Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

Trevor Spacey is one of the main characters found in both Metal Slug 4 and Metal Slug Defense. As a Korean computer hardware technician, Trevor has received his first computer from his parents and completely understood the binary numbers and computer languages when he was a child. During his summer break from school, he usually worked on making anti-virus software for his home work over vacations. The programs are still using at his school to oppose growing threats from the entire network. His ability is to understand the programming language to make himself enabled and assigned to the scout regiment of the Regular Army, especially the Peregrine Falcons Squad due to his respect to Marco Rossi as his Sergeant rank. However, there are rumors about him that after the combat against Amadeus Syndicate, he's retired to his work for the Regular Army as a security programmer.




           Metal Slug Logo Heroes

Regular Army
Peregrine Falcons Squad
Marco Rossi | Tarma Roving | Trevor Spacey | Gimlet | Walter Ryan | Tyra Elson | Roberto Nicola | Rita Lewinsky | Rocky | Jephet

Eri Kasamoto | Fio Germi | Nadia Cassel | Red Eye | Nathalie Neo | Midori Schumann | Gisee | Avvio | Charlotte

Ikari Warriors
Ralf Jones | Clark Still | Leona Heidern | Anna Wiese | K' | Kula Diamond

Heidern | Claudia


Drill Instructors
Sophia Greenville | Margaret Southwood | Riviera von Wittenberg | Maryell von Wittenberg | Cynthia Hartnett | Anne | Arabian Advisor

Hyakutaro Ichimonji | Rumi Aikawa | Madoka Aikawa | Utan | Issenman Tarou | Eris | Navel | Selina

Metal Device Project
Perche | Ami | Ulala | Molly | Maggie | Quaith | Menzel | Karen

Blackfire Defense
Eiserner | Joe | Lilith

Other Affiliates
Tequila | Alisa Stewart | Mello | Amber | Nikita | Reika Bradford | Louise | Ashley | Growl | Victoria | Kanae | Howell | Elizabeth Mariani | Nayutaro Ichimonji | Undo | Merris | Amir | Hachoo | Kyo Kusanagi | Eva Glenn | Haran | Lyla | Scarlett | Gru Kang | Saya | Kukik | Ame | Dong Huanlong | Ilum | Freyja | Eske | Aurora | Martina | Shadow

Vehicles and Weaponry
SV-001 | MS-Alice | MS-Heart | Phi

Red Goblin Society
Red Goblin | Jin | Licht | Elena

Vatn | Scotia Amundsen | Maki | Ichima

World Military Corp.
Kelly | Maya | Mirror Mantis

Yuki Tsuki Hana
Kagura | Keisetsu | Tsukikage | Ouka

El Dorado

Crossover Allies
Terry Bogard | Mai Shiranui | Athena Asamiya

Arena of Valor

Honor of Kings
Alessio | Lady Sun | Marco Polo
