Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."
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Wait a minute. You're… You're saying that you're no longer hiring scarers?
~ Tylor confused when Monsters, Inc. is no longer scaring.
I'm not, I'm embracing it. And you, should embrace you're; A fraud.
~ Tylor Tuskman standing up to Johnny Worthington for his crimes.
Tylor Tuskmon, nicknamed as Double T, and formerly known as The Terrible, is the deuteragonist of Pixar's Monsters, Inc. franchise. He became a jokester after he thought the factory would have scarers, but not anymore, because of the arrest of Henry J. Waternoose III.
Tylor Tuskmon is a monster who graduates from Monsters University to work for Monsters, Inc. as a Scarer. However, he finds himself working in MIFT when he joins the company the day they transition from scream to laugh power.
Season 1[]
Welcome to Monsters, Incorporated[]
He enters his final exam to scare a robot child filling the tank. He impressed Professor Knight even scored then former student Sullivan, Tylor Tuskmon receives a letter of acceptance from Henry J. Waternoose III to be a scarer at Monsters, Incorporated. Tylor arrived Monsters, incorporated; he speaks to Celia Mae that he got a letter from "scarer" also she floors supervisor. His next goes Ms. Flint office just in time monster practice jokester however seeing his idol telling joke was suspire from him he used one of top scares she tries to talk Celia, but she very busies need employee orientation. After seeing the film, he was in shocked realize Monsters, Incorporated no longer scared children instead laugh and happy for children. He now gets a job at MIFT. While there, he bumped into his best friend Val. But Tylor had known her for only a few days while since her freshman Monsters University, but she dropped out college in she not a good scarer. Val give a Tylor ride where group of MIFT work at, he meets Cutter, Duncan and his pet Roto, Banana Bread, and their leader Fritz. He stated runs away workers, at outside sit down thinking he doesn't belong here, but he gives another try bluffs his way onto the Laugh Floor and attempts to make a child laugh. Because of his lack of experience, his attempt backfires and results in a major accident. He apologizes to Mike and Sulley, but Sulley know it's only his first day did not fire him if want to being a joker he to learn from how to make children laugh while mike a teacher of jokers.
Meet MIFT[]
He gets dropped off by his mother getting embarrassed by his employer MIFT. Taylor speak his employer but no one here except Duncan and his pet. He seen board saying Mifter pointing the door he opened the door pitch black see door seal away and spotlight get his first work give him a toolbox started with monkey wrench ranch the nut. Everyone's chatting for Tyler, he gives it to tryouts but end up in sewer but it good enough. Next steps cross over Mift for eternal membership he thinks ceremony crazy trying to leave only walk floor moving he started run for it end black out.
After ceremony Tylor now own a desk which break table, they give him a name plate and other stuff while other give one more surprise Duncan scream can use book mannles only a second, but scream can launch Duncan laugh at him mess up he gets angry at him trying to kill him going to comedy class. At comedy class, Mike teaches them while Tylor takes notes but get found by Mifit cooler drink. The alter sounded thirteen code monster trap Mifit arrived laugh floor to rescuer Mike they started working door light Mike free but accidentally stepped cause the floor up now system bottom floor need to fix the backup system but Mike taking away by door. Now up Tylor since his arms strong enough thinking not good idea Mifit chatting again for Tylor ranch the nut he ranches nut and succeeded on reverse bring the door back and rescue Mike. They cheering Tylor saved the day in his celebration banana bread is now promoted to jokester even Taylor is grateful for him now that Banana bread may be weird but he was glad to hang out with them.
The Damaged Room[]
The Big Wazowskis[]
The MIFT teams up Mike Wazowki against his rival Gary in bowling tournament as put him as caption they need stared practice Tylor take them bowling ring. Tylor goes first he land a prefect strike now see the other doing once they turn, he found out and realizes that team will lose this bowling tournament, in fact never enter tournament before they stink. Tournament now begin Tylor know goes to lose but thank played stink they manage it wins by default. He reports Mike about enter tournament is not good idea because MIFT can't play bowling. He in evaluator only be stooped by Duncan only want to help him followed the sign to help him exchange for a more skilled team. MIFT ready for tournament but only get replaced by another team (which Duncan plan tricks Tylor into misleading MIFT into thinking the match has been canceled) he admits he lied but he didn't hurt their feeling lose game but this hurt even more for MIFT get replaced and friend, but other team took the vote a decide not played now MIFT want to be Tylor as tither caption again. They eventually win the tournament.
The Cover Up[]
Duncan becomes temporarily supervisor abuse on Tylor by on the red-carpet flood making a grand enter making bend down his giving back ride making take message for him making as driver cleaning Duncan pet cage and slaver him for twelve-four hours to break him. Tylor now drained out the scream canister reached his limits Cutter careful someone can knock out the monster even Ducan which idea for Tylor for payback Duncan abuse. Tylor "accident" let it out the scream canine He was get him back, but foolish cause scream canisters launch out even cause Monsters, Incorporated power out.
The Vending Machine[]
When Tylor tres to get a snack from the vending machine called "Vendy," he accidentally breaks it. He and the others Mifter worries when he discovers that one of them may be fired because of the budget cuts. Mike overhears Tylor and Val's conversation about the broken vending machine and he gets them a new one, which they named "Vendy 2." When Duncan accidentally gets stuck after unplugging Vendy 2 to place anew battery, Tylor destroys Vendy 2 to save him. Fritz decides towards the end to retire to avoid the dismissal but business suddenly picks up thanks to Mike's charity using Sulley's money, preventing the dismissal anyway.
Adorable Returns[]
On a very hot day at work, Tylor goes to the Laugh Floor to join his jokester classmates as Mike informs them that whomever gets rated number one will be made an official Jokester. As the power begins to jam the doors, Tylor rushes off to help Val fix the racks so as to allow them to enter. However, in his haste, he gets caught in one of the door frames and carried through the Monsters, Inc. facility. He finds himself in front of the banishment door and falls into the Himalayas. He is found by the Abominable Snowman, who prefers to be called Adorable. Val arrives becomes fond of the Yeti. After Adorable follows them back to Monsters Inc., Tylor and Val discovers that he has been unfairly banished by Waternoose for discovering the Scream Extractor. Tylor brings the banishment door to the Laugh Floor and he, Val, and Adorable brings snow cones to everyone. With Mike and Sully as the CEO, they un-banish him and have him resume work at the company as the official snow cone maker.
Little Monsters[]
After many failed auditions, Tylor is banned to trying out to be a jokester. On Mini Monsters Day, Tylor learns that one of the kids, Tahlia, is Miss Flint's daughter. She is assigned to MIFT with Val as her partner. Figuring out that he can make Tahlia laugh, he convinces Val to switch kids and she reluctantly agrees. Throughout the day, Tylor tries unsuccessful attempts to impress Tahlia with his jokes. He briefly gets along with her when MIFT rescues a baby monster from the door shafts. Though she later tells him that he is not funny. While complaining to Val about Ms. Flint, Thalia overhears and says that she will go tell her mother. While chasing after Thalia, Tylor crashes into a coffee cart and inadvertently ends up making others laugh. He admits to Thalia that he wanted to make her laugh in the hope of becoming a jokester. His honesty earns him her respect.
Bad Hair Day[]
Due to his previous failed auditions, Tylor believes that he will never become a jokester and decides to instead focus on being a perfect MIFT member. The other MIFT members are celebrating the anniversary of former employee David who was sucked into a shredder shaft and killed, aside from a lock of hair that they keep in a jar to honor him. When Tylor accidentally destroys David's hair and has it replaced with Roze's hair, the Mifters soon suspect something is off until Tylor confesses out of guilt. Fortunately, they still had a supply of hair from David.
It's Laughter They're After[]
As Monsters Incorporated risks closure due to lack of sufficient energy, Tylor comes up with an idea of creating bigger canisters. Tylor is summoned to Ms. Flint's office where she tells him that his humor comes from physical comedy and that he does have potential when performing a pratfall with donuts. Mike tells him that he will be a Jokester in training. Tylor is immediately signed with a transfer, but he is starting to have second thoughts as this means that he will not see his friends in MIFT. He and Sulley have a talk outside and learns why they decided to shift from scream power to laugh power and Tylor starts feeling sympathetic towards the decision.
When Tylor goes back to the Laugh Floor, Val volunteers to serve as his assistant due to understaffing. Tylor does his donut pratfall bit and successfully makes the child laugh. It’s finally Mike’s turn, but they’ve run out of scream cannisters and only have a few moments left in the work day. Using Tylor's idea, Mike uses the larger prototype canister to collect more laughs, thus getting the power necessary to stay in business. Mike tells Tylor that he is an official Jokester now and MIFT reveals that they have already prepared his new desk which contains a photo of them. The next day, Tylor, now in high spirits, arrives to his new job as a Jokester, greets Sulley, and learns that Val had also made a transfer to being his assistant after asking Celia. The rest of MIFT come and happily encourage Tylor as he enters the door and makes a child laugh; filling up a full canister.
Season Two[]
A Monstrous Homecoming[]
The C.R.E.E.P. Show[]
Setting the Table[]
Opening Doors[]
It's Coming From Inside the House![]
Field of Screams[]
Monsters in the Dark[]
Lights! Camera! Chaos![]
Descent into Fear[]
Tylor is a very kind and honest individual. Despite having initially worked his way up to being a Scarer, he is very humble and grounded with a wide-eyed enthusiasm. Having followed a path most of his life, he suddenly felt disjointed and out of place upon learning that Monsters, Inc. was changing its policy from scaring to joking. However, he was able to adjust relatively quickly and became set on becoming a Jokester by taking Mike's comedy classes. Though he found it much harder than being a Scarer, which came much more naturally to him, whereas he practically had no talent for comedy, he remained determined and kept making numerous attempts at auditioning despite repeatedly failing until one day, he discovered that falling and leaving objects like doughnuts hanging from his horns yielded a fair bit of laugh power. By the end of the season, he manages to make it as a Jokester on the strength of that skill.
Despite generally being characterized as kind and honest, initially, Tylor was rather uncomfortable with the rest of the MIFT team due to their various eccentricities and frequently acted as a sort of straight man to their antics. He was determined to get away from them as soon as possible by becoming a Jokester as quickly as he could and has even willing to lie to them to if it meant getting them out of his hair to do something to impress Mike. However, over the course of the series, he finds himself feeling bad any time he does this and comes around to do the right thing, even if it means passing up opportunities to prove himself as a Jokester. Eventually, he gets over his prejudice towards them altogether after seeing how genuinely skilled they are in their own ways, how valuable their role is at Monster, Inc., as well as, sans Duncan, how kind they are, to the point that by the time he starts to make it as a Jokester, he's very reluctant to leave them. In particular, he becomes pretty close with Val and Fritz.
He temporarily became a Scarer with FearCo until he feels immense horror and regret for being forced to scare Ben the same way Sully did when he unintentionally scared Boo by accident, with them not liking what they see in themselves and the respective incidents serving as catalysts for them realizing that they don't really want to be Scarers after all.
Tylor is a purple monster with an athletic build, wide shoulders, blue lumps on his back, and short reptilian-like legs. He has blue spots and stripes, long, brown bull-like horns, a dark brown (or black) unibrow, green eyes, and short, aqua (or sometimes sky-blue) hair. He's also one of the taller monsters to appear in the series so far, standing at roughly the same height as Sulley.
Tylor serves as a reflection and contrast to his idols Mike and Sulley in multiple ways:
They both start out dreaming to be scarers in Monster University, since their childhood want be scarers
They both work every hard task of studying being scarers over the years
They both met of Val and Sulley way back to Monster University but Mike and Sulley didn't get along as well until they became friends while Val and Tylor get along very good
They both became teacher's pet of Mike and Tylor became popular students everyone liking Tylor and Sulley
They both befriend a band of misfits who don't seem to have any talent for scaring.
Tylor initially had no talent for being a Jokester but was very naturally gifted as a Scarer, while Mike, conversely, had no talent for scaring despite working so hard at it, but a very natural talent for joking. Likewise, Sully was also a nautral at scaring but had no talent for comedy, and unlike Tylor, didn't attempt to become good at it and instead stepped into a management role when Monsters, Inc. became a laugh-power enterprise.
Both were trapped/banished into the human world after slamming the door a few times, thinking it will still reactivate.
Both are selfless and aren't interested in competing with the main reptile-like rival they have to see who's the top scarer, but rather do their job for Monstropolis. For Tylor it's Joy, and for Sully, it's Randall.
Both Tylor and Sully have a powerful roar that can shake an entire scare simulator it causes earthquakes, though not even Sully's roar couldn't shatter glass and shatter to scare simulator's dummy the way Tylor's could.
Both Tylor and Mike were deeply hurt and reached their lowest emotional points as a result of feeling betrayed by their best friends, in Mike's case, Sulley tampering with his scare simulator setting for the final event of the Scare Games, and for Tylor, Val not supporting him when he was framed for and accused of sabotating Monsters, Inc.
Both he and Sulley were manipulated by a main CEO antagonist who sees their potential, in Sulley's case Waternoose, and in Tylor's case, Johnny Worthington. Each of them also ends up feeling awful and having an epiphany about the concept of scaring after they scare a kid whom they befriended, and they each discover later on that Randall is is in cohorts with the CEO character with regards to their scheme.
He ends up befriending monsters he initially had an antagonistic relationship with, in his case, his fellow MIFTers, after realizing they were nice people and that he was being a bit of a jerk to them, while Mike and Sulley similarly ended up becoming best friends despite having a very antagonistic relationship with each other and both came to realize they had initially treated each other similarly poorly.
Both he and Mike collect scare cards since they were always huge fans of the top scarers.
Both he and Mike started out with dreams of becoming Scarers, but eventually let go of their initial goals when they realized it wasn't really what they wanted, only they came to that conclusion in very different ways; Mike realized it because he found out he just didn't have any talent for it not matter how hard he tried and came to realize his strengths lay elsewhere, whereas Tylor was very good at it even among his professional peers during his brief stint as one for FearCo, but didn't like the effect scaring had on real children, especially one he had previously bonded with, and had an epiphany the same way Sulley did when he accidentally scared Boo in the original movie.
After Tylor and Sulley became friends with Val and Mike respectively, they both chose their friendship with Mike and Val over their dream of being the best scarers or idol-like all-stars.
He and Val ended up becoming the first renowned and successful Jokester team/duo similarly to how Mike and Sulley became the first renowned and successful scaring team/duo, although the dynamic is different since in his and Val's case, they both participate in making kids laugh, whereas Mike acted as Sully's scaring coach with Sully doing all of the hands-on scaring by himself.
Tylor's design resembles one of Sully's early concept arts.