“ | The future can be changed. It can be either for the better or for worse. The ones who will decide that is all of you. | „ |
~ Ginga to Hikaru Raio and his friends. |
Ultraman Ginga (ウルトラマンギンガ Urutoraman Ginga?) is an Ultraman from an unknown future who was once one entity with Dark Lugiel, whom the latter separated from prior to the Dark Spark War. After the war, he was trapped in Spark Doll form. The doll and the Ginga Spark made their way to Earth and into the hands of Hikaru Raido, who uses these two items to transform into Ultraman Ginga and battle users of Dark Spark Dolls. When he returned to space, he left his spark in Hikaru's possession so he could come to the aid of Earth, even if he was far away in a galaxy.
Two years later, he returned to Earth to fight against the threat of Alien Chibu Exceller, who plotted to use the stolen Victorium to revive his other half Lugiel and was joined by the Earth born Ultra Warrior Ultraman Victory. Their encounter with Etelgar and Ultraman Zero eventually led to the fusion Ultraman Ginga Victory.
When departing Hikaru, Ginga's sentient voice actor was Tomokazu Sugita, who also voiced Dark Lugiel.
A mysterious Ultraman whose Spark Doll resides in the Ginga Spark, Ultraman Ginga hails from the Land of Light's distant future and was prophesied in M78 legend. He has fought against his sworn enemy Dark Lugiel across the cosmos and through time, eventually arriving in the present where he manifested in Hikaru.
The Japanese word "Ginga" (銀河?) means Galaxy in English.
In a far-off galaxy lies The Land Of Light, which is home to a race of highly-advanced titans known as Ultras. One day, the Land of Light was drawn into an ultimate battle between the forces of good and evil, which became known as the Dark Spark War. The war came to an abrupt and unexpected end when the battlefield was attacked by an unknown force which transformed every participant- monsters, aliens, and Ultras- into miniaturized inanimate figurines called "Spark Dolls", then scattered them across the universe.
Sometime later on Earth, a young man named Hikaru Raidou returns to his hometown after a period of travelling the world, and is reunited with his best friends from high school. While investigating the makeshift Shinto shrine set up in the school (in place of the real shrine which recently burned down), he discovers that its sacred object is an item known as the Ginga Spark. By using the Ginga Spark to "Ultralive" with a Spark Doll, Hikaru can possess its body while restoring the creature to its original form and size, fighting together as one.
When an evil entity begins to orchestrate monster attacks on Hikaru's hometown, Hikaru uses the Ginga Spark and his collection of Spark Dolls to defend his home and friends. Yet he also has one final trump card, for in times of great need Hikaru can call upon the ultimate Spark Doll hidden within the Ginga Spark: Ultraman Ginga, a mysterious Ultra unknown even to The Land of Light.
- Height: Micro~Infinity (Note his normal height appears to be around 30 meters, but his height has not been officially declared.)
- Weight: 0~Infinity
- Age: Unknown
- Time Limit: Three Minutes
- Flight Speed: Faster than a jet fighter (Generally between Mach 2 and 2.5)