Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Types of Heroes

An alphabetical listing of heroes by type.


  • Magic: A hero who uses magic for the greater good.
  • Magical Girls: Heroines who possess magical powers, which they use to fight evil.
  • Male: Heroes who are men or boys.
  • Martial Artists: Heroes who possess martial arts skills, and utilize these skills against evil.
  • Martyr: A Hero who dies for their cause, or suffers many physical injuries.
  • Mascots: Heroes who are the Mascot of their company.
  • Master of a Villain: A hero whose the villain is initially their student or such, before their pupils turn to the dark path.
  • Masterminds: Heroes who are considered a genius among geniuses, meaning they are among the most intelligent beings in existence and are characterized by a personality in which they will plan things to amazing lengths and always have a backup plan.
  • Master Orator: A hero who has a large vocabulary and a poetic speech pattern.
  • Mentally Ill: Characters that suffers from mental illness or mental disorders that affects their personality and behavior.
  • Mechanically Modified: Characters that have been enhanced by technology (i.e. cyborgs or likewise) either to increase their abilities, replacing of a certain lost body part, or to keep themselves alive.
  • Mentors: A Hero who teaches other heroes their skills.
  • Mercenaries: Characters who take part in an armed conflict who aren't a national or party to the conflict and are motivated to take part in the hostilities by desire for private gain.
  • Merciful: A hero who show mercy to other people and sometimes villains.
  • Merfolk: A Hero who belongs to the race of Merfolk.
  • Military: Heroes who are members of the armed forces.
  • Misanthropes: Heroes who hate mankind.
  • Mischievous: Heroes who have a sense of humor and enjoy jokes and pranks.
  • Misguided: Heroes who do the wrong thing when they should know better.
  • Monarchs: A hero who is the ruling member of the royal family.
  • Monster Slayers: A hero who fights monsters and other supernatural forces of evil.
  • Multi-beings: Heroes who are an amalgamate of more than one entity, wether on a physical or mental level, if not both.
  • Mutants: A Hero who is a mutant.
  • Mutated: A Hero who mutates over the course of their story.
  • Mute: Heroes who never speak, either out of conscious choice or inability.
  • Mysterious: A Hero in which very few details about them are ever revealed.
  • Mythology: Heroes who come from a culture’s mythology.


  • Nameless: Heroes whose real, given names are unknown.
  • Nature-Lovers: A Hero known for their love and respect for nature, who normally fights for its protection.
  • Nemesis: A hero who has been wronged by a villain.
  • Neutral Good: A hero who is guided by their conscience and acting with active concern while disregarding rules and traditions.
  • Nihilistic: Heroes who consider things meaningless, such as emotion, fun, and even life.
  • Ninjas: A Hero who uses the arts of Ninjutsu for good.
  • Non-Action: A Hero who lacks any form of physical or combat skills, and utilizes other methods to face evil.
  • Noncorporeal: Ghosts, spirits, and wraiths that can pass through solid matter.
  • Nurturers: A Hero who cares for and helps others in need, with emotional or other such problems.


  • Obsessed: Heroes who are obsessed with something or someone.
  • Officials: A Hero who possess a rank of power and authority, and uses said position for good.
  • Omnipotents: Heroes who possess unlimited powers.
  • Omniscient: A Hero who knows everything that there is to know.
  • On & Off: A Hero who alters between being antagonistic and friendly.
  • One-Man Army: Heroes who possess incredible fighting powers or skills, so much that they can take on many opponents without the help of their comrades or allies.
  • One-Shot: A hero who only appears once and then disappears, never to be seen again.
  • Optimists: Heroes that expect that the favorable outcome will be the result in the actions they commit.
  • Organizations: An organization or company that is run by heroic influences. Often the main hero of the story is affiliated with an heroic organization that is present in the same story.
  • Orphans: Heroes who lost both parents in their young age.

