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Trevor Troublemeyer is the main deuteragonist of the animated TV series, Sidekick. He is Eric Needles' best friend and partner-in-shenanigans and can always rope him into all sorts of hijinks.

He was voiced by Christian Potenza.


Trevor is Eric's best friend. While he isn't the brightest at the Sidekick Academy, he is very easygoing thrill-seeker who loves making trouble and causing mischief (usually bringing Eric along for the ride). Unlike his friends, he aspires to become a villain's henchman rather than a superhero's sidekick.


Trevor may be an utter jerk, but he can be surprisingly loyal to his friends: on his better days, he's perfectly happy to help his best friend Eric when he needs it, even when Trevor himself doesn't benefit in any way. He also likes being evil and is shown to not be very intelligent.


  • According to Todd Kauffman, he is 13 years old.
  • In the episode "Four's a Crowd", he claims to never noticed a laboratory in his house before. This is contradicting because in the episode "Maxum Mom", he asked his dad if he could borrow the lawnmower to get some snacks while he was in the lab.
  • Trevor's personality is very similar to Myron from Wayside.