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Heroes Wiki

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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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They don't have to like each other. They just have to work together.
~ Trapper regarding Godzilla and Kong.

Travis "Trapper" Beasley is one of the two deuteragonists of (alongside Ilene Andrews) of the 2024 MonsterVerse film Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. He is a veterinarian who works for the scientific organization Monarch.

He is portrayed by Dan Stevens, who also played Beast in the live-action Beauty and the Beast remake and Sir Lancelot in Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb.


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  • The novelization of Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire reveals Trapper's name to be Travis Beasley.


           MonsterVerse Logo Heroes

Godzilla | King Kong | Mothra
Dagon | Behemoth | Methuselah | Na Kika | Shimo | Suko | Great Apes
Rodan | Queen MUTO
Creatures of Skull Island
Dog | Hawk

Ishiro Serizawa | Vivienne Graham | James Conrad | Mason Weaver | William Randa | Houston Brooks | San Lin | Mark Russell | Emma Russell | Sam Coleman | Ilene Chen | Ling Chen | Rick Stanton | Nathan Lind | Ilene Andrews | Trapper Beasley | Guillerman | Aaron Brooks | Eiji Serizawa | Lee Shaw | Tim | Duvall | Dr. Barnes | Keiko Randa | Hiroshi Randa | Natalia Verdugo | Mikael | Hampton
Diane Foster | Jackson Barnes | Lauren Griffin | Anthony Martinez

Sky Devils
Jack Chapman | Earl Cole | Reg Slivko | Glenn Mills | Joe Reles

Ford Brody | Elle Brody | Joseph Brody | Sandra Brody | William Stenz | Victor Nieves | Steve Woodward | Hank Marlow | Madison Russell | Jia | Josh Valentine | Bernie Hayes | Admiral Wilcox | Audrey Burns | Charlie | Mike | Annie | Cap | Irene | Sam | Hiro | Boomer | Wells | Island Girl | Cate Randa | Kentaro Randa | May Olowe-Hewitt | General Puckett | Du-Ho | Iwi Queen | David Martin

           King-kong-1933-movie-logo Heroes

King Kong (1933) - King Kong | Ann Darrow | Jack Driscoll | Carl Denham | Captain Englehorn
Son of Kong - King Kong | Little Kong | Carl Denham |Captain Englehorn
King Kong vs. Godzilla - King Kong | Godzilla
King Kong Escapes - King Kong | Susan Watson | Carl Nelson | Jiro Nomura
King Kong (1976) - King Kong | Jack Prescott | Dwan
King Kong Lives - King Kong | Lady Kong | Hank Mitchell | Dr. Amy Franklin | Baby Kong
The Mighty Kong - King Kong | Ann Darrow | Jack Driscoll | Carl Denham | Captain Englehorn
King Kong (2005) - King Kong | Ann Darrow | Jack Driscoll | Carl Denham | Captain Englehorn
Kong: Skull Island - King Kong | James Conrad | Mason Weaver | San Lin | Hank Marlow | Houston Brooks | William Randa
Godzilla vs. Kong - Godzilla | King Kong | Mark Russell | Madison Russell | Jia | Ilene Andrews | Nathan Lind | Bernie Hayes | Josh Valentine
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire - Godzilla | King Kong | Jia | Ilene Andrews | Trapper | Bernie Hayes | Suko | Mothra | Shimo | Great Ape Clan | Iwi Queen

TV Shows
The King Kong Show - King Kong | Professor Bond | Susan Bond | Bobby Bond | Captain Englehorn
Kong: The Animated Series - King Kong | Jason Jenkins | Lua | Eric "Tann" Tanenbaum | Dr. Lorna Jenkins
Kong: King of the Apes - King Kong | Lucas Remy | Doug "Jonesy" Jones | Amy Quon | Danny Quon | Anita | Franciska | Chatter | Dr. Leo Remy | Lucky Liger | Lady Liger | Decker | Zippi | Apex | Mummo
Skull Island - King Kong | Charlie | Mike | Annie | Cap | Irene | Sam | Island Girl | Dog | Hawk
