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James Gordon Gotham Season 2

One of the highest people with the highest kill counts, but that does not stop you from being Pure Good, maybe?

Ok, yes, I initially proposed James Gordon as Near Pure Good because his prevention is like minor lethal and have some of the jerkish moments. But looking back, I worded the preventions wrong, and I wanted to make this discussion. I mean, this is a proposal, but I am uncertain how this will go.

What's the work?[]

Gotham is a live action series modified from the elements of DC Comics, especially characters from Batman. The series involved James Gordon and his allies solving crimes around Gotham.

Who's the candidate?[]

James "Jim" Gordon is the main protagonist of the series. He is currently the commissioner of the GCPD.

What has he done?[]

  • In the first episode, he omforted Bruce Wayne and promised him to find his parents' killer.
  • Initially he started off as an Anti-Hero, he subverted this traits at the end of Season 5, protecting innocents at all costs. This was proven that he always tried to ensure the safety of Gotham while their lives is at jeopardy as a No Man's Land.
  • Willingly protected Gotham from threats such as the Valeska Brothers and Professor Pyg, as well as saving innocent lives such as the people under Jervis Tetch's hypnotism before they could jump off from their roof.
  • Allowed redemption from various former villains such as Lee Thompkins and even Barbara Kean. He also saved Lee from Alice Tetch's virus.
  • Tried to save Jerome Valeska, even if he is a Pure Evil villain, only for Jerome to enjoy his death as he fell down.

Corrupting factors?[]

Looking back at the preventions, yeah, Jim did kill people, but they are all necessary and he showed no delight from it. His kills are not that brutal like Penguine or Jerome. Thus, while he did brutally killed Fish Mooney, he was like under the influence of the virus, and he cannot fight back. He only kills when necessary, and of course, he also tried to save Jerome Valeska, even if the latter killed himself. This means that he is not an assassin or something like that, and even if he was a bounty hunter once, he subverted it and no longer does it.

And his kill on his uncle was flat out false, considering it was actually his uncle who committed suicide.

He also punched Riddler, but it was because Riddler was torturing Jim, so it was justified.

Other than that, seems like he does not have any corrupting factors at the end of Season 5.

Admirable standards[]

Well, seems like Jim sets it, not only because he is the main protagonist, but also allowed redemption on villains and saved a lot of lives. Bruce Wayne came close, but considering his minor lethalness, I believe that Jim stands out considering his subversion of corrupting factors. There are also heroes like Bruce, Alfred, and Harvey who also helped him as well, but I believe he still stands out considering certain shared acts shared with him as well.


Weak yes, and if he gets rejected then I don't mind.