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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Hero Overview

Tsireya is a major character in the 2022 film Avatar; The Way of Water. She is a thirteen-year-old Tsakarem belonging to the Metkayina clan. She is the daughter of Ronal and Tonowari, the leaders of the clan, and the younger sister of Aonung.

Upon the arrival of Jake Sully and his family in the Metkayina clan, Reya's father entrusted her with the responsibility of training the Sully children. Reya, known for her calm and welcoming demeanor, gladly accepted the task. She taught them The Way of Water and the art of free-diving. Reya developed a strong friendship with the family and formed a close bond with Lo'ak. In their time of need, she provided assistance to the Sully family when they faced danger from the RDA.


Teaching the Sully children, Tsireya's first encounter with Lo'ak, and her journey with the clan

Upon the Sully family's arrival at the Awa'atlu village seeking refuge, Tsireya emerged from the water, catching Lo'ak's attention. Witnessing her brother Ao'nung and his friend Rotxo teasing Lo'ak and Neteyam for their tails, Tsireya scolded them. When her father granted the family uturu and assigned her and Ao'nung to train the Sully children, Tsireya gladly led them to their new home and assisted with their belongings.

Alongside her brother and Rotxo, Tsireya taught the Sully children how to free dive. Despite initial ridicule from her brother and his friend, Tsireya displayed empathy, reminding them that the Sullys were still learning. She imparted essential skills such as riding the ilu and practicing deep breaths before a dive. Tsireya also provided private lessons to Lo'ak, teaching him the art of breathing underwater and the philosophical connection between the Metkayina and the ocean. Proudly, she challenged him to fish for a shell in deep waters, and he succeeded.

During a conversation among the group, Tsireya overheard Lo'ak recounting his encounter with Payakan, the tulkun who saved his life at Three Brothers Rock. Recognizing the name, Tsireya knew that Lo'ak was referring to a tulkun exiled as a murderer, a belief Lo'ak adamantly rejected. Tsireya, along with Rotxo, later took Neteyam, Kiri, and Tuk to the sacred Cove of the Ancestors, where she invited them to bond with the Spirit Tree. However, when Kiri experienced a seizure upon seeing her birth mother, Tsireya and the others promptly rescued her. Tsireya carried medicine to aid Kiri's recovery alongside her mother.

The Way of WaterTsireya's conversation with Lo'ak

Expressing her pride in Lo'ak for bonding with a tulkun, Tsireya engaged in a conversation about Payakan's past, witnessed through Tsaheylu. While Lo'ak argued that Payakan was not a murderer, Tsireya emphasized that the Tulkun Way considered him responsible for the deaths resulting from his actions. Tsireya proposed attempting to convince Tonowari, but Lo'ak believed their fathers would not understand. Frustrated and feeling rejected by the clan, Lo'ak found solace in Tsireya's compassionate response, "I see you," and her affirmation that he had become one of the reef people by bonding with the tulkun.

Skirmish at the Three BrothersTsireya's grief and difficult choices

Upon learning of the deaths of Ro'a and her calf at the hands of the RDA, Tsireya mourned their loss and grew concerned for her own spirit sister's safety. While the clan sought revenge against the Sky People, Tsireya aligned herself with Jake's suggestion to warn their tulkuns and avoid further bloodshed. However, she followed Lo'ak to Three Brothers Rocks to inform Payakan of the tulkun assassins, despite the risk.

Lo'ak, Tuktirey, and Tsireya as hostagesCaptivity and rescue

Tsireya, along with Lo'ak and Tuk, aided in freeing Payakan from the tracking device used by tulkun hunters. Unfortunately, they were spotted by the RDA, leading to their capture by a Mako sub. Transported aboard the RDA carrier, Tsireya found herself handcuffed to the SeaDragon's railing. As their parents and warriors arrived to save them, Quaritch threatened the children's lives, prompting Jake's surrender.

Fortunately, Payakan's attack on the ship allowed Tsireya, Lo'ak, and Tuk to be saved by Neteyam. Tragically, Neteyam was shot while fleeing, and Tuktirey was recaptured while attempting to save Kiri. Quaritch threw Tsireya into the water, and she, Lo'ak, and Spider brought Neteyam to a rocky island, where Jake and Neytiri eventually joined them. Heartbroken by Neteyam's death, Tsireya grieved for her fallen friend.

Lo'ak comforts TsireyaEmotional support in difficult times

Lo'ak and Tsireya remained behind as Jake and Neytiri set out to save Tuk and Kiri. Despite Lo'ak's disobedience, Tsireya understood his desire to help and comforted him upon their return. Tsireya later attended Neteyam's funeral, finding solace in Aonung's support as he comforted her.


Tsireya's kindness, empathy, and dedication

Tsireya embodies grace, strength, and a deep affinity for the ocean. She displays unwavering kindness, warmth, and the ability to see the best in others. Notably, she defends the Sully children from mockery, scolding her brother and his friend for their behavior. As a skilled teacher, she exhibits patience and understanding, recognizing the unique challenges faced by the Sullys and guiding them with care.

Unlike many clan members, Tsireya embraces change and demonstrates a flexible mindset. While her mother adheres staunchly to tradition and disapproves of the new family, Tsireya seeks to understand and empathize with different perspectives. She supports individuals who are unjustly judged, as seen in her friendship with Lo'ak and his bond with Payakan.


Tsireya's prowess in swimming and teaching

Tsireya is known for her exceptional swimming skills, being described as the "young Neytiri of the oceans." Her agility and strength in the water are remarkable. She is not only a skilled underwater dancer for ceremonial occasions but also adept at everyday activities. Tsireya has mastered various Metkayina skills, such as diving, breathing techniques, meditation, ilu riding, and underwater sign language, which she skillfully imparts to others.




While not extensively explored, Tsireya's relationship with her father remains respectful but demanding. He scolds her for allowing Lo'ak to bond with Payakan, expressing disappointment but ultimately caring for her well-being.


The nature of Tsireya's relationship with her mother is not well-known, but their mutual care for each other is evident.


Tsireya shares a close bond with her brother, often seen together. He accompanies her during the children's free-diving sessions and provides comfort to Tsireya at Neteyam's funeral.


Loak comforts Reya

Tsireya forms a strong connection with Lo'ak as his assigned trainer. Recognizing his anger and frustrations, she develops a deep understanding of him. Their relationship is characterized by trust, benevolence, and a potential for romance.


Tsireya demonstrates kindness toward Kiri from the beginning, fostering a positive rapport with her. She willingly assists her adoptive siblings and offers her support whenever needed.


While the extent of their friendship is unclear, Rotxo is Aonung's best friend and occasionally seen with Tsireya. Both attend Neteyam's funeral and are seen shedding tears.


Tsireya assumes the role of Tuktirey's teacher, displaying warmth, patience, and a sisterly approach. She encourages Tuktirey to overcome fear and guides her in caring for the ilu. Tsireya shares Tuktirey's enthusiasm for the underwater world, despite it being a natural environment for her.


Though not extensively shown, Tsireya and Neteyam likely formed a strong friendship during the Sullys' stay with the clan. Neteyam's death deeply affects Tsireya, and she mourns his loss more profoundly than others outside her family.


  • Bailey Bass confirmed Tsireya's age as thirteen, placing her younger than Neteyam, Aonung, Lo'ak, and Kiri. Contrary to appearances, Tsireya's forehead does not feature two hair braids; instead, they are intricately woven seagrass.
  • During her initial emergence from the water, a keen observer may notice a translucent membrane in her eyes that opens up. This remarkable feature is referred to as the nictitating membrane or "third eyelid," which has evolved among her clan members to enhance underwater vision.

External Links[]


           JamesCameron'sAvatarLogo Heroes

Jake Sully | Grace Augustine | Norm Spellman | Max Patel | Trudy Chacón | Miles "Spider" Socorro

Omatikaya Clan
Neytiri | Eytukan | Mo'at | Tsu'tey
Metkayina Clan
Tonowari | Ronal | Tsireya | Aonung | Rotxo
Neteyam | Lo'ak | Tuktirey | Kiri

Creatures of Pandora
