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Travis is a character in Bob the Builder. He is a turquoise tractor who belongs to Farmer Pickles.

He is voiced by Rob Rackstraw in the UK and Alan Marriott in the Original Series and Project: Build It and David Menkin in Ready, Steady, Build! in the US.


Travis is caring and helpful to others. He can sometimes act insecure when he thinks he can't plow the field without Farmer Pickles' supervision in the episode, Travis Gets Lucky. He acts like that he's almost Spud's caretaker as he deeply cares about him.


  • His voice became a lot less stuffy-sounding in Ready, Steady, Build!.
  • Travis' UK voice sounds similar to Toby's Season 19 UK voice.
  • Although he dances with Spud, Pilchard and Bird in the original intro, he doesn't do that in the Project Build It intro but instead he was seen hiding behind some flowers and then he watches Spud leave along with Scrambler.


           Bob the Builder Logo Heroes

Bob (2015) | Wendy (2015) | Farmer Percy Pickles (2015) | Mr. Bernard Bentley (2015) | Leo |

Scoop (2015) | Muck (2015) | Dizzy (2015) | Roley (2015) | Lofty (2015) | Travis | Benny | Scrambler | Scratch | Rubble | Two-Tonne | Tiny | Stretch | Ace | Thud | Crunch |

Pilchard (2015) | Bird |

Spud |
