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Heroes Wiki

Uncle Pecos is Jerry's cow-boyish uncle who first appeared in the Tom and Jerry short "Pecos Pest", who wanted to stay with Jerry to visit.


Unclo Pecos has grey fur, a guitar, a black cowboy hat, a red scarf, a red nose with a white moustache and blue boots.

Heroic Acts[]

  • Uncle Pecos cares deeply for Jerry and to the lesser extent, Tom.
  • In Cat-a-Tonic Mouse, when Tom, Jerry, and Spike get sick, Uncle Pecos comes to nurse them back to health.
  • He saves Tom and Spike when they were stuck with a glue very high near the sky.


           Tom and Jerry Logo Heroes

Main Heroes
Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse

Spike the Bulldog | Tuffy | Tyke Bulldog | Uncle Pecos | Joan | George | Newt | Topo

Droopy | Dripple | Red | Screwy Squirrel | Jonny Quest | Hadji | Dr. Benton Quest | Race Bannon | Bandit

Robyn Starling | Puggsy | Frankie DaFlea | Mr. Starling | Athena | Puffy | Robin Hood | Kayla Forester

Blast Off to Mars
Peep | Biff Buzzard | Buzz Blister | Commander Bristle | Dr. Gluckman

A Nutcracker Tale
La Petite Ballerina | Paulie the Elf | Nelly the Horse

Meet Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes | Watson | Miss Red

The Wizard of Oz
Dorothy Gale | Toto | Scarecrow | Tin Woodman | Cowardly Lion
