Tree is a supporting character in the Warriors series.
Earth was a former member of the Sisters, who was obligated to leave at six moons old due to being a tom. There, he met his father Root , who helped him master his connection with the eart and taught him survival skills. Earth eventually renamed himself Tree and soon joined SkyClan as a ‘mediator’ after wandering as a nomadic loner. He is the father of Rootspring and Needleclaw.
Tree’s Roots[]
Earth is a four-moon old kit and his sisters are Sunrise and Ice. He is practicing how to connect with the land alongside fellow tom Stream. Later that night, a storm hits and Stream and Haze go missing. Soon, Earth finds Stream being killed by lightning. The Sisters mourn for Stream and Haze, who had drowned in the storm. Earth questions his mother why they won't sing for Stream, but Moonlight insists that since Stream was a tom, he was always destined to return to the land and singing for him is unnecessary. During the ceremony, Stream, Haze, and several other spirits arrive, but Earth cannot see them.
When Earth reaches six moons old, he is sent away despite not fully honing his needed skills yet. When he tries to protest with his mother Moonlight, she dismisses him and sends him away. Earth becomes bitter towards his mother from then on.
Soon, Earth is nearly chased down by dogs, but a stranger saves him. The stranger introduces himself as Root, and offers to shelter him for the night. Later that night, Earth attempts to communicate with Stream, but to no avail and angrily vows to never forgive the Sisters for abandoning him. Root shares that he briefly spent time with the Sisters and mated with one of them, and both toms realize they are father and son. Root also despises Sisters, and agrees to stay with Earth for a few moons to properly teach him. With Root's suggestion, Earth renames himself Tree to free himself from his past with the Sisters and Moonlight.
Root soon dies after sacrificing himself for his son from a fox. Some time later, Tree meets SkyClan warrior Pebbleshine, who tells him about Clan life. He refuses to join, however, not wishing to form attachments and bear the loss of loved ones again. That night, Root's ghost warns Tree about a fox attacking them, and he and Pebbleshine successfully chase it away. Pebbleshine leaves to find SkyClan (after it had been chased out by Darktail), and Root speaks to Tree one final time. He encourages Tree to not be afraid to care for another cat and that he'll always be with him, and Tree looks forward to the future.
A Vision of Shadows[]
Tree continues to wander around as a loner, but is still close to SkyClan, even befriending Needlepaw.
After the Clan medicine cats have a vision about a six-toed cat coming to save them, Tree is found by SkyClan who has six toes on one foot and a unique ability to speak to cats who are stuck between life and death as ghosts. The leaders and medicine cats gather together to see Tree's ability, and they are shocked when their lost loved ones appear. The ghosts are able to explain what happened to them at the paws of Darktail and make peace with their loved ones, and eventually transcend to StarClan.
Due to Tree's incredible abilities, he is accepted into SkyClan by Leafstar. However, he is lazy and unskilled, and he finds that the warrior life is not suitable for him. Tree is then encouraged to be a medicine cat apprentice under Frecklewish, but it is obvious that he is not cut out to be a medicine cat either. Due to the fact that he is good at solving problems within the Clan, Leafstar names Tree as the first Clan mediator. At his attempts to resolve the ShadowClan-SkyClan conflict are fruitless, Tree grows frustrated by the leaders refusing to listen to his advice. When Leafstar decides to lead her Clan back to the gorge, Tree tries to dissuade her by revealing Echosong was present. When SkyClan leaves, Tree decides to remain behind. Urged by Twigbranch, Tree sets out to bring Violetshine and SkyClan back to the lake. He shows Hawkwing, Twigbranch, and Violetshine Pebbleshine, who reveals Violetshine is expecting his kits.
Squirrelflight’s Hope[]
He and Violetshine now have Rootkit and Needlekit. While on a rescue patrol to save Leafstar and Squirrelflight, Tree briefly reunites with his mother, Moonlight, who abandoned him as a kit per the Sisters' custom, and is hostile towards her. He begrudgingly agrees to help convince the Sisters to leave their camp, but fails to convince his stubborn mother. He spots Squirrelflight's ghost before she returns to StarClan.
The Broken Code[]
His kits are made apprentices, but Rootpaw can’t help but feel embarrassed over his father’s weird abilities, and is often bullied by his fellow apprentices because of it. However, Rootpaw soon discovers that he can speak to ghosts as well, but tries to hide out of fear of being bullied even more. Meanwhile in ThunderClan, Bramblestar loses a life but soon revives, acting suspiciously harsher, especially towards ‘codebreakers’ than normal.
Tree grows concerned by his harsh words and suggests to his family they should leave, but they disagree. Tree comforts his son when Rootpaw admits he can see Bramblestar's ghost and is sharply critical of the impostor's attempts to punish the codebreakers. Tree is exiled for three days for speaking out against Bramblestar, and he and Rootpaw travel to ShadowClan to reveal the truth about Bramblestar. He later travels to the Moonpool, and remains there when Rootspring is kidnapped into the Moonpool. Afterwards, Tree goes to the Sisters for help, and realizes that his son may be lost in the Dark Forest after he doesn't exit alongside Squirrelflight and Bramblestar.
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ThunderClan RiverClan ShadowClan WindClan SkyClan Outside of Clans |