Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

All right Yugi!
~ Tristan Taylor
They're not there, Mai. They're at a pier on the other side of the city! I got it straight from those creeps!
~ Tristan Taylor as he reveals where his friends are.

Tristan Taylor (known as Hiroto Honda in Japan) is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Téa Gardner) of the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise. He is one of Yugi's close friends and the oldest friend of Joey Wheeler. Despite his looks, he has shown to be the weakest duelist out of the bunch.

He was voiced by Sam Riegel and later, currently voiced by Greg Abbey in the English Version, both of them voiced Donatello and Raphael in the 2003 incarnation of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Yusei Fudo in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS. He was voiced by Ryōtarō Okiayu, Hidehiro Kikuchi and Takayuki Kondō in the Japanese version.


Tristan, along with his friend Joey Wheeler were originally schoolyard bullies of Yugi Muto. Like Jonouchi, Tristan was one of the more trouble-making delinquents at his school. At first, Tristan was willing to help put the more soft-spoken students like Yugi in their place, however, Tristan and Jonouchi both objected to the lengths Yugi was persecuted by others and soon found themselves standing up for him to prevent things from going too far. Once Yugi demonstrated his skills in the Duel Monsters card game, the two became outright impressed with Yugi and quickly decided to start hanging out with him to pick-up what seemed like a fun game to them. Before long, Tristan was regular to Solomon Muto's hobby shack and spending their free time with the boy they once ridiculed as best friends.

Tristan may be the least skilled duelist of Yugi's immediate group of friends, but he is physically the strongest and more than willing to throw-caution-to-the-wind and solve a problem with his muscles if he sees and opportunity. Tristan finds himself not only developing into Yugi's guardian but also Téa Gardner's, Bakura Ryou's and Mokuba Kaiba's as well. Though Tristan is more or less out-classed by those around him when it comes to playing Duel Monsters, his time to shine tends to come when real-world harm tends to come after him or his friends.


While similar to Jonouchi as his school's resident troublemaker, Tristan was much more emphasized as having had to deal with street violence, social gangs and cliques looking to cause trouble. As a result of his background with gangs and punks, Tristan is initially much more cynical than even Jonouchi. Tristan is also far more suspicious of any given situation than his friends. He is never willing to trust Seto Kaiba even if he down-plays his feelings. Tristan is the only one who has been able to pick Yami Bakura out over that of Bakura before the spirit's reveal of the situation.

Skills and Talents[]

Tristan's main talents are physical, he is well versed in hand-to-hand techniques and knows minor martial arts techniques, though he casually disregards the specific styles for them. He can punch hard enough to fracture bones and used to double-team with Joey/Jonuchi. Though he and Joey's psychical skills are close, what Tristan overshadows even Joey on is his endurance - Tristan can fight, run and take punishment much longer than any of his friends. He has carried Joey, Yugi, Téa and Bakura out of danger on several different occasions and never showed any sign of fatigue no matter how far he needed to carry them. Unfortunately for Tristan he rarely finds himself in situations that can be solved with fighting, hanging around Yugi, as Duel Monsters' skills are often needed, and Tristan is utterly flummoxed by the game. Tristan knows the basic concepts but can't memorize any of the cards or foresee any of the strategies. Tristan is sensitive to even slight signs of aggression and usually good and spotting ambushes before they happen, or preparing for sleeper enemies in crowds, he also recognizes the body language of all his friends and picks Yami-Bakura and Yami-Yugi's presences as being different from that of his friends.


           Yu-Gi-Oh logo Heroes

Yugi Muto | Yami Yugi | Joey Wheeler | Tristan Taylor | Téa Gardner | Seto Kaiba | Maximillion Pegasus | Mokuba Kaiba | Bakura Ryou | Marik Ishtar | Ishizu Ishtar | Odion Ishtar | Duke Devlin | Serenity Wheeler | Mai Valentine | Rebecca Hawkins | Mahad | Solomon Muto | Aknadin | Isis | Karim | Mako Tsunami | Seto | Shada | Shadi
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Jaden Yuki | Syrus Truesdale | Alexis Rhodes | Chazz Princeton | Bastion Misawa | Zane Truesdale | Atticus Rhodes | Tyranno Hassleberry | Chumley Huffington | Jim Crocodile Cook | Jesse Anderson | Axel Brodie | Blair Flannigan | Sarina | Sartorius | Jassmine | Mindy | Doctor Collector | Vellian Crowler | Lyman Banner | Kagemaru | Yubel | Taina | Chancellor Sheppard | Jean-Louis Bonaparte | Kaibaman | Adrian Gecko | Aster Phoenix
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Yusei Fudo | Jack Atlas | Akiza Izinski | Crow Hogan | Leo & Luna | Carly Carmine | Mina Simington | Tetsu Trudge | Kalin Kessler | Sherry LeBlanc | Bashford | Blitz Boylston | Bob | Bolt Tanner | Blister | Chancellor | Maria Bartlet | Nervin | Patty | Rally Dawson | Sly | Tank | Zora
Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal
Yuma Tsukumo | Astral | Tori Meadows | Reginald Kastle | Rio Kastle | Bronk Stone | Caswell Francis | Cathy Katherine | Anna Kaboom | Kite Tenjo | Kari Tsukumo | Kazuma Tsukumo | Nistro | Dextra | Flip Turner | Hart Tenjo | Haru Tsukumo | Trey | Quattro | Quinton
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
Yuya Sakaki | Rin | Celina | Zuzu Boyle | Declan Akaba | Riley Akaba | Ray Akaba | Gong Strong | Shay Obsidian | Lulu Obsidian | Allen Kozuki | Saya Sasayama | Aura Sentia | Sylvio Sawatari | Tate | Yuto | Yugo | The Resistance | Allie | Frederick | Shinji Weber | Skip Boyle | Moon Shadow | Sun Shadow | Sora Perse | Yusho Sakaki | Yoko Sakaki | Jack Atlas | Crow Hogan | Kite Tenjo | Alexis Rhodes | Aster Phoenix
Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Yusaku Fujiki | Cal Kolter | Ryoken Kogami | Theodore Hamilton | George Gore | Skye Zaizen | Emma Bessho | Kenneth Drayden | Jin Kolter | Akira Zaizen | Ai | Aqua | Flame | Earth
Yuga Ohdo | Romin Kassidy | Luke Kallister | Gavin Sogetsu | Roa Kassidy | Tiger Kallister | Mimi Imimi | Rino Nanahoshi | Rayne Nanahoshi | Kaizo | Saburamen | Nail Saionji | Seatbastian | Asana Mutsuba | Galian Townsend | Schubel Quill | Caterpillio Elephantis | Yosh Imimi | Briscoe | Sushiko Maki
Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!
Yudias Velgear | Yuhi Ohdo | Yuamu Ohdo |
Kuriboh | Winged Kuriboh | Ojama Brothers | Dark Magician | Dark Magician Girl | Blue-Eyes White Dragon | Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon | Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon | Red-Eyes B. Dragon | Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon | B. Skull Dragon | Thousand Dragon | Dragon Master Knight | Slifer the Sky Dragon | Obelisk the Tormentor | The Winged Dragon of Ra | Honest | Timaeus | Critias | Hermos | Stardust Dragon | Black Rose Dragon | Ancient Fairy Dragon | Crimson Dragon | Holactie the Creator of Light
