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Hero Overview

Tommy Turnbull is the deuteragonist of Robotboy.

He was voiced by Lorraine Pilkington, who voiced Debbie and some minor characters in the same show.


Ten-year-old Tommy Turnbull is a smart, sensitive, likable, and inventive genius. He's a best friend and mentor to Robotboy, while he teaches his robo-buddy the ways of the world as seen through the eyes of a human child. Tommy was chosen by Moshimo to take care of Robotboy and be his teacher of sorts. He has plenty of knowledge about robotics and often plays the voice of reason to Gus. He is the son of Debbie Turnbull and Dwight Turnbull, and the little brother of Donnie Turnbull. He is the unofficial leader of the team.



Robotboy is Tommy's best friend. They partook in many adventures together, improving their friendship along the way. In many episodes, Tommy teaches Robotboy about humanity and human behaviour; mentoring him whenever he needs explanations. In the episode "Robot Rebels", Dr. Kamikazi temporarily broke up their friendship by disguising himself as the leader of robots, but they reunited thanks to Tommy.

There are many times where countless villains have sabotaged their friendship, but Robotboy and Tommy always seem to make up in the end. In "Crying Time", Dr. Kamikazi reprogrammed Robotboy to make him obey to whatever command he issued, one of which was to kill Tommy, but after a Superactivated Robotboy saw Tommy crying for mercy, he thought back to earlier that day when Tommy was comforting him as he himself cried, which was enough to snap him out of Kamikazi's control and rescue Tommy from Kamikazi's clones.

Gus Turner[]

Gus is Tommy's other friend, even though Gus sometimes acts selfish and isn't shy of taking advantage of him or Robotboy. He won't think twice about stealing from Tommy, and even abandons his friend on certain occasions for his own sake. Still, Gus does indeed value his friends, usually, and does his part in helping the team when in peril. He is in the same grade as Tommy and Lola.

Lola Mbola[]

One of Tommy's best friends, Lola is the confident and intelligent daughter of a rich African ambassador. She also secretly has a crush on him, to which Tommy is totally oblivious, despite several hints being inadvertently shown. Tommy becomes irritated whenever someone calls Lola his girlfriend, but still cares for her.

There are times when their relationship gets tested, such as in the beginning of Robot Rebels where Lola was upset at Tommy because they made plans to go to the movies, but he was off hanging out with RobotBoy instead. Similarly, Lola often gets annoyed and jealous with Tommy’s relentless crush on Bambi, as seen in episodes like Valentine’s Day and Bambi-Bot.

Donnie Turnbull[]

Donnie is Tommy's 13-year-old brother who constantly bullies Tommy and his friends. Despite this, Tommy never provokes Donnie or gets back at him. Robotboy despises Donnie for being cruel to Tommy and isn't afraid of hurting him in revenge, with Robotboy being forbidden from being discovered the only thing preventing him from killing Donnie.

Donnie has seen Robotboy active many times but usually just thinks he's a toy and has also tried to get rid of him. "The Legend of Brainy-Yak" showed that Donnie attends the same school as Tommy, as a high school student, but it's highly likely that he constantly truants and also pays money to get test answers.

Donnie takes great pride in his strength and can be seen exercising most of the time in his bedroom, which has his own weights. Donnie isn't afraid of hurting kids smaller and younger than him and has caused much property damage, getting grounded at least once for smashing mailboxes. He is susceptible to authority and adults larger and stronger than him, though.

Debbie Turnbull[]

Deb is the mother of Donnie and Tommy. She is very loving and caring towards them and her husband, unless they do things that upset her, such as making a mess of the house, or disobeying her. She seems rather oblivious at times, such as when she doesn't always catch onto Donnie's horrible treatment of Tommy. While she is strict when it comes to punishing her sons and husband for their wrongdoings, she is very kind and motherly and only wants the best for her family. It is said that she works as the town's bookmobile librarian, which could allude to all the books she reads during the show. That, or she just enjoys reading.

Dwight Turnbull[]

Dwight is Donnie and Tommy's overweight and dimwitted father, and the husband to Deb. He has primitive views on what he considers to be manly, and expects Deb to have dinner ready for him by the time he returns home from work; getting mad if it wasn't, implying he's controlling and has the mindset that women should do everything for their husbands. He teases Tommy on a daily basis, while constantly doting on Donnie as he is always working out and wanting to do "manly activities", unlike the bookish Tommy. He sees Tommy's collection of action figures and robots as "dolls", and considers them "girly", including Robotboy, and has tried to get rid of him multiple times. Dwight is very sports-oriented, even owning, or managing, a sports shop downtown. He is overbearing, mainly to Tommy, since he wants his sons to be very active and strong. He is afraid of his mother, Grandma T, since she babies him as much as she did when he was a kid.

Grandma T[]

Grandma Turnbull is Dwight's mother. She is very active and adventurous for her age and loves her grandsons very much, implying that she sometimes brings them gifts from her travels. However, she is very nearsighted, which allows her to mistake Robotboy (whom she mishears as Robert) for one of Tommy's human friends. Grandma T is very sweet and funny, but she babies Dwight, despite him being a full-grown adult. She enjoys surfing and drinking tea but doesn't like when people ruin things for her and others (like when she says, "Lets blow this pop stand. Those jet-skiers ruin it for everybody!"). Grandma T develops a relationship with General Yakitori in "Everybody Loves Grandma", going back to his space base with him.


  • He bears a resemblance to Mac from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, as both characters are smart, designed with rounded square heads, and have bully older brothers.
  • He has been able to meet his idol, Human Fist, twice.
  • He and Robotboy have appeared in every episode of the series.
  • He is the only member of his family where his name does not start with the letter "D".
  • In "Nursing a Grudge", Felonious Hexx called him "Tommy Turntail" upon meeting him.
  • He and Robotboy are not main characters in "Tummy Trouble" and "The Legend of Brainy Yak".
  • He has a crush on his schoolmate Bambi, but not Lola, despite Bambi constantly bullying Tommy.
  • He was the first character - apart from Professor Moshimo - to have mistakenly called Gus "Goose".
  • He is female in the Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Mongolian, Kazakh and Kyrgyz dubs of the series.
  • Tommy is in a love hexagon; the unnamed blonde girl likes Gus, who likes Lola, who likes Tommy, who likes Bambi, who's dating Kurt.
  • The main reason why Tommy got to be the keeper for Robotboy is mostly due to being Professor Moshimo's biggest fan, therefore it is likely that Moshimo is able to trust Tommy because of this.
  • There seems to be some inconsistency with Tommy's skin tone. He usually has tanned skin, but some scenes and promo art (like the profile pic) shows him with paler skin. The same thing happens with his mother.
  • He has survived 14 assassination attempts from various villains, mostly from Dr. Kamikazi. He has been kidnapped in 10 episodes and 3 games. He also survived 9 almost-fatal accidents and attacks. This fact is why his profile on TV Tropes has 'Distressed Dude' as one of his tropes. While Robotboy is a victim to a lot of captures and near-fatal accidents himself, Tommy (sometimes along with Lola and Gus) is the one who often needs rescuing during his attempts to save his little buddy.


           Robotboylogo Heroes

Main Characters
Robotboy | Tommy Turnbull | Gus Turner | Lola Mbola |

Minor Heroes
Robotgirl | Debbie Turnbull | Dwight Turnbull | Professor Moshimo | Miu Miu | The Human Fist | C.H.O.P | Walter the Tapeworm | Santa Claus | The Inhuman Toe | Robotbird | Kingsley Mbola | Randy


This article contains content derived from the "Tommy Turnbull" article on the Robotboy Wiki, licensed under CC-BY-SA.
