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And now time resumes!

Topaz is a supporting character in the Sonic X anime series. She is a human working as an agent for the Guardian Units of Nations and the partner to Rouge the Bat. Although at first, the regimental Topaz disapproves of the scheming Rouge and deems her untrustworthy, the two eventually become friends.

She is voiced by Jennifer Johnson in the English version, and Yukari Hikida in the Japanese version.


Topaz is gender loyal, reliable and determined, although she is often very embarrassed and gives up too easily. Rouge often considered her to be an older woman and Topaz started hitting her in the back trying to expose her in public when she was setting up to steal jewelry to annoy her. She also finds Rouge and her boring ways somewhat disrespectful.


Topaz is first introduced in episode 11 of the Sonic X anime as part of an ambush team meant to capture Sonic in the hopes of getting his help again his archenemy, Doctor Eggman, but unknown to them, Rouge lured Sonic and his friends in the wrong direction as the rumor to lure Sonic in was of the discovery of a Chaos Emerald. As a result, Rouge fell into the trap instead, and when Topaz moved to cuff her, Rouge took the time to make some wisecracks about Topaz, causing the other G.U.N. agents to laugh while Topaz was insulted. After Rouge is brought back to the White House to meet with the President, she's given a deal: Become a G.U.N. agent and help Topaz and her team recon Doctor Eggman's base for an upcoming attack, and she will be pardoned of all her crimes and allowed to keep all her loot. However, since Rouge was not fully trustworthy yet, she had a bomb attached to her wrist as a safety precaution against double-crossing Topaz and her team. After Rouge provided a way into the base, most of the team was forced to pull back due to sunrise approaching, leaving Topaz and Rouge to finish the mission, but upon reaching the room where Eggman was storing the one Chaos Emerald he had acquired recently, Topaz and Rouge are ambushed by E-70 Noizi, who alerts Eggman to intruders, and he sends E-12 Behemoth, E-13 Guardbot, and E-14 Sneezer to investigate. E-70 captures Topaz and holds her hostage, while preventing Rouge from attacking by using its siren to deafen Rouge. However, Rouge breaks off the bomb and throws it in E-70's speaker, silencing the siren. Topaz then detonates the bomb, destroying the siren and dazing E-70, allowing Rouge to finish it off with her Screw Kick, before grabbing Topaz and fleeing past Eggman as he ends up burned and singed by E-70's destruction.

With the intel and mapping of Eggman's headquarters that Topaz and Rouge got, the President plans a frontal assault with air and naval forces, while a G.U.N. commando team that included Rouge and Topaz would slip in from behind undetected, infiltrate the base, and plant explosives in the main power room to destroy the whole structure. The plan is implemented when Eggman leaves to go after a Chaos Emerald that was also being hunted by Sonic's friends, and while Decoe and Bocoe both attempt to defend the base from the assault on their own until Eggman returns, Topaz, Rouge, and their team are able to get in and plant the charges. Eggman later returns after getting the Chaos Emerald, and after chewing out Decoe and Bocoe for mistaking him for an enemy aircraft and trying to shoot him down, leaving them very ashamed and remorseful over their stupidity, Eggman takes over counterattacking the enemy forces. Topaz, Rouge, and their team are soon discovered and locked in the room, with their explosives already armed and ready to detonate in a few minutes. Knuckles arrives to try and help Rouge get through the door, but it is only when Sonic breaks the door down after taking back the two Chaos Emeralds Eggman had and destroyed his E-18 Guerra-Hand in the process as well that Topaz, Rouge, Knuckles, and the commandos are able to escape just in time, hitting the beach just as their explosives detonate and destroy Eggman's headquarters.

Some time after they completed that mission, Topaz and Rouge are off duty, when they notice Nelson Thorndyke, CEO of Thorndyke Industries, stopping at a jewelry store to find a wedding anniversary gift for his wife, Lindsey. He soon lays eyes on the purple Chaos Emerald, which Rouge recognizes, and purchases it to give to Lindsey as her anniversary gift. Knowing the ring is a Chaos Emerald, Topaz and Rouge decide to follow Nelson as he travels to Filmdom City, where Lindsey was filming her latest movie on a sound stage there, also being joined by Mister Stewart, the undercover G.U.N. agent assigned to follow Christopher Thorndyke and his friends while serving as their homeroom teacher. At the sound stage, after Nelson's plan to present the Chaos Emerald to Lindsey falls apart and leads to an argument between them, Dr. Eggman literally crashes the sound stage with the Egg Fort II and attempts to get the Chaos Emerald with Decoe and Bocoe's help. In the confusion, Rouge snatches the Emerald from Nelson, but soon is struggling to keep it from being taken by Eggman. Topaz comes to her co-agent's aid, but Eggman simply charges his Egg Mobile forward before hitting the brakes, sending Topaz and Rouge into Mister Stewart and into a water tank. By the time they recover, Eggman has retreated with the Chaos Emerald in his possession, and Rouge grumbles to Topaz about what will happen once all seven are brought together.

Later, as Rouge and Topaz have been assigned to spy on Eggman and report on his activities back to G.U.N., they happen across the landed Egg Fort II, just as Christopher Thorndyke and Knuckles arrive to broker a truce with Eggman. When they return later with the five Chaos Emeralds the good guys had secured to join with the one Eggman possessed, Eggman's E-Series robot, E-77 Lucky, calls in to report having found the seventh and final Chaos Emerald. Eggman double-crosses Chris and Knuckles, ejecting Knuckles from the Egg Fort II and taking Chris hostage. As the Egg Fort II begins to lift off to head to Lucky's location, Rouge and Topaz call it in before returning to their helicopter to pursue it. While in pursuit, Topaz presents a gift to Rouge, who is touched by the gift, while Topaz tries to maintain a military composure, despite it being clear she is blushing a bit over this, since this might be when Rouge will be returned home by Chaos Control, ending her partnership with Topaz. By the time they catch up to the Egg Fort II, Eggman, having decided to whip out the heavy weapons, has transformed it into his ultimate E-Series robot, the E-99 Eggsterminator (Japanese: Egg Emperor), and is using it, along with the six Chaos Emeralds he now possessed, to beat Sonic within an inch of his life, while also taking out the G.U.N. Beetles that were deployed to fight him. Topaz is unable to do anything to help as her pilot can't risk getting closer without putting them in the line of fire. However, thanks to Chris' own heroism at the cost of being seriously injured, Eggman loses the Chaos Emeralds, which end up falling into the ocean, where Sonic laid in a watery grave with the seventh Chaos Emerald he got from Lucky. With all seven together in his possession, Sonic is resuscitated and transformed into his Super Sonic state, laying waste to the E-99 within seconds, before unleashing Chaos Control himself, as Topaz watches worriedly from her helicopter. However, instead of transporting all his friends and Eggman back to their world, Super Sonic brings the Mystic Ruins and Angel Island to Earth.

Sonic Adventure Adaptation[]

Six months after Eggman lost the E-99/Egg Fort II against Super Sonic, he had gone mysteriously quiet. Any efforts to find him have come up empty, and despite Topaz asking her to stop, Rouge bluntly put it that they had no idea where Eggman had gone.

Later, Topaz and Rouge are with the President and his secretary, Christina Cooper, watching on the news as Station Square was flooded by Perfect Chaos, with Topaz watching in concern and shock as the President ordered whatever assets G.U.N. still had available near Station Square to engage Perfect Chaos under his authority as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

Sonic Adventure 2 Adaptation[]

After receiving word of Eggman hacking into G.U.N.'s secure databases and recovering the remaining data they had on Project Shadow and Eggman's grandfather, Professor Gerald Robotnik, Topaz and Rouge were assigned to figure out why. Rouge decided that the best course of action was to get into Eggman's good graces and become a double agent, and to do that, she needed a Chaos Emerald. After an attempt to steal the Master Emerald from Knuckles went awry, Rouge used a Chaos Emerald Topaz found to get into Eggman's inner circle. While she did that, she also collected the valuable intel Topaz could use to help arrest those within G.U.N. that covered up Project Shadow. While Rouge was undercover with Eggman, Topaz monitored his pyramid base, but was captured by Bokkun and the Egg Golem. Luckily, Cream was able to steal the remote to force the Egg Golem to release Topaz, who was caught from her fall by Mister Tanaka, Chris' manservant/butler/chauffer. When Sonic and his friends prepared to go into space, Topaz offered to stay and look after Cream for them while they went up to the Space Colony ARK and prevent Eggman from using the Eclipse Cannon to destroy the Earth. When Rouge contacted Topaz with the intel she needed to arrest the ones responsible for covering up Project Shadow, Rouge was temporarily cut off from Topaz when Shadow destroyed her communicator, but using a spaceship's transmitter, Rouge reestablished contact and gave Topaz the intel she needed. After G.U.N. and the police arrest the conspirators, Topaz felt the victory was pyrrhic as the ARK was about to crash into the Earth as part of Professor Robotnik's final revenge for the death of his granddaughter, Maria Robotnik. However, Sonic and Shadow, as Super Sonic and Super Shadow, were able to destroy the Final Lizard and restore the ARK to a stable orbit.

After the events with the ARK, Eggman apparently turned over a new leaf and repaired that half of the Moon he destroyed with the Eclipse Cannon, turning it into the Egg Moon. Topaz was taking a well-earned vacation to enjoy the first sunrise of the New Year, only to have it ruined for her when the Sun is eclipsed by the Egg Moon. Eggman explains that the Egg Moon is malfunctioning, and he needs time to repair it, but in the meantime, he provides his Sunshine Balls and Mirror Towers to provide light for everyone. Sonic is suspicious of Eggman's behavior and begins wrecking the Mirror Towers. Topaz and Rouge are assigned to help stop him, but along the way, as Topaz travels in a helicopter to Sonic's location, she notices Rouge suddenly lose some altitude from some interference that caused her to falter. Having her pilot follow Rouge down, they find a strange dome that is impenetrable to anything Topaz, Rouge, or their G.U.N. backup use on it. When Sonic is confronted by his friends and G.U.N., he reveals that Eggman has been lying to them, using the Egg Moon to deliberately block the Sun to profit off his Sunshine Balls. Topaz passes the information back to the President, but he and Christina are taken hostage by Eggman. Topaz and Rouge return to the Thorndyke Mansion in Station Square, where they join Mister Tanaka and Knuckles with traveling up to the Egg Moon in a space shuttle to destroy the Egg Moon's transmitter. On the way, Topaz comments on Mister Tanaka's impressive piloting skills with the shuttle, and after Knuckles destroys the transmitter and ends the eclipse, Mister Tanaka quips that they should watch the sunrise from a space shuttle sometime, and Topaz agrees. As for Eggman, Sonic and the others rescue the President and Christina, before luring Eggman into a trap, where he, Decoe, and Bocoe are finally arrested and incarcerated.

However, Bokkun is able to break Eggman out of prison, and an attempt by Topaz to recapture him in the sewers of Station Square fails thanks to the smoke from the Egg Spider's destruction keeping Topaz from pursuing Eggman as he escaped in the confusion. To lure him back out, the President announces the Chaos Emerald Martial Arts Mash-up Tournament, with a Chaos Emerald as the prize for the winner. Topaz is one of the people who encourage Knuckles to take part by playing off his ego to get him to compete. In the tournament proper, Topaz faces off with Mister Tanaka, but as she takes a battle stance and encourages Tanaka to come at her so she can match her G.U.N. training against Tanaka's own skills, he instead offers her a beautiful necklace as a gift, winning the match by default by winning Topaz's heart. In the end, Topaz can only watch when Emerl wins, but the Chaos Emerald's energy causes it to go crazy, forcing Cream and Cheese to step up and destroy Emerl themselves by double-teaming it, rendering its copy ability useless against Cream and Cheese's tag-team tactics.

Topaz is later assigned to be the communications officer aboard the G.U.N. destroyer Seahawk, but during one mission, the ship is captured by Eggman with his Egg Battleship, and Topaz and the rest of the crew are taken hostage to keep Sonic and G.U.N. from attacking Eggman without putting Topaz and the crew in danger. However, Rouge is able to rescue them, allowing them to arm themselves and attempt to capture Eggman, but he escapes by playing off Rouge's greed with falsely claiming to have seen a Chaos Emerald, much to Topaz's amusement over Rouge's thieving instincts getting in the way of her duty as a G.U.N. operative. After they escape and regroup with Sonic's friends, Topaz and the others watch when Sonic and his friends prevent Eggman from using the lost continent of Murasia to set off all the volcanoes on Earth. When word came of Decoe and Bocoe having apparently sacrificed themselves during the operation, Topaz joins Sonic's friends in spending a moment mourning Eggman's robot lackeys before it is revealed that they survived, but chose to defect to Sonic's side after Eggman apparently abandoned them to be scrapped on Murasia.

However, shortly thereafter, Christina speaks to the Thorndykes to reveal that the effects of Chaos Control have created the Time Suspension Phenomenon, which threatens to stop time completely should Earth and Sonic's world merge. As everyone gets ready to say goodbye to Sonic and his friends, Topaz is assigned one last mission with Rouge when G.U.N. General Card Passer attempts to attack Eggman himself, taking the President hostage to ensure the Commander-in-Chief could not call off the attack. While Eggman easily fends off Passer's attack with the Grand Egg Imperial, a fusion of the Egg Fort, Egg Fort II, and Egg Carrier, Topaz and Rouge, with help from Knuckles, rescues the President, and Passer and those loyal to him are apprehended. At the location of the portal for Project Homebound, as all of Sonic's friends head back through and home, including Eggman and his lackeys, Rouge present Topaz with a farewell gift of a brooch for her to remember Rouge by. Topaz puts the gift in her pocket on her leg, before tears begin to well up in her eyes. As Rouge steps through the portal and returns home, Topaz breaks down in sobbing, being comforted by Mister Tanaka, only to gasp in shock when Chris suddenly shuts the portal down before Sonic can step through, and before anyone can ask him why, he grabs Sonic and disappears into the woods. Topaz and Mister Tanaka go looking for him together, but soon return to tell Ella and the Thorndykes that they had no luck finding Chris or Sonic. Topaz fears they will have to contact the police and her superiors at G.U.N. to expand the search area to find them as they are running out of time to get Sonic home before the Time Suspension Phenomenon occurs, which the Thorndykes agree with.

That's her last appearance in the anime as she does not appear during the Metarex Saga as Sonic, Chris, Eggman, and the others deal with Dark Oak and his forces.


            SonicXLogo Heroes

Sonic's World
Sonic and Friends
Amy Rose | Cheese | Cream the Rabbit | Knuckles the Echidna | Miles "Tails" Prower | Rouge the Bat | Sonic the Hedgehog | Vanilla the Rabbit
Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile
Eggman Empire
Bokkun | Decoe and Bocoe | Dr. Eggman
Other Characters
Big the Cat | Tikal the Echidna

Human World
Main Characters
Christopher Thorndyke | Shadow the Hedgehog
Other Characters
Chuck Thorndyke | Danny | Ella | Frances | Helen | Maria Robotnik | Mr. Stewart | Sam Speed | Scarlet Garcia | Seamus MacGuffin | Topaz

Metarex Saga
Cosmo | Earthia | Galaxina | Molly

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
