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I am Umikaze, the Seventh of the Shiratsuyu-class Destroyer, and the First of the Revised Shiratsuyu-class. I'll be in your care, Admiral!

Umikaze (海風 ”Sea Breeze”?) was the seventh of ten Shiratsuyu-class destroyers, and the first to be built for the Imperial Japanese Navy under the Circle Two Program (Maru Ni Keikaku).


Umikaze has blue eyes and very long silver or white hair tied in a single braid with a hair tie, and parted bangs. She also has a mole under her left eye. Her clothing has a distinct black and white contrast with blue trimming, with a white-and-black collared sleeveless shirt, blue neckerchief, black elbow gloves, a skirt pleated skirt, black pantyhose, and loafers. She shares nearly all of these clothing characteristics with Kawakaze.

Her combat gear is unusually painted all black, with a hand-carried, twin-turret cannon in her left hand, twin torpedo turrets on her thighs, and a smokestack and antenna mast carried like a backpack.


She has a serious and eager personality, and tends to worry over her sister-ship, Kawakaze.


  • Her name means “sea wind”; similar to Urakaze’s name.
  • Sunk 1st February 1944 off Truk Atoll; she was torpedoed by submarine USS Guardfish while escorting a convoy.
  • Her name was first carried by the leader of a two-vessel Destroyer class in 1910 (the Umikaze class). The Umikaze class were the first destroyers (no longer called Torpedo Boat Destroyers) built in Japan for operation in the open oceans, which makes Umikaze the first name carried by a modern Japanese destroyer.