Types of Heroes | |||||||
A-C | D-F | G-I | J-L | M-O | P-S | T-V | W-Z |
An alphabetical listing of heroes by type.
- Magic: A hero who uses magic for the greater good.
- Magical Girls: Heroines who possess magical powers, which they use to fight evil.
- Male: Heroes who are men or boys.
- Martial Artists: Heroes who possess martial arts skills, and utilize these skills against evil.
- Martyr: A Hero who dies for their cause, or suffers many physical injuries.
- Mascots: Heroes who are the Mascot of their company.
- Master of a Villain: A hero whose the villain is initially their student or such, before their pupils turn to the dark path.
- Masterminds: Heroes who are considered a genius among geniuses, meaning they are among the most intelligent beings in existence and are characterized by a personality in which they will plan things to amazing lengths and always have a backup plan.
- Master Orator: A hero who has a large vocabulary and a poetic speech pattern.
- Mentally Ill: Characters that suffers from mental illness or mental disorders that affects their personality and behavior.
- Mechanically Modified: Characters that have been enhanced by technology (i.e. cyborgs or likewise) either to increase their abilities, replacing of a certain lost body part, or to keep themselves alive.
- Mentors: A Hero who teaches other heroes their skills.
- Mercenaries: Characters who take part in an armed conflict who aren't a national or party to the conflict and are motivated to take part in the hostilities by desire for private gain.
- Merciful: A hero who show mercy to other people and sometimes villains.
- Merfolk: A Hero who belongs to the race of Merfolk.
- Military: Heroes who are members of the armed forces.
- Misanthropes: Heroes who hate mankind.
- Mischievous: Heroes who have a sense of humor and enjoy jokes and pranks.
- Misguided: Heroes who do the wrong thing when they should know better.
- Monarchs: A hero who is the ruling member of the royal family.
- Monster Slayers: A hero who fights monsters and other supernatural forces of evil.
- Multi-beings: Heroes who are an amalgamate of more than one entity, wether on a physical or mental level, if not both.
- Mutants: A Hero who is a mutant.
- Mutated: A Hero who mutates over the course of their story.
- Mute: Heroes who never speak, either out of conscious choice or inability.
- Mysterious: A Hero in which very few details about them are ever revealed.
- Mythology: Heroes who come from a culture’s mythology.
- Nameless: Heroes whose real, given names are unknown.
- Nature-Lovers: A Hero known for their love and respect for nature, who normally fights for its protection.
- Nemesis: A hero who has been wronged by a villain.
- Neutral Good: A hero who is guided by their conscience and acting with active concern while disregarding rules and traditions.
- Nihilistic: Heroes who consider things meaningless, such as emotion, fun, and even life.
- Ninjas: A Hero who uses the arts of Ninjutsu for good.
- Non-Action: A Hero who lacks any form of physical or combat skills, and utilizes other methods to face evil.
- Noncorporeal: Ghosts, spirits, and wraiths that can pass through solid matter.
- Nurturers: A Hero who cares for and helps others in need, with emotional or other such problems.
- Obsessed: Heroes who are obsessed with something or someone.
- Officials: A Hero who possess a rank of power and authority, and uses said position for good.
- Omnipotents: Heroes who possess unlimited powers.
- Omniscient: A Hero who knows everything that there is to know.
- On & Off: A Hero who alters between being antagonistic and friendly.
- One-Man Army: Heroes who possess incredible fighting powers or skills, so much that they can take on many opponents without the help of their comrades or allies.
- One-Shot: A hero who only appears once and then disappears, never to be seen again.
- Optimists: Heroes that expect that the favorable outcome will be the result in the actions they commit.
- Organizations: An organization or company that is run by heroic influences. Often the main hero of the story is affiliated with an heroic organization that is present in the same story.
- Orphans: Heroes who lost both parents in their young age.
The Fairy Tail are the utilizers of Magic.
Sailor Moon is the most popular and iconic example of a Magical Girl.
He-Man is an iconic Male hero.
Jin Kazama is a professional Martial Artist.
Iron Man (Marvel Cinematic Universe) was a Martyr, since he was able to use the Infinity Stones to kill Thanos and his army, albeit at the cost of his life.
Pikachu is the popular Mascot hero of the Pokémon franchise.
Master Shifu is a great example of a Master of a Villain, as he raised Tai Lung and taught him kung-fu.
Sherlock Holmes is a Mastermind, though this is balanced in the series by him often facing people who are just as smart, if not smarter, than he is.
Master Fung is a best example of a Master Orator.
Raiden (Metal Gear) is a good example of a Mechanically Modified hero.
Alice Liddell of the American McGee's Alice series, is a Mentally Ill heroine.
Li Shang is a Mentor.
Guts is a brooding Mercenary.
Ralsei is a Merciful hero.
Ariel and her sisters are perfect examples of Merfolk.
Sergeant Joker is a Military hero.
Branch is a great example of a Misanthrope.
Bart Simpson is a great example of a Mischievous hero.
Princess Bubblegum is a Monarch.
Ash Williams is a Monster Slayer.
The Doctor is a Multi-being.
The X-Men are Mutants.
Alex Mercer is a Mutated anti-hero.
Chell from Portal is a Mute heroine.
V (V for Vendetta) is a Mysterious hero.
N's true name is unknown, so he is an example of a Nameless hero.
Viridi is a huge Nature-Lover.
Shulk is the Nemesis of Dickson and Mumkhar.
Sara Valestein is a Neutral Good heroine.
Spike Spiegel is an excellent example of a Nihilistic anti-hero.
Ryu Hayabusa is a good example of a Ninja.
E. Gadd is a Non-Action hero.
Yami Yugi is a Noncorporeal hero.
Lady is a good example of a Nurturer.
Ami Onuki is an Obsessed heroine.
Stannis Baratheon is an Official.
Eucliwood Hellscythe is Omnipotent, though true to heroic omnipotent form, she suppresses her powers to avoid harming those around her.
King of the Moon is Omniscient.
Peter Griffin is a great example of an On & Off hero.
Kratos is the best example of a One-Man Army. In his case, he has shown impressive feats of strength and magic in order to defeat hundreds of foes, deities, and even the mighty Zeus.
Bunny was a One-Shot heroine, having appeared in one episode of The Powerpuff Girls.
Joy (Inside Out) is a perfect example of an Optimist.
The Avengers are an example of an Organization.
Harry Potter is an Orphan; having lost both his parents as an infant to Lord Voldemort.