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Hero Overview

There are two things you need to know.
~ Tsumugu's commonly used catchphrase

Tsumugu Kinagase (黄長瀬 紬 Kinagase Tsumugu?) is a major character in the anime and manga series Kill la Kill. He is a member of Nudist Beach. He aims to purge the world of Life Fibers, after an incident involving his sister losing her life.

He is voiced by Katsuyuki Konish in Japanese and by Kaiji Tang in English.


Tsumugu is a tall, muscular man, possibly in his early or late twenties. He keeps his hair short and black with the exception of his bright red mohawk. He has thick eyebrows, two earrings in his left ear and a bandage on his nose. In later scenes, he is shown with his eye blue.


Tsumugu has a keen hatred for Life Fiber uniforms, especially Kamui, as he believes that they are merely relying on their wearers as a food source and will eventually kill their wearer. He opposes Satsuki's uniform-dominated world just as much as most people, but takes a gruff, no-nonsense approach to his work which sometimes has him clash with other heroic characters.


In the past, Tsumugu used to work under Isshin Matoi as a scientist in the research of Life Fibers, together with his older sister, Kinue, who was very close to him. When Kinue, believing that people and clothing can form a bond together, decided to become a willing test subject for the wearing of an unspecified Kamui, the test failed tragically as Kinue was overwhelmed by the Kamui and devoured right in front of Tsumugu's eyes. This incident sparked in him an intense hatred for Life Fibers and Kamui and his initial belief that clothing and people can never truly care for one another, resulting in him becoming a hunter for Nudist Beach.


Tsumugu is shown to be very tough, as he is able to hold his own against the Goku Uniform-clad club leaders without wearing any ability-enhancing clothing himself. He fights with equipment capable of disabling anything composed of Life Fibers.

Tsumugu is very skilled at setting traps, disabling his Life-Fiber-using opponents, and stealth tactics, being capable of incapacitating Ryūko while in "Kamui" mode Senketsu through his tactical aptitude.


I owe you a debt. I'll do anything you ask. Except when it comes to a Kamui.
~ Tsumugu making clear his restrictions to Aikurō Mikisugi.
You're telling me that she's trying to make the Earth wear clothes?
~ When Satsuki explains Ragyō's plan to the others.
Kid, you've got some serious issues!
~ Tsumugu to Mako Mankanshoku.


  • Personality wise, Tsumugu is similar to Kittan Bachika from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
  • According to Creative Director, Shigeto Koyama, Tsumugu's outfit was directly inspired by Marvel's Agent Venom.
  • Tsumugu was originally going to have a pink Mohawk.

External Links[]



Kill la Kill logo Heroes

Ryūko Matoi | Senketsu

Mankanshoku Family
Mako Mankanshoku | Barazō Mankanshoku | Sukuyo Mankanshoku | Matarō Mankanshoku | Guts

Student Council
Satsuki Kiryūin | Ira Gamagōri | Uzu Sanageyama | Nonon Jakuzure | Hōka Inumuta | Shirō Iori

Nudist Beach
Sōichirō Kiryūin | Aikurō Mikisugi | Tsumugu Kinagase
