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Heroes Wiki

Turaga are the elderly, biomechanical beings that appear in the BIONICLE series. In truth, they are once Toa as they are willingly sacrificed their powers to fulfill their destiny, thus transforming them into Turaga in the process. Unlike the Matoran, the Turaga could access the power of the Kanohi, but only those of the Noble Masks. They also have the limited Elemental Powers.


Prior of the main storyline, there was a Turaga who was known as Dume were once Toa before his ascension of becoming a Turaga.

List of Known Turaga[]

  • Vakama- Formerly a Ta-Matoran mask maker who became Toa Metru before his transformation into Turaga, now currently living in Metru Nui.
  • Nokama- Formerly a Ga-Matoran teacher in Ga-Metru, who later tranformed into Toa Metru before her transformation into Turaga, now currently living in Metru Nui.
  • Matau- Formerly a Le-Matoran test driver in Le-Metru who later transformed into a Toa Metru before his transformation into Turaga, now currently living in Metru Nui.
  • Onewa- Formerly a Po-Matoran carver in Po-Metru who later transformed into a Toa Metru before his transformation into Turaga, now currently living in Metru Nui.
  • Whenua- Formerly a archivist in Onu-Metru who later transformed into a Toa Metru before his transformation into Turaga, now currently living in Metru Nui.
  • Nuju- Formerly a Ko-Matoran scholar in Ko-Metru who later transformed into a Toa Metru before his transformation into Turaga, now currently living in Metru Nui.
  • Dume- Once known as the Toa of Fire before becoming the Turaga in charge of Metru Nui, now ruling Metru Nui alongside the other six Turaga.
  • Lhikan- Once a leader of the Toa Mangai before being captured by the Dark Hunters, not before passing his power towards the Toa Metru. (deceased; resurrected on the Red Star)



           BionicleTitle Heroes

Toa Mata
Tahu | Gali | Lewa | Pohatu | Onua | Kopaka | Takanuva | Toa Ignika

Toa Metru
Vakama | Nokama | Matau | Onewa | Whenua | Nuju

Toa Inika
Jaller | Hahli | Kongu | Nuparu | Hewkii | Matoro

Vakama | Nokama | Matau | Onewa | Whenua | Nuju | Dume | Lhikan

Jaller | Hahli | Kongu | Nuparu | Hewkii | Matoro | Kapura | Macku | Hafu | Onepu | Taipu | Kopeke | Nuhrii | Vhisola | Orkahm | Tehutii | Ehrye | Sarda | Idris | Defilak

Order of Mata Nui
Mata Nui | Helryx | Axonn | Brutaka | Hydraxon | Johmak | Krakua | Mazeka | Tobduk | Trinuma | Botar | Ancient | Maxilos | Spinax | Umbra

Toa Hagah
Norik | Bomonga | Gaaki | Iruini | Pouks | Kualas

Voya Nui Resistance Team
Garan | Balta | Dalu | Piruk | Kazi

Ussal (Pewku) | Gukko (Ka) | Graalok | Krahka | Tahtorak | Keetongu | Toa Terrain Crawler | Klakk

Great Beings | Artakha | Makuta Teridax

Bionicle G2
Tahu | Gali | Lewa | Pohatu | Onua | Kopaka | Ekimu
