“ | I am ThunderClan. I'm so sorry. I need to go back to them. I wish I felt like a SkyClan cat. I belong with ThunderClan. | „ |
~ Twigpaw announcing she's leaving SkyClan to return to ThunderClan |
Twigbranch is a major character in the Warriors series, serving as one of the main protagonists of the sixth arc A Vision of Shadows. Orphaned as newborns, Twigkit and her sister Violetkit are discovered by Alderpaw and Needlepaw, being brought back to the Clans at the lake. The two sisters are separated, with Twigkit going to live in ThunderClan while Violetkit goes to ShadowClan, though the two try to stay in touch as often as possible. Eventually Twigpaw finds the lost fifth Clan SkyClan, and discovers that she's the long lost daughter of their deputy Hawkwing and his deceased mate Pebbleshine. She then moves to SkyClan and tries bonding with her father, but later moves back to ThunderClan, realizing she belongs there.
Twigbranch is a slender she-cat with fluffy, glossy gray fur and green eyes. After the events of Thunder and Shadow, the tip of one of her ears is sliced. She's noted to have the same color pelt as her father and same eyes as her mother.
Pebbleshine's Kits[]
A pregnant Pebbleshine is kidnapped by twolegs and separated from her Clanmates, and soon after goes into labor. She wishes that SkyClan's medicine cats Fidgetflake and Frecklewish were there to help her as she shelters in a tunnel underneath a nearby thunderpath. A yellow tom from StarClan named Micah then appears to guide her through her kitting, and she gives birth to two she-kits. She wishes that Hawkwing was with them, but tells her newborn children that their father already loves them.
When leaving to go hunt, Pebbleshine notices a badger near the tunnel's entrance. One of her kit's mewling alerts the badger, and Pebbleshine fight it before attempting to lure it to the thunderpath to be run over. This plan backfires though, as Pebbleshine herself is run over on the thunderpath and dies. She worries for her now orphaned litter's safety, to which Micah shows her a vision of two apprentices, assuring her that they'll find and take care of her kits, who will be raised in the Clans of the lake and one day meet their father. Pebbleshine continues to watch over her daughters as a ghost as Alderpaw and Needlepaw find them, promising that she'll always be watching over them both.
A Vision of Shadows[]
The Apprentice's Quest[]
After getting swept down a waterfall and separated from the group, Alderpaw and Needlepaw enter a tunnel under a thunderpath where they hear soft cries. Alderpaw pads forward where he sees two tiny she-kits in a nest, and Needlepaw shakes her head in disbelief when she sees them as well, wondering where their mother could be. She points out that the kittens aren't more than a few days old as they haven't even opened their eyes yet, and Alderpaw takes a closer look to see how thin they both are. He tells Needlepaw to forget about finding the mother and to go catch something quickly, and when she brings back a vole the two start chewing up pieces of it and feeding it to the kittens. The gray kit coughs it up, and Needlepaw says that the need milk, but Alderpaw retorts that unless she has some, the vole will have to do for now.
After getting the two kits to eat, Alderpaw and Needlepaw curl around them to keep them warm. The gray she-kit swipes at Alderpaw's nose, and he remarks that her claws are sharp before licking the kitten to warm her. Soon both kits fall asleep, and the two apprentices say they were lucky to have found them when they did, as they wouldn't have lasted much longer on their own. Needlepaw wonders what happened to their mother, and Alderpaw speculates that she was hit on the thunderpath. He then suggests they bring the kits back with them to the Clans, and Needlepaw agrees, adding that they should be given names. Alderpaw names the gray kitten Twigkit because of how small she is, while Needlepaw names the black-and-white one Violetkit because she smells like violets. They then pick up the kits and carry them out of the tunnel, with Needlepaw thanking her friend for leading her in there and wondering if the kits they'd found relate to the prophecy of finding something in the shadows.
The two apprentices begin the journey back to the lake, making a make-shift den to rest in for the night after getting the kits to eat some chewed-up mice. Alderpaw comments that they're almost home as he sets Twigkit down, after which Needlepaw sets her sister down next to her and the two say their goodbyes. The ginger tom then asks her to put Violetkit on his back while he carries Twigkit, but Needlepaw retorts that she's not leaving the "shadow kits", since she helped find them, and no one ever said they would be taken to ThunderClan. Alderpaw argues that if it hadn't been for his vision of SkyClan and what his grandmother told him, they never would have found the kits in the first place. The two's argument escalates until the kitten's mewling interrupts them. Needlepaw then suggests taking one of them to ThunderClan and the other to ShadowClan, and Alderpaw protests this, saying they can't split them up if they only have each other like with him and his sister Sparkpaw.
Suddenly, the yowling of a cat nearby gets the two's attention, and they instinctively step in front of the kits protectively. Alderpaw then sees that it's a ThunderClan patrol of Birchfall, Molewhisker, Poppyfrost and Berrynose and goes over to meet with them. After talking for a few moments, he leads the patrol to where Needlepaw and the kits are. Poppyfrost exclaims that they're adorable, while Berrynose sniffs them in suspicion and asks where they were found. Alderpaw says that he'll explain everything later, but for now the kittens are unwell and need to be taken to ThunderClan's medicine den. When Needlepaw starts to protest about them being brought to ThunderClan, Birchfall reminds her that Alderpaw is a medicine cat apprentice, and he can help take care of them. Needlepaw then informs them that she helped find them, adding that they might be wat StarClan wanted them to "find in the shadows." Birchfall asks Alderpaw if he believes this, and he replies that it could be true, but he isn't certain. When Birchfall says that they'll be cared for in ThunderClan, Needlepaw interrupts that ShadowClan could also take care of them. Birchfall tells her to let him finish, and continues that what to do with the kits will be decided at the next Gathering a few days away, but that getting them well again is the most important issue. Needlepaw then relents and agrees with this plan before heading back to ShadowClan.
In ThunderClan, Twigkit and Violetkit are being nursed by Lilyheart alongside her own litter. The two watch the older kits rolling around and play-fighting in the nursery, and Lilyheart tells them they'll learn to fight like that when they're apprentices. Twigkit asks what an apprentice is, and Lilyheart tells her that once a kit reaches six moons old, they'll start learning how to be a warrior. Alderpaw then comments that Lilyheart must have her paws full before touching noses with the two she-kits and asking them how they're doing. Violetkit answers that they're both fine, and the ginger tom notes that they're plumper and have glossier fur than when they were first found, and their eyes have now opened, being wide and bright. Twigkit then leans up against Lilyheart and says that it's nice to be with their mother, and Lilyheart's daughter Leafkit tells her that she isn't their mother, and that they came to ThunderClan from someplace far away. The two look at each other, hurt, but Lilyheart assures them that she loves them like her own children. They start to purr, and Lilyheart tells Alderpaw that she'd be happy to have the two in her family, and that her litter likes them both as well.
Later, Jayfeather brings his apprentice into the leader's den to talk to Bramblestar, Squirrelflight and Leafpool about Twigkit and Violetkit. He explains everything he knows about the two, after which Bramblestar asks Jayfeather if he thinks the prophecy is about the two of them, though the blind blue-gray tom says he isn't sure, as they could have just been normal kits abandoned by their mother. Leafpool then mentions how Sandstorm had told him there was still time to complete his quest before she died, and the following clues leading to the kits, saying that they could be related to the prophecy in some way. Bramblestar then says they shouldn't give up either of the kits, but Jayfeather remarks that ShadowClan is unlikely to let Needlepaw's involvement in finding them go, to which the leader replies that they'll find out at the Gathering.
Twigkit and Violetkit attend the next Gathering, nervous at the idea of meeting so many new cats, and Sparkpaw tells them about the other Clans on the way to the island. At the Gathering, Bramblestar argues with ShadowClan's leader Rowanstar about the two she-kit's significance and which Clan should raise them. RiverClan's leader Mistystar suggests having both take one each, and reluctantly Bramblestar agrees. Onestar then shouts that RiverClan and WindClan should get to raise the kits as well, but his outburst is met with silence and Mistystar announces the end of the Gathering. Bramblestar and Rowanstar then go to where Alderpaw and Sparkpaw are sitting with the two kittens, the former telling the latter to choose one despite his son's protests. Violetkit is chosen and Rowanstar picks her up, promising to give her a good life in her new home. Twigkit screeches and flings herself at the ShadowClan leader, clawing at him in a vain attempt to make him let go of her sister.
Twigkit then collapses and starts sobbing as the ShadowClan cats leave, with Alderpaw lost in his thoughts imagining what she and Violetkit are going through and how much it would hurt to be separated from Sparkpaw like that. His sister then nudges him and tells him that Twigkit needs him. He licks the gray kitten's ears and tries comforting her by telling her that when they're older, she and Violetkit will be able to see each other again at future Gatherings. Twigkit whimpers that it won't be the same, and she wants to be with her littermate now, asking what she'll do without Lilyheart. Sparkpaw assures her that her sister will be cared for by a nice ShadowClan cat, and both apprentices try to comfort her, but their efforts are fruitless. Sparkpaw then sees everyone else leaving and says they should get going too, and as he stares at Violetkit being carried away on Needlepaw's back, he silently promises Twigkit that he'll do everything he can to make her happy, and that if nothing else came from his failed quest to find SkyClan, he can at least make sure she has a good life.
Thunder and Shadow[]
Jayfeather complains about Twigkit being in the medicine den while she plays with a leaf, and Alderpaw defends her by saying she's just a kitten. The older tom asks why she can't just play with Lilyheart's kits, but Leafpool points out that they're too old and might not want to play with her. Alderpaw then suggests she play with Briarlight instead, adding that the exercise would be good for her, and the gray kitten is delighted to. While playing with the dark brown she-cat, Graystripe enters the medicine den to get herbs for his mate Millie, mentioning that Rowanstar is talking to Bramblestar. Upon hearing this, Jayfeather panics at Rowanstar being there and tells Twigkit to stay inside.
When Alderpaw is about to go visit ShadowClan, Twigkit asks if she can come to check up on Violetkit. He considers it for a moment before thinking of how Jayfeather would react and saying no. She's upset for a moment, before running in to the nursery and coming back out with a bright red feather. She says that Violetkit likes feathers and had a few in her old nest, asking the ginger tom to give the red feather to her as a gift. He licks the top of her head and promises to do so as he takes the feather. When he returns, she's excited to hear that he gave Violetkit the feather and she loved the gift. Alderpaw and Needlepaw sneak Twigkit and Violetkit out to see each other a bit later, and the two are overjoyed to be together again and play for a little while. When it's time to go home, Violetkit is upset but her sister reassures her that they'll meet again sometime soon.
After bringing Briarlight a mouse, Twigkit asks Honeykit if she can go exploring with her and her littermates. Honeykit declines, so she gets herself some prey and goes to eat with Briarlight. Later, while going to the medicine den, she overhears Molewhisker and Rosepetal conversing about whether or not she's the cat prophesized to "clear the sky." The two warriors doubt it, saying she's just another ordinary mouth to fill, making Twigkit anxious that she'll be kicked out of ThunderClan if she isn't special and determined to prove her worth. She enters the medicine den to hear Jayfeather mention he'll need to gather more watermint as he gives some to Whitewing, giving her the idea to prove herself by getting some for him.
She sneaks out to the lake to collect watermint, but while doing so falls into the water. There, she sees the spirit of a cat she doesn't recognize (later revealed to be Puddleshine) urging her to swim. Sparkpaw rescues her and brings her to the medicine den where Jayfeather scolds her, and afterwards Alderpaw gives her comfort. He later takes Twigkit to meet with her sister again, but the two are caught by a ShadowClan patrol who inform them that Needlepaw was caught sneaking out with Violetkit earlier. While heading home, Twigkit confides in Alderpaw her worries that she and Violetkit aren't special, telling him that he's special and she wants to be a nice medicine cat like him and Leafpool. He tells her that she's too young to be deciding what to do with her future just yet, and when she retorts that she wants to be important, he assures her that he's sure she will be.
Upon reaching six moons old, Twigkit becomes a warrior apprentice and is renamed Twigpaw, with Ivypool as her mentor. While out practicing hunting techniques, Ivypool praises her student for how fast she's learning and says Lilyheart would be proud. She adds that her birth mother would be proud too, mentioning that Squirrelflight once led a search party to look for her. Twigpaw is shocked, not having known of this until now, and goes to ask Alderpaw about it. He reveals that the search party was for something else however, as Bramblestar just assumed that her birth mother was dead. This angers her, and believing her mother could still be out there somewhere. She goes to seek out Violetkit, who has now joined a large group of rogues and ex-ShadowClan cats known as The Kin, changing her name to Violetpaw. Twigpaw tells her sister everything, but to her surprise Violetpaw doesn't seem to care, admitting she'd always just assumed their mother was dead anyways. She then tries getting her littermate to help her look for their mom, but the black-and-white she-cat declines, saying she belongs with Needletail in The Kin.
Violetpaw flees The Kin and rejoins ShadowClan sometime later, and while on patrol sees Twigpaw and Dovewing at the border. She tries talking to her sister, but Twigpaw just looks at her paws in silence. Twigpaw begins growing distant with Alderpaw, holding a grudge against him for lying to her, but their relationship is mended when he, Ivypool and Fernsong offer to help her look for her mom. When they get to the thunderpath she and her sister were found under as newborns, she sees a white cat on the thunderpath and tries saving them from an oncoming monster. When the monster goes over them though, the cat disappears and she realizes it was all in her head, coming to terms with the fact her mother is dead.
After getting back home, she goes to ShadowClan to break the news to Violetpaw, and is discovered by ShadowClan warriors. They hold her hostage until one of the Clans can give them the herbs they need to treat the outbreak of yellowcough in their camp. While in ShadowClan, Twigpaw bonds with her sister and helps the medicine cat Puddleshine with the sickness. Soon a ThunderClan patrol arrives to retrieve her, and Violetpaw is upset to see her go, wanting more time to spend together. After The Kin takes over ShadowClan, Violetpaw rejoins them, and when Twigpaw and Ivypool go to check on her, she's distant with her sibling. Needletail then orders the two to leave, slicing the tip of Twigpaw's ear as Violetpaw urges them to run before they get hurt.
Shattered Sky[]
Twigpaw confides in her mentor about her worries concerning an upcoming battle with The Kin, and Ivypool assures her that she'll be fine. She then encounters Violetpaw during the battle, and the two sisters stare at each other for a moment before Needletail and Rain command Violetpaw to attack. Reluctantly she does, and this breaks Twigpaw's heart. Lionblaze then chases the black-and-white she-cat off, and the Clans are forced to retreat when WindClan's sudden withdrawal leaves them outnumbered.
Later, after Alderheart gets another vision about SkyClan, Twigpaw is upset when Bramblestar refuses to let Tigerheart and Dovewing look for them, with Ivypool and Lilyheart telling her it's for the best. She decides to go look for SkyClan herself, sneaking out of camp one night. While wandering in the woods, she's chased by dogs and gets hit by a monster, but is rescued by twolegs and taken to the vet. After escaping the twolegs, she eventually finds a now empty barn that SkyClan had recently sheltered in, and upon falling asleep there a gray cat with blue eyes tell her to follow the "blood trail" in the sky until she could see the entire sun. She does so, following the red sky of the sunset until she comes across a large group of cats she discovers is SkyClan.
Excited, she tells them who she is and where she's from, but is horrified when she learns that they were driven out of their home in a far away gorge by the same rogues that now make up The Kin. She then tells SkyClan that she and her sister were seemingly abandoned by their mother, but after she went on a patrol to search for her, she realized that she's actually dead. SkyClan's deputy Hawkwing comes forward and tearfully tells her that if her mother Pebbleshine was still alive, she never would have abandoned her or Violetpaw, and he knows because he was her mate and their father. Meanwhile, the cats of ThunderClan assume that Twigpaw is dead and hold a vigil for her. Alderheart reminisces on how lively and excitable she was as Sparkpelt leans against him for support, while Bramblestar invites Ivypool to say some words about her apprentice.
Twigpaw begins leading SkyClan to the lake, with Sagenose wondering if she actually knows the way there. Hawkwing, Sparrowpelt and Leafstar all defend her, though. She then goes up a hill and expects to see the thunderpaths she's familiar with, but instead just finds a valley. She begins doubting herself until she scents twolegs, and upon climbing up a ridge she's excited to see the lake. When she gets to ThunderClan camp, Alderheart is surprised and overjoyed to see her ok. She explains where she's been and introduces her father to her Clanmates. She then asks about Violetpaw, and is heartbroken when she's told that her sister might be dead after getting caught trying to sedate The Kin's leader Darktail with poppy seeds.
Later, she and Hawkwing bask in the sun together, with her dad telling her stories about SkyClan. She notices her Clanmates now look at her with a new respect, and Squirrelflight tells her that even though she and her sister weren't what the prophecy told them to embrace, their connection to SkyClan was. Afterwards, she sees Violetpaw emerge from the thorn barrier and is ecstatic to see her alive. The two sisters apologize to each other for how they've grown apart, and Violetpaw tells her sister that Needletail was killed by Darktail after he found out she helped with the poppy seed plan, to which Twigpaw comforts her over her friend's death. Twigpaw then takes her to meet their dad Hawkwing, who suggests that they come live with him in SkyClan after The Kin was dealt with. Alderheart interrupts and tells him that they have their own Clans now, and as Twigpaw goes to get something for her sister to eat Hawkwing asks if ThunderClan or her family was more important to her, but she doesn't know how to respond.
Twigpaw, Violetpaw and each of the Clans' deputies are sent to ask Onestar to join another battle against The Kin. When they arrive in WindClan however, they hear a battle going on, and the deputies rush in to help with the two apprentices following close behind. After the fight, they share a rabbit with Hawkwing as Onestar explains why he ordered WindClan to retreat in the earlier battle. They, along with the rest of the cats present, are shocked to learn that Darktail is Onestar's son who he had with a kittypet and later abandoned, and his retreat was out of fear that he'd be sent to the Dark Forest for killing his own child.
Later, when asking Hawkwing about SkyClan, he tells her about their signature battle tactic of climbing up trees and springing down onto their foes. With this, Alderheart realizes that what StarClan meant by the Clans needing to defeat The Kin by "remembering their names" was for each to use their own unique qualities: ThunderClan's raw strength, RiverClan's ability to swim, ShadowClan's stealth, WindClan's speed and SkyClan's strategy of ambushing opponents form the trees. All five Clans then unite to face The Kin one last time, heading for their base in ShadowClan's former territory.
Before the battle begins, Hawkwing asks Twigpaw if she wants to join him in the trees, she agrees. She jumps out however when she sees her sister fighting a rogue nearly twice her size, the two working together to fight them off. Eventually The Kin begins fleeing, leaving only Darktail left. Twigpaw watches with the rest of SkyClan as Onestar fights his son and both end up drowning in the lake. After the battle is won, Twigpaw says goodbye to her sister as they both go back to their respective Clans. Hawkwing tells his daughters that there will always be a place for them in SkyClan, leaving them both confused and unsure whether or not they should move there.
Darkest Night[]
Twigpaw goes hunting with her mentor, and despite Ivypool's urging to hurry up nearly scaring it away, she manages to catch a mouse. Once getting back to camp, she hurries to join a patrol while scanning the clearing. After adding her mouse to the fresh-kill pile, she listens to Lionblaze and Sparkpelt conversing about the rogues leaving the lake. While patrolling, her peers then start discussing ThunderClan's overcrowding problem with SkyClan, ShadowClan and parts of RiverClan all sheltering in their camp. During the conversation, Cherryfall makes a disapproving comment about SkyClan while glancing at Twigpaw, who shrinks back and wonders if the older she-cat is blaming her.
A few days later, Twigpaw passes her assessment and is subdued when her Clanmates congratulate her. When SkyClan is about to leave for the new territory Rowanstar had given them, Twigpaw abruptly announces that she's joining them to be with Hawkwing and Violetpaw, the latter of which is also joining SkyClan. After her move, Leafstar assigns Sandynose as her new apprentice. While out hunting with her family, she tries leading but is unfamiliar with the territory. Violetpaw takes the lead instead as she is familiar with what was once apart of ShadowClan, with her sister seeming disappointed. She then asks her dad to tell her what her mom was like, and he tells her a story of when they were apprentices before telling his daughter she reminds him so much of her.
On a particularly windy day, Twigpaw goes out to collect sticks with Finpaw and Dewpaw to build dens with. She gets lost in her thoughts until Finpaw makes her snap out of it, after which she ducks under a bush to get some sticks. She suddenly leaps back, saying there's a snake, but Finpaw purrs that she's very jumpy and that it's just a root. Suddenly, the wind causes a branch to snap off and fall onto Finpaw's tail. Twigpaw rushes over to ShadowClan to get Puddleshine, who has to amputate Finpaw's tail to save him. Hawkwing then takes his daughter back to camp, with her being shocked and fretting whether or not her friend is ok. She then goes to lie down in her nest, and as she drifts to sleep hears Leafstar announce a search party to travel back to the gorge to look for their lost Clanmates.
Later, Twigpaw gathers ferns to use for nests while thinking of Finpaw and how melancholy he's been since the incident with the branch. After some convincing by Dewpaw, she goes to talk to Finpaw and successfully lifts his spirits a bit. She then plays with Finpaw while the other Clans' medicine cats talk to Leafstar about a prophecy before breaking off to greet Alderheart, her eyes shining. The two talk for a little bit before Alderheart returns home and she goes back to playing with her friend.
Later, Sandynose takes his student out hunting and tries teaching her how to hunt in the trees, tasking her with catching a nearby bird. She points out a mouse instead, but after a short argument she gives in, climbing up the pine tree the bird is in. While she does though, a branch below her breaks and sends her falling to the ground. She's taken back to camp where Leafpool - who is SkyClan's substitute medicine cat - reports no serios injuries but recommends the apprentice be given a few days to rest. Finpaw goes to check on her, and as they talk the gray she-cat mentions a place she and Violetpaw used to play at that's now apart of SkyClan. Finpaw asks if she could show him where, ignoring that they're both supposed to be resting due to their injuries. They sneak out to the spot, where they overhear Dovewing and Tigerheart meeting.
Later, Leafstar orders Twigpaw and Finpaw to clean out the warrior's den, but they put it off in favor of going hunting. Leafpool catches them though, ordering Finpaw to get back to camp before his father Sandynose finds out he's gone. From there Twigpaw continues hunting alone, running into Ivypool along the way and informing her former mentor that she saw her sister Dovewing meeting with Tigerheart earlier. Upon finding out about this, Sandynose then scolds her for not saying anything sooner. While on a patrol with Sandynose and Sparrowpelt, Twigpaw is praised for getting to know SkyClan's borders so well and is tasked with marking the one near the lake. While doing so, she runs into Finpaw and tells him that his father doesn't want the two hanging out any longer. Finpaw is angry at this and worries that they won't be friends anymore once they're warriors. Twigpaw assures him that he's special to her, and no one will get in the way of their friendship. Finpaw feels better after hearing this and leaves Twigpaw to her duties, after which Sandynose says he's happy she sent him away, causing her to wonder if she'll ever earn the respect she held in ThunderClan.
After a ThunderClan patrol arrive and asks for some herbs after a mudslide destroyed their camp, Leafstar agrees to lend some. Twigpaw volunteers to help, nd when Sandynose tells her she's supposed to be training, Leafstar brushes off his comment and lets her help. As she's about to leave though, Sandynose whispers to her that she can't live with a paw in each Clan and needs to decide which Clanmates she'll fight for. Twigpaw watches him stalk away, feeling guilty as she recognizes truth in his words.
After the search party returns from the gorge, Twigpaw happily welcomes Violetpaw and Hawkwing back. Leafstar then announces the two sisters' warrior ceremonies. This overwhelms Twigpaw, who leaves camp to breathe and worries about her loyalties to ThunderClan. Finpaw finds her and remarks that she doesn't look happy about being made a warrior, and pushing the thoughts of ThunderClan out of her mind, she claims that she is and heads back to camp. The ceremonies begin, and Violetpaw earns the name Violetshine. When Leafstar calls Twigpaw forward however, her pawsteps feel heavy and she knows she can't accept the ceremony. She interrupts and says she can't stay in SkyClan, as she belongs in ThunderClan and needs to go back, apologizing to Leafstar and all her peers. Sandynose backs her up when her Clanmates protest, saying he's seen her struggles and is proud she came to a decision.
The newly-named Violetshine accuses her sister of abandoning her again, asking what's so great about living in ThunderClan and why she'd rather be there than with her. Twigpaw says that she's sorry, but she could never be happy in SkyClan, to which Violetshine hisses that she doesn't care that her sister isn't happy, asking why she herself isn't allowed to be happy. She then realizes what she said, lowering her head as she apologizes. The black-and-white warrior adds that she though everything was finally going as she had dreamed, and Twigpaw comforts her by pressing her muzzle up against hers and saying she'll always love her. Hawkwing then pads up and soothes Violetshine as he says goodbye to Twigpaw. Leafstar then orders her to go back to ThunderClan, and as she leaves Finpaw catches up to her. She apologizes and says she'll miss him, but he looks at her steadily and replies that she doesn't need to, as he's moving to ThunderClan with her. He continues that he doesn't care which Clan he's in as long as he's with her, and Twigpaw, speechless, nods as they head towards ThunderClan.
River of Fire[]
On their way to ThunderClan camp, Twigpaw and Finpaw are confronted by a hostile Sparkpelt, who demands to know why they're there. This hurts Twigpaw, who thought the orange tabby was still her friend. The two are taken to camp where Bramblestar, after a moment of consideration, allows them to stay, but has them do extra apprentice training. Twigpaw is annoyed when her new mentor is Sparkpelt, as Ivypool is too busy looking after her new litter of kittens to resume her training.
While looking for watermint in RiverClan alongside Sparkpelt and Alderheart, she nearly falls into a stream trying to gather it before her mentor saves her. She's then scolded, leaving her miserable. Later, Twigpaw is frustrated when Sparkpelt takes her out for training and tells her things she already learned. When Sparkpelt begrudgingly praises her, she figures that it's because she's upset at having to mentor her, and thinks they'd get along better if she didn't insist on training alongside Finpaw and his mentor Larksong. When most of the Clan falls ill, Twigpaw decides to go hunt for them in an attempt to convince Sparkpelt she's ready for warriorhood. Since apprentices aren't allowed out on their own though, she sneaks out through the dirtplace and runs into Finpaw, who happily joins her. When trying to catch a squirrel, she falls into a stream and climbs out onto WindClan's territory.
After being escorted back to camp, she tells Bramblestar about her problems with Sparkpelt's teachings and her worries about the storm prophecy, fretting that ThunderClan may be in danger with RiverClan closed off and ShadowClan disbanded. The leader tells her that messages from StarClan are a medicine cat's concerns, not a warrior's or apprentice's. She declines the offer to train as a medicine cat, and after Bramblestar tells her to focus on being a good apprentice, she goes to find Sparkpelt to talk to her about her training. However, her mentor has become sick and tells her that she must train with Finpaw and Larksong for the time being. Larksong has his apprentice practicing hunting techniques, but since Twigpaw is much more advanced at them, he sends her back to camp out of concern that Finpaw might try something too advanced with her around. In camp, Twigpaw chats idly with Lilyheart before Finpaw returns with a vole that the two share.
Later, wanting to know more about the prophecy, Twigpaw follows the medicine cats to the Moonpool at the next half moon. After waiting for the medicine cats to finish their meeting and leave, she comes out of hiding and touches her nose to the Moonpool in hopes of contacting StarClan. Nothing happens at first, and feeling foolish she turns to leave before witnessing the water suddenly turn blood red. Thunder echoes throughout the hollow, and in the sky she sees ThunderClan engulfed in flames. The spirit of Yellowfang then appears to the terrified she-cat and growls that she doesn't belong there. Twigpaw flees, wondering what the vision was of and if Yellowfang meant that she didn't belong in ThunderClan. In horror. she wonders if her presence in the Clan will bring about it's destruction, but pushes the though out of her mind, refusing to believe it.
Later, Twigpaw gets the idea to reach out to Violetshine to help her rebuild ShadowClan, believing it's absence will bring the the prophesized storm that will destroy the remaining Clans. She then asks Alderheart if there's been any news about the prophecy, and while helping in the medicine den suggests the talk to the ex-ShadowClan cats about restoring their Clan, but he doesn't think that would work. Afterwards, the gray she-cat sneaks out to ask Violetshine for help, and upon hearing of her plan, a loner named Tree supports her. The three get the idea of talking to ShadowClan's former deputy Tawnypelt to become the new leader, and with Leafstar's permission they visit her in SkyClan. The other ex-ShadowClan cats support the idea as well, but Tawnypelt can't decide and says she'll think about it.
Soon a violent storm begins, but Twigpaw is certain that it isn't the prophesized storm. A bolt of lightning starts a fire in RiverClan and a nearby twolegplace, with Twigpaw being one of the cats sent to help evacuate RiverClan. When she arrives though, she's shocked to see her vison of a burning camp coming to fruition, just not with ThunderClan. After rescuing the trapped Softpaw, she falls into a stream and nearly drowns before Finpaw and a few RiverClan warrior save her. Afterwards, Twigpaw and Finpaw take and pass their final assessments, and during their warrior ceremonies the latter earns the name Finleap. When Bramblestar calls Twigpaw forward for her new name, he reminisces on how she came to the Clan as a tiny kitten but grew into a strong warrior the way a twig grows into a branch, and in reference to this he gives her the name Twigbranch.
The Raging Storm[]
Twigbranch now has an apprentice of her own; a gray tabby she-cat named Flypaw. Training Flypaw proves frustrating though, as the apprentice is easily distracted. Twigbranch starts pushing her out of worry she's not being a good enough mentor, but Finleap tells her not to push her student too hard and to be patient with her. Finleap then brings up having kittens, but Twigbranch quickly changes the subject, not yet ready to take a mate or start a family. While out with Flypaw, Finleap and his apprentice Snappaw, she finds Puddleshine trapped under a silverthorn bush. After a ThunderClan patrol arrives to help free him, Twigbranch and Finleap go to ShadowClan to report what happened and inform them that Puddleshine will be staying in their medicine den until he recovers.
After a difficult training session with Flypaw, she expresses her concerns to Finleap while hunting with him that her student doesn't seem to have her heart in warrior training. The brown and red tom assures her that Flypaw has only just started training and will improve soon before the two of them catch a squirrel in a tree. Twigbranch sees how easily Finleap climbs and wonders if his skills would pass on to their kits should they become mates. She then stops, reminding herself that they're too young to have kits yet.
Once returning to camp, she's shocked to find out Alderheart is going to try giving seedless deathberries to Puddleshine to cure his infection. She thinks about how much he trusts his instincts, and decides she needs to trust her own as well and be tougher on Flypaw. She goes looking for her apprentice, angry when she finds she hadn't finished cleaning the elder's bedding like she was supposed to. She then runs in to Finleap, who says he wants to go visit his sick sister Reedclaw in SkyClan. Twigbranch replies that he's a ThunderClan cat now, and SkyClan's medicine cat Frecklewish will be taking care of Reedclaw. Finleap responds that he only joined ThunderClan to be with her, adding that he thought they'd be mates and have kits by now. He says that he thought that was what they both wanted, but guesses she needs more time to decide. The gray she-cat feels guilty as he walks away and considers telling him she is sure, but instead stands in place.
Later, Twigbranch lectures Flypaw for failing to catch birds, upsetting the apprentice. Upon returning home, she overhears Ivypool and Daisy talking about how Puddleshine has been taken back to ShadowClan with Alderheart treating him there, worrying what will happen if his treatment fails. After playing wit Ivypool's kits for a bit, she goes to lay down in her nest. She's concerned when she doesn't find Finleap there, but figures he'll be back soon and drifts to sleep. When se wakes though, he's still absent. She later goes out with Flypaw where she's relived to see a ThunderClan patrol escorts him to camp alongside some SkyClan warriors. Hawkwing reveals that Finleap was caught in their camp, to which he explains that he was visiting Reedclaw. Bramblestar scolds him for this and tasks him with cleaning out the elder's den for the next moon, making Twigbranch help due to her not saying anything about his absence earlier. The two then talk about the incident, with Finleap saying that being around his old Clanmates made him miss being with cats he knew all his life, as Twigbranch is the only one in ThunderClan he feels truly close to. He continues that he feels he doesn't belong in ThunderClan, but might if he had kin of his own with him, bringing up having kits to her again. Twigbranch replies that she still isn't ready, and Finleap asks her to think it over, saying he's not sure he'll ever feel at home in ThunderClan without kits of his own.
At th next Gathering, Twigbranch worries that rising tensions with ShadowClan will make SkyClan leave the lake. After gaining little support from the other Clans, Leafstar decides that SkyClan should return to the gorge. As SkyClan leaves the island, Twigbranch rushes up to Violetshine and Hawkwing, with the former suggesting she go with them. but she says no. She then says farewell to her sister and father, before asking Finleap if he's going, too. He replies that he loves her, but if they don't have kits, then he should go with his kin. She snaps at him that having kits is a choice they make together, not just him, and that he's supposed to love her for who she is. She adds that if he doesn't want to wait until she's ready, then he's not the cat she thought he was.
After SkyClan departs, Twigbranch finds that Tree had stayed behind while out hunting with Flypaw. Tree comments on how it's been raining since SkyClan left, connecting it to the vision the medicine cats received earlier of five saplings getting blown away in a storm. She decides to lead a patrol to find SkyClan and bring them back. While taking shelter on the search for SkyClan, Finleap gets jealous of Tree for sharing prey with Twigbranch, thinking the yellow tom is trying to impress her. Twigbranch and Finleap then get into an argument, and as the gray warrior turns to leave, a loner named Spider tells the two that he saw SkyClan passing through recently. Upon telling the rest of the patrol what they've heard, Tree informs them that they can't stay the night, as he spoke to a spirit that told him SkyClan was in danger. He adds that the spirit had the same green eyes ad Twigbranch, and she realizes he spoke to Pebbleshine.
The group soon finds SkyClan and rescues them from the flood caused by the heavy rain. Twigbranch reunites with her family, and on the way back Finleap apologizes for his behavior, agreeing to wait until the both of them are ready to have kits. Later, Tree summons Pebbleshine's spirit to see Hawkwing, Twigbranch and Violetshine. Pebbleshine tells her daughters that she's been watching over them as a ghost since they were newborns, and that she couldn't leave to join StarClan while the two only had each other. She tells Twigbranch that she'll be a great warrior and reveals to Violetshine that she's pregnant before leaving to join StarClan. Later, at the next Gathering, Alderheart sees Twigbranch, Violetshine and Hawkwing all sitting together, noting how happy they are and how the gray she-cat he'd found as a kitten now looks every bit as much of a warrior as Squirrelflight.
Squirrelflight's Hope[]
While visiting SkyClan, Squirrelflight tells Tree that Twigbranch is very excited to see his and Violetshine's new kittens, Rootkit and Needlekit, but Bramblestar won't allow her to visit. Later, when a badly injured member of The Sisters named Sunrise is brought to ThunderClan camp, Twigbranch and Finleap agree to help her by gathering ferns to make a nest for her.
When leading a hunting party consisting of Squirrelflight, Finleap and Ivypool on ThunderClan's side of the moorlands, she sees Breezepelt trespassing and reports it to Bramblestar. She later helps Thornclaw escort Mistystar and Tigerstar into camp. Worried about the sickness plaguing her Clan, Squirrelflight takes Twigbranch, Leafpool, Finleap and Ivypool to ask The Sisters for help. They learn that dandelion roots can cure the illness, and Leafpool sends Twigbranch and Finleap to gather some.
After Larksong dies of his illness, Twigbranch speaks of him during his vigil, saying he was lucky to have a mother like Lilyheart and she'll miss him like a brother. Some time later, she's impressed with Leafpool's skill when out hunting with her, Squirrelflight, Honeyfur and Finleap. Later still, Bramblestar chooses her to join a battle patrol to drive The Sisters out of the lake. She stares in shock during the fight, and Squirrelflight stops her from perusing The Sisters when they begin to flee. She then yowls that the rest of the warriors have trapped The Sisters' leader Moonlight and her kits, attempting to free them.
The Broken Code[]
Lost Stars[]
When a mysterious voice tells the ShadowClan medicine cat apprentice Shadowpaw about codebreakers in the Clans, they list Twigbranch as one of them due to her briefly moving to SkyClan. Later, Twigbranch asks Bristlefrost if she wants to go hunting together, but Bristlefrost is too sad about Stemleaf's rejection. She comes up with an excuse to not go, and when Twigbranch points out that it's a weak excuse, Bristlefrost resignedly agrees.
When Bramblestar is afflicted with an unknown ailment, Shadowpaw says the only way to cure him is to bury him in snow, but this plan fails and the leader dies. Bramblestar isn't revived, leading his Clan to think he's died permanently, so Twigbranch, Bristlefrost, Thornclaw and Rosepetal bring him back to camp for his vigil. She, along with the rest of her Clanmates, is shocked when Bramblestar seems to suddenly revive, but regardless is happy to have him back.
The Silent Thaw[]
Twigbranch and Violetshine hang out during the Gathering, and when "Bramblestar" lists off the names of the codebreakers he claims StarClan wants to be punished, the black-and-white she-cat is concerned for Twigbranch upon her name being called. "Bramblestar" then orders for Twigbranch, Jayfeather and Lionblaze to be punished first, with the gray she-cat staring on with eyes wide in fear. After their punishments, the three are made to swear an oath of loyalty to ThunderClan.
Later, Twigbranch and Finleap attend a secret meeting of cats from all Clans who are suspicious of "Bramblestar's" recent behavior. When Tree reveals that the real Bramblestar has been possessed by an imposter, she believes his statement. Upon Bristlefrost - the imposter's spy - finding the meeting, Twigbranch orders her peers to run. After the group is convinced Bristlefrost can be trusted though, the younger she-cat reveals that the imposter tried killing Sparkpelt with a pack of dogs. This causes Twigbranch and Finleap to huddle close, wondering if any of them are safe in ThunderClan. Upon Tree's son Rootpaw announcing that he can see and summon ghosts too, the gray she-cat backs up his statement.
After standing up to the imposter, Squirrelflight is promptly banished from the Clan, with Twigbranch, Bristlefrost and Lionblaze being tasked with escorting her out. However, they take her to ShadowClan camp to refuge in. Later still, the new deputy Berrynose catches her and her mate forgetting to thanks StarClan for their prey, and as punishment the faux leader makes the two dig up a thorny bush near the warrior's den. Berrynose scolds them when they grow weary, kicking dirt into the hole they've dug. Twigbranch growls at him, but Finleap stops her from escalating the situation.
Veil of Shadows[]
After Shadowsight disappears, the imposter claims that it's because his mother Dovewing is a codebreaker who left her birth Clan, taking it an excuse to be even harsher on codebreakers. He then brings Twigbranch, Jayfeather and Lionblaze forward, exiling the latter two for being half-Clan. He then brings up Twigbranch leaving ThunderClan for SkyClan in the past, and bringing Finpaw with her when she returned. Twigbranch begs not to be banished, offering to atone for her mistakes. Amused, the false leader accepts and tasks her with catching twenty peices of prey withing the next two weeks, all while being exempt from entering camp.. The green-eyed she-cat is stunned by the amount, but agrees. Finleap then comforts her before Bristlefrost escorts her out. Instead of making her bow to the imposter's demands however, Bristlefrost brings her, Lionblaze and Jayfeather to ShadowClan for shelter. There, they reunite with Squirrelflight who tells them the truth about the imposter, with the gray warrior saying she knew the real Bramblestar could never be so cruel.
The exiled cats all stay in SkyClan's old camp in ShadowClan's territory, where Crowfeather has Twigbranch and Lionblaze repair the abandoned apprentice's den. She wonders if they'll be staying long enough to get apprentices, but Squirrelflight tells her they won't. During the rebel's next meeting, Violetshine greets her sister and is worried when she finds out she's been exiled from ThunderClan. Upon revealing the truth about "Bramblestar", Squirrelflight is supported by Twigbranch. She then tells Bristlefrost that she's returning to amp despite her two week banishment not being over yet. She then enters ThunderClan camp with her head held high, asking to speak with the leader. The imposter comes out of the leader's den and she tells him that she caught all twenty peices of prey as instructed, but needs help carrying it all back.
As Finleap and Thriftear help her carry her fresh-kill, Bristlefrost thinks about how while the refugees helped her, Twigbranch caught most of it herself. "Bramblestar" then asks if she's learned anything, and she replies that she's learned her place in the Clan. The imposter refuses to let her back in though, saying she's still a code breaker. The cats of ThunderClan go into an uproar about this, many defending Twigbranch, but the imposter claims that he's simply protecting them from StarClan's wrath, exiling the gray she-cat. Enraged, Alderheart and Finleap join her in exile. Later, Twigbranch helps in the fight against the imposter, a fight which ends in success when a message from StarClan comfiming Bramblestar's possesing is given to Harestar, and the Clans all turn against rhe imposter. After a fight with Tigerstar, the imposter is taken prisoner and all the banished cats are allowed to return home.
Darkness Within[]
As Lionblaze and Thornclaw argue over who should be ThunderClan's substitute leader, Twigbranch asks the latter if he'd like to be the deputy instead of Lionblaze. Thornclaw claims that he doesn't, but several of his Clanmates doubt this. Twigbranch then hopes that StarClan will end their silence and help them, but Alderheart and Jayfeather say that their ancestors are still silent.
As Squirrelflight scolds Lionblaze for nearly killing Ashfur - who had been the one possessing Bramblestar all along - Twigbranch sides with her that they should hold off killing him, as the spirit of the real Bramblestar could still be around somewhere and wouldn't have a body to go back to if they killed it. When Bristlefrost reports that The Sisters have arrived as Squirrelflight requested, the deputy takes her, Twigbranch, Alderheart and Finleap with her to SkyClan's camp to speak with them. Later, Twigbranch encourages Squirrelflight to talk to the other leaders about Ashfur's escape.
A Starless Clan[]
While on guard duty, Twigbranch agrees with Thornclaw that somethig isn't right when two RiverClan warriors named Havenpelt and Minnowtail ask about their deputy Reedwhisker's whereabouts. She then brings up how Mistystar had sised with Ashfur before she knew the truth about Bramblestar, which starts an arguement. Later, When Bramblestar inquires about the low amount of prey she brought back from hunting, Twigbranch begins to panic and promises to do better next time, going back out to hunt right after. Seeing this, Flamepaw recalls how the gray she-cat was one of the cats Ashfur had banished and figures that she's still very fearful of Bramblestar as a result.
- Twigbranch's warrior name was originally going to be Twigshade to parallel Violetshine's name, but for unknown reasons this was changed by the editorial team.
- Hawkwing doesn't favor either of his daughters over the other, but just has more of an affinity with Violetshine than with Twigbranch.
- When asked who most embodied chicken, author Kate Cary stated that Twigbranch is the most "chicken-y" cat she'd written for thus far.
- Kate has stated that Twigbranch is probably much better at hunting that fighting, and would only fight as a last resort.
External links[]
Twigbranch on the Warriors Wiki
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