Ray and called himself as "Numbuh T". Later he quit being a KND operative and turn himself to "The Tommy".


Tommy is Numbuh Two's little brother, as well as an excitable child ready to fight adult tyranny. Unfortunately, circumstances effectively halted his KND career. He now fights solo as "The Tommy".


In spite of not being Kids Next Door operative, Tommy manages to beat Father at least twice through outsmarting him (once while still undergoing training), and then holding his own in his focus episodes after losing operative status. All when he doesn't quite have the same 2x4 technological skills of his older brother or the combat capability of most other operatives.


           KNDLogo Heroes

Sector V
Nigel Uno | Hoagie Gilligan | Kuki Sanban | Wallabee Beetles | Abigail Lincoln

Other Kids Next Door Operatives
Bradley the Skunk | Joaquin | Rachel T. McKenzie | Fanny Fulbright | Patton Drilovsky | Lizzie Devine | Sonia | Lee

Hamsters | Lasso Lass | Clip Clop | Dr. Sigmund Teef | Tommy Gilligan | Chad Dickson | Maurice | Joey Beetles | Dr. Lincoln | Numbuh Infinity | Vin Moosk | Froggy McDougal | Joe Balooka | Little Traitor Dudes For Children's Defense | Daddy | Elfa Strike Squad (Wintergreen | Nutcracker | Snow Angel | Coniferous) | The Kid | Sally Sanban | Monty Uno | Shirley Uno | Senator Safely | Grim | Billy | Mandy
