Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Types of Heroes

An alphabetical listing of heroes by type.


  • Teams: A group or teams of heroes.
  • Teenagers: Heroes who are between 13 and 19.
  • The Chosen One: A Hero destined to perform a deed of great heroism.
  • The Hero: The specific main hero and often protagonist of the story, resolving to defeat the main villain.
  • The Icon: The hero, who is considered the principle of heroism in universe.
  • The Messiah: Similar to the chosen one, this type of hero is destined to save all mankind. They exist to bring redemption to all, even sometimes the villain.
  • Thieves: Heroes who are thieves.
  • Thought-Forms: Heroes who belong to the realm of dreams or imagination rather than reality, or appear in visions or dreams of other characters.
  • Thrill-Seekers: Heroes who not only embrace the dangers but enjoy them too.
  • Titular: Heroes who are mentioned in the title.
  • Tragic: Heroes who are doomed to misery due to a fatal flaw they possess, or alternatively simply heroes whose lives are tragic.
  • Traitor: Heroes who have betrayed others, normally an evil organization they once pledged allegiance to before realizing who they were.
  • Tricksters: Heroes who use trickery and deception to overcome opponents.
  • True Neutral: Heroes and organizations whose moral alignment is clearly unknown, whether serving both sides or they are heroic or villainous.
  • Truth-Seekers: Heroes who try to search for the truth and expose it, even if no one else believes them.
  • Twins: Heroes who have a sibling who is a twin, be they identical, non-identical or fraternal.
  • Type Dependent on Version: Heroes who have multiple different incarnations.


  • Undead: Heroes who are caught in between life and death.
  • Unseen: Heroes whose appearance is kept hidden from the audience for good part of the story, if not all of it.
  • Unwanted: A Hero who is despised and unwanted by the society they try and save. Often due to misunderstanding and paranoia.


  • Vampires: Heroes who despite being bloodsucking creatures, fight for good.
  • Vengeful: Heroes who are driven to gain vengeance for wrongs committed against them.
  • Victims: A hero who is the victim of the villain(s).
  • Vigilante: Heroes who take the law into their own hands, and try and do good outside the law.
  • Villain's Lover: Heroes who were or still are in a relationship with a villain.
  • Virtually Resourceful: A hero who it is necessary for them to continue existing.
  • Voice of Reason: A hero who is smart and sensible and speaks their mind about what's best for everyone.

