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Rivet & kit

What's better than two adorable butt-kickers? Four adorable butt-kickers, of course.

Both Ratchet and Clank are Pure Good, now will their dimensional counterparts fare similarly?

What's the work?

Y'all know Ratchet & Clank - a third-person shooter/adventure game series about an alien and his robot buddy, traveling space, saving galaxies. In Rift Apart, we're introduced to a parallel dimension with their own Ratchet and Clank-like heroes - Rivet and Kit.

Who are the candidates?


Like Ratchet, Rivet is the only known Lombax in her dimension. Raised on Sargasso by a race of beings known as Morts, she eventually joined the Resistance to free the universe from the iron grasp of Emperor Nefarious. One mission in Nefarious City ended with her losing her right arm to a warbot, causing her to develop a disdain for robots.

Then one day, when Nefarious from an alternate dimension went into hers and brought his enemies, Ratchet and Clank, with him, the latter was found damaged by Rivet and taken for interrogation. On Sargasso, she and Clank went through a bunch of trouble,but eventually got to know each other better, and Rivet admitted that she isn't as much anti-robot as she is anti-evil-robot, even feeling sorry about hacking into Clank's memory to check his claims about dimensional travel being involved. She eventually repaired Clank's communicator, allowing him to talk to Ratchet, and the group set off to recreate the destroyed Dimensionator to fix the dimensional anomalies caused by Nefarious.

Rivet and Clank searched for Phase Quartz on Blizar Prime, but the planet got destroyed before they could get there. They traveled to a dimension where it was still intact, prevented its destruction and got the Quartz, but Rivet had to abandon it to be destroyed to save Clank's life. Nevertheless, she kept the quartz shards and took them to the Fixer, a giant robot on Torren IV who could fix anything. Sadly, the fixer had grown nihilistic and tried to kill the duo instead, but Clank convinced him to help them instead, so they got the quartz.

At last, Rivet and Clank met up with Ratchet, who got himself a robot buddy of his own, Kit, and they recreated the Dimensionator. Sadly, Dr. Nefarious stole it, and while Rivet beat him in a duel, the Emperor Nefarious soon returned, claiming the device for himself. He eventually set off to conquer all dimensions, starting with Ratchet's, and during a battle to prevent him from seizing dimensional archives on Savali, Rivet found out that Kit was the same warbot that chopped her arm off, and felt betrayed. When everyone but her got captured and locked in Zordoom Prison, Rivet broke in and saved everyone, even Kit. Nevertheless, the girls had a falling-out, as Rivet accused Kit of cowardice when she decided to stay behind, and left with Ratchet and Clank to save the multiverse.

During the final battle, Emperor Nefarious, furious at the resistance put up by Ratchet's dimension, attempted to overclock the Dimensionator to destroy the multiverse, but Rivet, accompanied by Kit, who changed her mind, fought and defeated him. So, the day was saved, all that's left was to finish dismantling the fallen emperor's regime, but then Ratchet offered Rivet and Kit, who have since reconciled, to make a pit-stop in a certain dimension...


Unlike Clank, Kit was a warbot built to serve Emperor Nefarious, and originally didn't mind it, but on the fateful day when she attacked Rivet and burned up her arm, something clicked inside the robot, so she went into a self-imposed exile, living with dimensional monks on Savali. That is, until she encountered Ratchet, who was working to fix the Dimensionator, and the two teamed up. The two went to Cordelion to forge the Dimensionator's frame, where they also had to travel between two dimensions and eventually free an animal used for unethical experiments, which helped them construct the device.

Meeting up with Rivet and Clank, the gang finally built the Dimensionator, but then Dr. Nefarious crashed the party, then Emperor Nefarious did. Rivet and Kit teamed up to stop the emperor's plans, but had a falling-out when Kit revealed her identity as that warbot. Rivet still saved her from Zordoom and attempted to forgive her, but Kit still chose to stay behind not to put anyone in danger with her powers. She later changed her mind and arrived to the site of the final battle, destroying Emperor Nefarious' reinforcements and assisting Rivet in landing a finishing blow on the villain.

Admirable standards

I think they both easily pass. Rivet stopped Emperor Nefarious from destroying all dimensions, and while Clank was the one to seal the deal by fixing all reality-shattering dimensional anomalies, only he had the power to do that. Kit, meanwhile, assisted Rivet in that very battle by protecting her life in a crucial moment with her firepower, and helped her reach Nefarious to land a finishing blow on him. They can't really get any more admirable, if you ask me.

Corrupting factors?


The only one I'm not sure of. Y'see, she started off slightly bigoted towards robots, but she had a freudian excuse of living in a dimension where robots are in power and persecute organic creatures, as we see more than once throughout the story. She also ends up letting go of it eventually, apologizing to Clank for prejudice and so on, so I believe this doesn't really count. I'm not sure if she actually hated all robots at any point, since she at one point claims she's only against the emperor, his followers, and pirates, in other words, against evil robots. She gets agressive with the enemies she fights at times, but they're the ones trying to kill her, so nothing personal. As for her agrument with Kit, while it was too much, she did have a few legitimate points, like the fact that Kit could've helped Rivet that night instead of running away, and that she chose to stay behind during the final battle like a coward, was willing to forgive the robot for cutting off her arm, didn't even contemplate leaving her to rot in Zordoom, and eventually reconciled with her.

I do think, however, that she might be slightly lethal. During the battle on Savali, she comes up to the Emperor's seat with a hammer in her hand, mentioning how she's been waiting for this moment, which indicates she's going to strike the Emperor with it when he's vulnerable, perhaps even fatally. During the final battle, when Nefarious deploys his giant mech, mentioning that he wanted to wear it for a special occasion, Rivet remarks that his funeral is a good time to wear it, again implying that she intends to kill him (or wants someone else to kill him, at least). However, we should note that Emperor Nefarious is a terrible tyrant, might have actually killed a few of Rivet's friends by this point, and his actions pose a threat to the entire multiverse, so it's possible Rivet seeks to kill him not out of vengeance, but to prevent him from causing more trouble, since she never targets him while he poses no threat to anyone. In regards to her quip about "funeral garments", it could've just as well been a warning to the villain, something like "your own malice will be the death of you", and Rivet is ultimately a righteous killer rather than a lethal hero (she doesn't kill Emperor Nefarious at the end of the day, mind you, though Ratchet and Clank banishing him back to his dimension may do something with it. Or not.) All in all, while there are a few implications of her wanting to kill Nefarious, I doubt they are 100% confirmed by the narrative.


I'd say she has none by the end of the day. She used to be loyal to the emperor, but realizes that he fed a bunch of bullcrap to his followers and renounced him, felt remorse for the damage she caused, and so on. While she does hold back on her resources by staying behind, it's only because she doesn't want to put innocents in danger (she already barely restrained herself from killing Ratchet in her warbot form, showing she has a hard time controlling herself in it), and she subverted it by coming to Rivet's aid.


Yes to both, though a weak one to Rivet.