Types of Heroes | |||||||
A-C | D-F | G-I | J-L | M-O | P-S | T-V | W-Z |
An alphabetical listing of heroes by type.
- Pacifists: Heroes who make a conscious choice to avoid using violence to fight evil.
- Paragon: A Hero who is considered the champion of truth, justice and honor.
- Paranoid: A hero who is deeply influenced by anxiety/fear to the point of delusion.
- Paranormal: Heroes not of the natural world, but difficult to class into traditional roles.
- Paranormal Investigators: Heroes who hunt for ghosts, poltergeist activity, etc.
- Parents: Heroes who nurture and take good care of their children and protect them with their lives.
- Parody: Heroes that parody another fictional or real life figure, usually for laughs and not meant to be taken seriously.
- Partners in Justice: A duo or trio of heroes, who work together for good.
- Passionate Learners: A hero who loves to learn in at least one field, either academic or otherwise.
- Patriots: A hero who has a deep love for their mother country.
- Pawn of the Villain: A hero who is manipulated by the villain.
- Pessimists: Heroes who anticipate undesirable outcomes, or "the worse".
- Philanthropists: Rich heroes, who generously donate large amounts of their money to worthwhile causes.
- Pirates: Heroes who engage in piracy, although anti-heroic they stop themselves crossing the line and becoming evil.
- Poor: Heroes who live in poverty and live in a low economic level.
- Possessed Objects: Heroes who are living objects or souls possessing objects.
- Possessed/Brainwashed: Heroes who are brainwashed or controlled by the villain.
- Possessors: Heroes who have the supernatural ability to possess other beings.
- Posthumous: Heroes, even after death, still have a significant impact on the characters.
- Power Hungry: A hero who has the desire to rule, often their ambition will be their fatal flaw.
- Pragmatists: Heroes who follow and guided more by practical considerations than by traditional morals, values, ideals, or taboos. They are generally willing to cheat, lie, steal, in generally play dirty.
- Predators: Heroes who are creatures that must hunt for food.
- Predecessors: Heroes who got replaced by another hero.
- Presumed Deceased: A hero who appears to have died but it is not confirmed.
- Priests: Heroes who are priests in any religion in whatever media they're in.
- Princess Warriors: Princess heroes who are NOT damsels, and are capable of standing up for themselves while helping other people.
- Protectors: Heroes who work to defend people from various threats.
- Protectors of Innocence: A hero who protects the innocence, hope and goodness of another.
- Provokers: A hero whose actions (unintentionally or otherwise) created the villain.
- Psychics: Heroes with psychic powers such as telepathy, telekinesis, or psychokinesis.
- Pure Good: Heroes, lesser known as Complete Angels, are the best type of all heroes: heroes who are above petty and selfish behaviors, will always do the right thing and are motivated solely by their conscience. Beings of pure good complete angels that lack the slightest of corrupting influence; but if the hero is somewhat to incredibly admirable, they can still be classified as that in their type of hero section.
- Reality Warpers: A Hero who possesses the power to manipulate reality.
- Rebellion Heroes: Heroes that fight against tyrannical governments and systems that hurt them and others.
- Redeemed Villains: Characters who started off as villains, but changed sides along the way and became good guys.
- Related to Villain: A hero who is part of the same family as the villain.
- Reluctant Heroes: A Hero, who initally didn't want to be the hero.
- Reporter: A hero who works for a TV News Network to keep everyone up to date on the latest events.
- Rescuers: A Hero who risk life and limb, to save others who are in danger.
- Retired: A Hero who has retired from active heroism.
- Revived: A hero who is brought back to life or through time travel after dying.
- Right-Hand: A Hero who is second in command of their team.
- Rivals: A Hero that engages in a rivalry with either a hero or the villain.
- Rogues: Heroes who prefer to work alone without any minions & allies.
- Role Models: Heroes who others look up to, and are inspired by them.
- Samurais: Heroes who are warriors/soldiers of Japan that hold the leadership of a clan of ninjas.
- Satan: A being who is the devil king Satan who is portrayed as being good or close to good and sometimes being cast as a Promethean figure trying to unshackle humanity from the tyranny of an unjust God or starts redeeming himself.
- Saved Souls: Heroes who are able to go to heaven and move on to the next life after death.
- Scapegoat: Heroes who unfairly suffer in the most severe of circumstances.
- Scientists: Geniuses who uses scientific field and skills to benefit themselves or others.
- Secret Agents: Heroes who work in espionage, and often to keep their homelands safe.
- Seductresses: Heroines who use the benign power of their sexuality in order to ensnare the hapless villain into danger.
- Self-Aware: A hero who is aware that they are fictional.
- Selfless: A Hero who cares for others more than they care for their own life.
- Sentient Weapons: Artificial intellectual weapons that are capable of free will.
- Servant of a Villain: Heroes who work for the villain, most of often either unwillingly or unknowingly.
- Siblings: Heroes who are brothers or sisters of other characters.
- Sidekicks: A Hero who is the partner or companion of the main hero.
- Sophisticated: Heroes who are very cultivated and refined in the pursuit of confronting problems or overcoming evil.
- Skeletons: Heroes who are or possess the body of a skeleton.
- Soul Searchers: Heroes who are largely on a journey of self discovery.
- Species: Any group of creatures that are naturally good.
- Spoiled Sweet: Heroes who are humble, modest and nice to just about everybody, despite having grown up in a rich or aristocratic background and having everything they could possibly want.
- Spouses: Heroes who are married to each other.
- Stalkers: Heroes who keep an eye on others or another person, either out of obsession, concern, searching, or spying.
- Status Dependent upon Player Choice: Video Game heroes in types of video games where the player's choices that determine the fate of the characters.
- Status Dependent on Version: Heroes whose stories have different endings with the heroes ended up in various circumstances.
- Stock Characters: A type of hero who appears in multiple different forms of media.
- Strategists: Heroes who prefer to plan out their choice of battle rather than rush into it head-on.
- Strong-Willed: Heroes who refuse to bow to the will of villains or anyone else.
- Successful: A Hero who succeeds in their goals.
- Successors: A Hero who has succeeded another hero.
- Suicidal: A Hero who has attempted or committed suicide.
- Summoners: Heroes who are capable of bringing forth any entity or person from anywhere else and have them assist the summoner whether it be for battle, doing errands, distractions, or trying to solve mysteries and gain knowledge.
- Superheroes: A hero who possesses supernatural or superhuman powers and is dedicated to fighting crime, protecting the public, and usually battling supervillains.
- Superorganisms: A heroic species that possesses a hive mind, or rather, work together.
- Supporters: A Hero who helps an important protagonist complete their quest(s).
- Supreme Beings: Heroes who are the most powerful beings in all existence.
- Symbolic: A Hero who represents something else all together.
- Sympathetic: Heroes who show sympathy to others, even the villain in many instances.
Himura Kenshin is an iconic example of a Pacifist.
Kamina (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann) is a classic example of a Paragon.
Dale Gribble is a Paranoid hero.
Aku Aku is a Paranormal Hero.
The Ghostbusters are a group of Paranormal Investigators.
Nicole and Richard Watterson are Parents.
Shrek (DreamWorks) is a Parody hero.
Kat & Ana (WarioWare) are Partners in Justice.
Jack Skellington is a Passionate Learner.
Roy Mustang is a Patriot.
Shujinko is a Pawn of the Villain.
Qrow Branwen is a prime example of a Pessimist.
Gomez Addams is a Philanthropist.
The Straw Hats are an iconic crew of Pirates.
The Pigeon Lady is an excellent example of a Poor hero.
Woody is a Possessed Object.
Lusamine is a Possessed/Brainwashed heroine.
Soul Calibur is a Possessor.
Tadashi Hamada is a Posthumous hero; his death was the reason his brother Hiro and his friends formed Big Hero 6.
Satoru Gojo is a best example of an Power-Hungry hero.
Kisuke Urahara is an excellent example of a Pragmatist.
Pac-Man is an excellent example of a Predator; he is best known for his huge appetite in his series.
Lightning Farron is a Predecessor.
Tyrande Whisperwind is a great example of a Priest.
Princess Leia Organa is a famous example of a Princess Warrior.
Mikasa Ackerman is a Protector.
Queen Anna is a Protector of Innocence.
Captain Qwark is a Provoker, as he was the reason Dr. Nefarious became an insane supervillain.
Silver the Hedgehog is a perfect example of a Psychic hero.
Mister Rogers is a Pure Good character.
Chikn Nuggit is a Reality Warper.
Edge is a Rebellion Hero.
Gru is a Redeemed Villain.
Olivia is Related to the Villain, being the younger sister of the villainous King Olly.
Shinji Ikari is a Reluctant Hero.
Roxanne Ritchi is a prime example of a Reporter.
Snow White was a Revived heroine.
Black Widow (Marvel Cinematic Universe) is a Right-Hand official.
Daffy Duck is the Rival of Bugs Bunny.
Darkwing Duck is a Rogue.
Sportacus is a Role Model.
Samurai Jack is an excellent example of a Samurai.
Sadao Maō is the Satan of his world, but upon traveling to Earth he becomes a hero.
Sitka was a Saved Soul, having crossed into the Spirit World after his death.
Shinya Kogami is a good example of a Scapegoat.
Rintarou Okabe is a Scientist.
All versions of James Bond are a famous example of a Secret Agent.
Ada Wong is a Seductress.
Travis Touchdown is a hero who is Self-Aware.
Rosalina is a Selfless heroine; bringing the orphaned Lumas under her wings.
The Iron Giant is a powerful Sentient Weapon.
Cinderella (Disney) is a classic Servant of a Villain.
Miyuki Shiba is a Sibling.
Robin (DC Comics) is a good example of a Sidekick.
Professor Hershel Layton is a good example of a Sophisticated hero.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (DreamWorks) is a Soul Searcher.
Angry Birds are a Species.
Charlotte La Bouff is a good example of Spoiled Sweet.
Mrs. Brisby is the Spouse of Jonathan Brisby.
Sierra (Total Drama) is an excellent example of a Stalker, as she constantly stalks her crush, Cody throughout World Tour.
Cole MacGrath has a Status Dependent upon Player Choice.
Cloud Strife is a character with a Status Dependent on Version.
Peter Rabbit is a Stock Character.
Fox McCloud is a Strategist.
The Green Lantern Corps are the Strong-Willed heroes.
Ludger Will Kresnik is a good example of a Successor.
Kerchak was a Suicidal hero; taking a blow to save Tarzan.
Yuna is a powerful Summoner.
The Justice League are a team of Superheroes.
The Skylanders are a Superorganism.
Aslan is a Supreme Being.
Captain America is a Symbolic hero.
Baymax is a Sympathetic hero.