Hello. So this will be my first Pure Good proposal about a character who did not qualify in the original game, but I believe now does qualify in the 2024 remake of the game.
The character is Samantha Giddings | Heroes Wiki | Fandom, from Until Dawn which was the game that really revitalized horror video games and showed that they could tell a decent story and not just be about people dying in gruesome ways.
Important: this proposal covers the 2024 remake of the game, not the original 2015 game, so please do not bring up the 2015 game in voting.
What is the Work
Until Dawn is a seminal horror video game by Supermassive Games, released in 2015, and remade in 2024, where a group of eight friends return to a mountain in Alberta to honor the disapperance of two friends a year ago. Once on the mountain, they are stalked by a supernatural evil, the Wendigos, in particular the Makkapitew, and the group's survival is entirely dependent on your choices. Your choices also can show a considerably different side of the personalities of the friends, with the exception of the main protagonist of the game, who is largely unaffected by dialogue choices in personality and who is consistently depicted as the most empathetic of the group.
Who is Samantha Giddings, and what does she do?
Samantha Giddings is the main protagonist of the game. She was born in Los Angeles and became best friends with Hannah Washington, along with her siblings, Hannah and Josh. Sam was also friends with Mike, Emily, Chris, Ashley, Matt, and Jessica. As they grew up, they often spent time at the Washington Lodge on Blackwood Mountain in Alberta. As the group entered college, the group began to notice Hannah's crush on Mike. As the infatuation was becoming increasingly obvious and Hannah began to flirt more blatantly with Mike, despite the fact he was already dating Emily, most of the group began to prank Hannah into trying to seduce Mike and catch her in the act, hoping to warn her off. The events of the prologue detail the prank and its aftermath. In the remake, the prologue is expanded considerably, with Beth having a longer playable segment, but Sam's role is the same, where she is unaware of it until it happens. With her drawing of Hannah being used as a love letter from Mike to lure her into the prank, Sam tells the group that the prank is cruel, but the group, barring Josh and Chris who are passed out from drinking, are adamant that Hannah has to be warned off. Sam tries to warn Hannah about the prank, but she is too late. Hannah attempts to seduce Mike, but she goes beyond their expectations of flirting and attempts to undress to seduce him, upon which the group comes out of hiding. Sam enters the room to try to warn her, but Hannah, having believed that Sam was trying to set her up with Mike, thanks to the group using her art without her approval as the bait, believes Sam to be a part of it and runs off, while Sam calls the group out for the cruel prank. As Hannah flees the manor and Beth goes off in pursuit, Mike questions whether they should chase after them, but Sam, disgusted with Mike and recognizing that Hannah certainly won't listen to them at the moment, tells Mike that he is the last person Hannah will want to see at the moment. Unbeknownst to the group, the Makkapitew, the Wendigo that haunts the mountain, attacks Hannah and Beth, and sending them off a cliff to their deaths. Sam joins the group in searching for her, and begins to provide comfort to Josh as he grieves over the disappearance of his siblings.
Chapter 1, set a year later, has Josh invite the group back to the lodge to honor the twins, and Sam, wanting to put the prank in the past, agrees to go. Upon arriving at the cable car, she has the option to look in Chris's bag, which serves as an introduction to the Butterfly Effect, though this won't matter in the game, being brought up only once. When Chris demonstrates his shooting aptitude, he has the option to shoot a squirrel, and Sam will harshly call him out if he does shoot it, since it results in a bird attacking Sam. Upon meeting up with Jessica, Sam, due to knowing Mike and Jessica were behind the prank, will be mildly disappointed if Jessica discloses she and Mike are dating. In Chapter 2, Sam will tease Chris when he opens the door due to being scared by a baby wolverine, before noting how cold it was in the house. Later in the chapter, as Sam is getting her bath ready, Josh calls her down to help him get the warm water running in the lodge. Upon exiting the bathroom, Sam hears a Wendigo screech, which she wonders what the screech was. Upon meeting with Josh, Chris and Ashley, Josh tells Sam that the boiler needs to be turned on for there to be hot water in the manor, and that it is in the basement. On their way down, Josh tells Sam he sent Chris and Ashley to find a spirit board to try to get them together, to which Sam agrees, either mockingly or flatteringly, that the two clearly are interested in each other and they need to admit their feelings. Josh also tells Sam he is happy that everyone came back and that she came back in particular. Sam can express unease with everyone back at the lodge, or tell Josh that the group is here for him, while Josh tells Sam that he wants everyone to have a good time. When Josh and Sam get to the basement, Josh tells Sam that it would not be wise for someone to be in the basement alone, only for Sam to state that she would happily endure being in the basement in order to have hot water. Sam notes that the basement is creepy before finding Josh's old baseball bat. As the two work to get the boiler working, Sam will hear a noise. Josh and Sam will briefly flirt over being scared by a noise in the basement, before they are startled by another noise. Sam and Josh investigate only to be attacked by a mysterious man. Terrified, the two flee for the door, only to discover it locked. As Sam wonders why the door is locked, Josh notes they are locked to keep out strangers. As the mysterious man approached, he became non threatening and laughing, to Sam's confusion, before it was revealed to be Chris pranking them. When Sam asks Chris why he did that, Chris admitted there was plenty of old movie items and said he could not resist the opportunity to prank them. When Sam asks Josh if he was in on it, Josh admitted he was not, but given how good it was, he should have been in on it. As the three head back to the main floor of the manor, Sam notes that Chris's silly prank may have had humor, but Josh noted that Sam was terrified. As Chris produces the spirit board he was looking for, Sam refuses to be involved in the seance, wanting to have her bath before telling the others to keep an eye on Josh, since he was a schemer. Sam then heads back upstairs to have her bath.
In Chapter 5, several hours later, Sam is bathing, listening to music, alone in the lodge. Unknown to her however, the Psycho has entered the manor and is watching her, before leaving. The door shutting behind him alerts Sam, who removes her headphones, and thinking it is her friends, she calls out to them. Not getting an answer, Sam proceeds to exit the bath, wrapping herself in a towel, to look for the others. Sam notices her clothes are missing, and believing her friends to be pranking her, Sam says that whoever took her clothes is off her Christmas list. Exiting the bathroom, Sam wandered around the lodge, calling out for the others, asking them to give her clothes back, noting that she wanted to avoid wearing a towel for the rest of the weekend, but now wanted the humor to stop. Reaching the main floor, Sam wondered where her friends were before picking up a flashlight and entering the home theater, unaware that the Psycho was directly behind her. In the theater room, Sam angrily called out for her friends to answer her as she was done with the constant silence. The doors then slammed shut, causing Sam to scream in fright. The Psycho then addresses her over the intercom, noting that she would not find him, as Sam wondered what was happening. The Psycho said he had a lot of things to show her and told her to open her eyes, before playing a video of Sam in the bath. Sam was horrified, realizing that the person who had taken her clothes was not one of her friends, but an intruder, and that she had been filmed bathing while naked. Covering her chest in shock while struggling to speak, the Psycho commented on Sam's beauty before wondering if the moments were the last time Sam was happy while she was still alive. Visibly spoked, Sam wondered why she was being shown this, only for the Psycho to ask why she was watching. The Psycho then changed the videos to one involving Josh, and Sam called out her name, just as the Psycho played it, asking her how it felt, as it showed Josh being sawed in half, killing him. Horrified, Sam let out a scream before demanding to know what the Psycho, realizing that she and her friends were in immense danger. The Psycho said Sam would have 10 seconds and began to count down, while Sam pleaded with him to stop. The Psycho then forced the doors open and called her name twice. The player can opt to have Sam use a weapon at the Psycho or just run multiple times, but failing to do either will get her caught. Sam will flee from the Psycho if either choice is made, swearing in sheer utter terror. Ultimately, Sam will find her way at a crossroads in the Hotel under the lodge and be confronted with a choice to hide in the dumbwaiter or keep running. If the player opts to have her run, the Psycho will catch her and knock her out. If she hides and passes the Don't Move prompt, Sam will escape the Psycho. However, if Sam was attacked by the bird in Chapter 1, she will be caught regardless, as her reopened head wound will result in the Psycho finding her regardless. Whether or not Sam appears in Chapter 6 will depend on if she was caught. If she was caught, Chris and Ashley will find her unconscious before the Psycho attacks them. If she managed to escape, a dummy dressed in her clothes will be found by Chris and Ashley instead.
Sam's next definitive appearance will be in Chapter 7, though the context of it will depend on if she escaped the Psycho or not. If she was captured, she will be tied to a chair and will only be able to see a camera recording her. However, if she escaped, she will enter the Psycho's workshop via the vents, and will be able to discover multiple clues regarding the Psycho's identity. Among these clues will be a medical file regarding Josh revealing he has suffered from mental health issues ever since he was a child, and that his medications for depression were making him worse. Josh's phone can be found revealing a message from his doctor warning about the serious nature of a plan, along with discovering the trap that Josh was in was a fake, meaning that Josh might not have been killed after all, along with the dummy in her clothes, and multiple articles regarding Hannah and Beth and a board filled with the photos of Sam and her friends. Finally, Sam can find a voice recording of the Psycho making one of his threats, only to learn that the voice of the Psycho was a voice changer, and that the Psycho is actually Josh. The scale of this revelation will cause Sam to swear in sheer shock at this discovery. Regardless of how she appears in Chapter 7, she will reunite with Mike who is in a tunnel. Sam expresses happiness to find someone friendly, only to ask about Jessica. Sam is shocked to hear from Mike that Jessica is dead, though whether she really is or not will depend on the player's actions in Chapter 4. Mike reveals that someone is after them on the mountain, and Sam reveals that the person Mike is referring to attacked her, saying that she was shown multiple videos too, saying that one of them depicted Josh's death, being torn to pieces by a saw blade. If Sam found all the clues in the Psycho's workshop, she will voice her suspicions about Josh being involved in the Psycho's games. Mike notes that the tunnel he is in has a door that does not unlock on his side and asks her to unlock it. Sam picks up a backpack and lets Mike back in. Sam then realizes that the backpack has her clothes in it and she goes to get dressed. Upon dressing, Mike and Sam hear Ashley screaming and they race upstairs before entering a room to find Ashley and Chris tied into chairs and the Psycho approaching them. Chris shoots the Psycho multiple times, but the bullets do nothing to him. The Psycho mocks Chris, revealing the bullets are blanks, before unmasking himself and revealing it was Josh the entire time. As Sam races to free Chris and Ashley, Josh proceeds to reveal all of his schemes and asks how they feel being terrorized. Mike notes none of the people in the room are laughing. If Sam found all the clues in his workshop, Sam will sympathize with him, noting he was desperate for help and wanted to get caught. As Josh reveals he plans to put everything online, a livid Mike states that Jessica is dead. Josh is confused by the accusation, but an infuriated Mike reveals he is armed with a revolver and proceeds to hit Josh with it, vowing to make him pay as Josh collapses to the floor. As Chris and Mike take Josh to the barn, Sam and Ashley head back upstairs to the lodge.
In Chapter 8, Sam will first appear at the point regardless of if Emily is killed by the Makkapitew or not. If Emily managed to escape, she will beg to be let in, where Sam lets her in along with Chris and Ashley. Emily will urge them to shut the door as a shaken Emily is taken to the couch. As Emily tries to tell them about a monster chasing her, if Chris tries to ask about the "monster" chasing her, Emily will be adamant about the monster. Sam will try to reassure Emily that it was Josh, but Emily states that what was chasing her was not human. Emily will then reveal that she found Beth's head, and depending on the amount of items of Hannah's that she found in the mines, will tell them that Beth died in the fall and that Hannah did not die immediately, but instead starved to death for weeks. Emily will then reveal that she managed to get through to someone on the radio tower before it collapsed, when Mike comes in and embraces Emily. If Emily is killed by the Makkapitew, the group will hear her final scream and wonders what it means. Regardless, the Stranger will then enter the lodge and explain the Wendigo to the group. While Mike and Chris remain suspicious, Sam is adamant on hearing him out. Hearing of the Wendigo, and that it is born of cannibalism, Mike realizes that it was a Wendigo that kidnapped Jessica and was watching him in the mine shaft along with one stalking him in the Sanatorium. The Stranger immediately tells them to find someplace safe to hold up for the rest of the night, while Mike realizes he left Josh alone when he heard Emily screaming. If either Chris or Mike knocked Josh out, Sam will call them out on it. As Chris and the Stranger go out to rescue Josh, Sam will lead Ashley, Mike, and Emily if she is still alive to the basement. Josh is discovered to have been captured, the Stranger is killed and Chris could also be killed if the player misses any opportunity to shoot the Makkapitew, or Ashley will be too hesitant to let him in if he shot her in one of Josh's traps. If Chris either shot himself or refused to shoot either of them in Josh's trap, Ashley will let him in, just as the Makkapitew makes its way to the door, while Ashley and Chris return to the basement. If Chris gets killed at the door by the Makkapitew, Mike will have to drag Ashley back to the safe room.
In the safe room, Sam will ask about the Stranger if Chris is alive and will be terrified to learn he is dead. If Chris is also dead, she will comfort a grieving Ashley. Mike will then look for another way out, only for Sam to advocate strictly that they stay in the basement to stay hidden until dawn. Mike is adamant however that they need to get off the mountain. If Emily is still alive, she will reveal that there is no key for the cable car, and Mike deduces that Josh has the key. Mike notes that if the Makkapitew captured Josh, then they were dead on the mountain. If Emily was still alive, she will reveal her belief that the Makkapitew may have taken Josh to the mine, believing that is where the Makkapitew is living. Mike then decides to make his way to the mine and get the key back from the Makkapitew's nest and get them off the mountain. If Emily was bitten by the Makkapitew, Ashley and Mike assume that Emily will turn into a Wendigo and they attempt to order her out, despite the fact it will result in certain death for Emily. Sam attempts to calm them, noting they don't know if the bite will turn her. Uncertain, Mike will then grab a pistol and will point it at Emily, arguing that since it is the safe room, Emily cannot stay in it in the event she turns. Sam pleads with Mike not to shoot Emily and to think. If Mike does not shoot Emily, Sam will tell Mike he did the right thing and will calm a traumatized Emily. If Mike does shoot Emily, a horrified and disgusted Sam will swear at Mike, shocked at the severity of the act he just performed over something that might have happened. Regardless of how this incident plays out, Ashley will read the Stranger's journal and will learn the bite would not have turned Emily. If Emily is alive when this discovery is made, Sam's reaction will be if Ashley conceals it or reveals it. If Ashley conceals the truth over the fact Mike almost shot Emily for nothing, Sam's relationship with Ashley will take a massive hit. If Ashley discloses the bite to Emily willingly, Sam will defend Ashley's fear. If Mike shot Emily and Ashley conceals the truth about the bite meaning Emily died for nothing, Sam's relationship with Ashley will collapse out of disgust that Ashley got Emily killed over nothing. If Emily was shot and Asley both confesses the truth about the bite and shows remorse, Sam will sympathize with Ashley and grieve over Emily having died for nothing. Regardless of if Emily was shot by Mike or was spared, Sam will read from the journal and learn about the Wendigos the Stranger had imprisoned in the Sanatorium. Realizing Mike is in serious danger, Sam will rally the survivors to go after Mike in order to warn him.
In Chapter 9, Sam leads the group to the door to the Sanatorium, only to find that Mike has locked it behind him. Realizing they don't have any other options, Sam leads the group into the sewers. Upon reaching the mines, Sam decides that she can rock climb up to the mine and find Mike while the rest return to the safe room. Upon making it to the top of the cliff, Sam will explore the mine, grabbing either a shovel or a pipe. Depending on whether or Mike destroyed the Sanatorium in an explosion earlier or not, Sam will meet Mike as he enters the mine pursued by a burning Wendigo. Horrified at its appearance, Sam will hit it twice with her weapon, and if it is burning, decapitate and kill it herself outright, while Mike locks the door with his shotgun. If Mike did not destroy the Sanatorium, Sam will have to save him from the Wendigos there, giving him enough time to destroy the Sanatorium. Regardless, the two will have this conversation at the mines, where Sam admitted she was going to warn him about the Wendigos, only for Mike to say he had it under control. The two then make their way to the Makkapitew's nest. If Mike found out the truth about the miners, he said one of them had a scar that he retained as a Wendigo and that the Wendigo that was attacking Mike was at least eighty years old. Mike will then reveal that there are more Wendigos still alive In Chapter 10, the two make their way into the Makkapitew's lair, where they find a large underground lake. Just to the left of it, they find a grave, where Sam finds Beth's watch, causing them to realize that Beth was buried there. Making their way back to the lake, the two enter the freezing water. Wading through the water, Mike notes relief they had not been attacked by sharks, and make their way to an island in the lake. There they find a journal, and Mike immediately recognizes the writing as Hannah's as she recounted her time in the mine. Reading the journal, Sam recited the page on the 30th day directly, with Mike wondering what Hannah meant by apologizing to Beth and that she had no choice. Immediately after the 30th, Sam noted Hannah was describing her body changing, before devolving into scribbles and gibberish. A horrified Sam realized that Hannah had dug up Beth and eaten her corpse and that she had been possessed by the Makkapitew's spirit and become a Wendigo. Beth had died in the fall and Hannah had buried her, only to dig her up and eat her body. Mike refused to believe it, but Sam noted that Hannah would have had no other option to avoid starvation. A horrified Sam then noted they had to find Josh immediately. Coming to Hannah's lair, Sam removed the lock to the door, and the head of the Stranger, along with any of their friends if they were killed, rolled out. Sam and Mike saw the bodies in the lair were arranged like trophies. Horrified by the sight, Sam looks through a hole in the wall and sees Josh in a separate room, talking to hallucinations. Approaching him, Sam and Mike noted that Josh seemed unresponsive to them. As Sam asked Mike what was wrong with Josh, Mike noted he was out of his mind. Mike slapped Josh to bring him back to reality. Mike noted that Josh had been completely out of the real world, and Sam noted they didn't think they would find him. Should Sam have managed to find Beth's grave and Hannah's journal, she will tell him the truth about Hannah being in the mines. After being reminded by Mike they needed to leave, Sam asks Josh for the cable car key. Josh gives it to her, and Sam decides to climb to the top of the cliff in order to tell the others they are all right, while Mike and Josh go back the way they came. Once they enter the lake, they will be attacked by Hannah. What happens to Josh is dependent on if Sam figured out what happened to Hannah. If Sam did not find Hannah's journal, Hannah will kill Josh by crushing his head. If she did find it, and told him the truth, the two will recognizing each other, and Hannah will fight back against the Makkapitew's control very briefly, sparing Josh and reimprisoning him. Sam makes it to the top of the cliff and begins to return to the lodge, crossing another lake in the process. Hearing the Makkapitew's roar behind her, Sam races for the lodge, pleading to be let back in, only to be met with Mike. Sam notes how horrible Mike looks, before Mike notes they need to get inside. Breaking a rock so they can unlock the door, Sam turns the light on, only for Mike to say its a bad idea. Sam asks what happened to Josh, and Mike replies that the Makkapitew captured him, causing Sam to mourn him. Asking what their chance of survival is, Sam decides to head down to the basement to see if the group made it back. However, regardless if the group is alive or not, Sam and Mike will discover three of the miner Wendigos have entered the lodge. Fleeing upstairs, everyone still alive freezes upon reaching the main floor, as the Makkapitew has finally entered the lodge and is perched on the chandelier. As Sam comes to a stop, Mike tells her not to move an inch. Sam looks in horror at the Makkapitew, clearly recognizing its host as Hannah. Sam has to pass multiple Don't Move prompts in order to get everyone out alive. The other miner Wendigos will come up and engage the Makkapitew in a fight, resulting a gas line being broken. With gas pouring into the lodge, Mike and Sam decide to destroy a lightbulb and turn on the lights in order to create a flame, causing an explosion that will kill the Wendigos. Sam has to pass another Don't Move prompt before Mike can break the bulb. Once Mike has broken the bulb, Sam has the option at any of the intervals between the prompts to run for the switch, killing the Wendigos, but also killing Mike and whoever is still in the lodge. Should Sam opt to stay, she will have to constantly pass at least 5 prompts to get everybody, including herself out alive. If she fails one, Mike will expose himself, giving her another chance, but it will get him injured and preventing him from being saved. If Sam fails another prompt, the Makkapitew will impale her, disemboweling her and tearing her head off. Once everyone has made it out of the lodge, or if Sam opts to run early, Sam will make a dash for the switch, pursued by a Wendigo, but Hannah, fighting back against the Makkapitew's influence, attacks the Wendigo pursuing Sam as she hits the switch. The lodge is engulfed in a massive explosion, killing the Wendigos, including the Makkapitew, as dawn breaks and the police arrive to rescue the survivors. If Sam survived, she will grieve over Josh, showing disgust at his betrayal, but also sadness over his spiral into madness and his fate at the hands of the Wendigo. She also implores the police to search the mines, giving a vague answer about how she is too traumatized to describe what they would find down there. In the remake, provided Josh showed remorse, Sam found Hannah's journal and nobody was killed by the Makkapitew, Josh will be found by the police alive and not transforming into a Wendigo.
In an epilogue that only Sam gets, set a few years later in Los Angeles, Sam is researching the Wendigo while also suffering from severe trauma and depression due to her experiences on the mountain. As she goes to turn off her alarm, she notes that her arm is bleeding nonstop as a mysterious voice says her name. This brings Sam's story, for the moment to a close.
Admirable Standard
Sam clearly sets the standard for Until Dawn. All of the characters have various personality traits that often vary depending on the dialogue options of the player, but Sam is the sole exception. Whenever the player controls her, all the dialogue options are friendly, with them being mostly sarcasm for more aggressive responses for Sam, and gentle teasing. Unlike Mike and Matt, who are depicted as arrogant, Emily, who has severe entitlement issues, Chris and Josh who are shown to have sick senses of humor, Ashley, who panics at the though of danger, and can be quite cowardly, and Jessica who is shown to be solely interested in prioritizing her beauty over everything else, Sam is depicted as being fully virtuous, kind and compassionate. She warned the group about the cruelty of the prank on Hannah, called them out when Hannah fled the lodge, and tried to comfort Josh as he grieved over his siblings. In the main game, Sam is horrified when she hears that Jessica is dead, despite having misgives over Jessica being the initiator of the prank against Hannah, sympathizes with Josh and does not hold a grudge against him if she finds all the clues in his workshop, recognizing that he is deeply mentally unwell due to having been given the wrong medicines all his life combined with the grief of losing his siblings to a cruel prank, and is the only one who is willing to hear the Stranger out when he informs the group about the Wendigo. She is utterly disgusted if Mike shoots Emily, but will still go to try to warn him about the Wendigos. Finally, should Sam manage to find Hannah's journal in the mines, she will be utterly grief-stricken over the horrible fate of her friend. She also does not hesitate to use herself as bait to ensure her friends escape the lodge in the final confrontation. She also grieves over what happened to Josh and his descent into madness regardless of his acts of the Psycho. In the remake, should Sam manage to find Hannah's journal, and Josh showed remorse and nobody in the group died, it leads directly to Josh surviving, and starting a path of redemption. Lacking none of the vices the other group members have, and her personality being largely immune from player decision, Sam sets the admirable standard for the series bar none.
The one person who could compete with Sam, the reporter from The Inpatient, the prequel to Until Dawn is a no contest. The prequel is in first person mode, meaning we don't see the reporter's face, although the reporter has dialogue options in the game, the reporter never speaks at all throughout the game, and the reporter is given no personality aside from restoring their memories and trying to escape the mountain. With the reporter completely lacking a personality and not being shown reacting to events at all thanks to the game mode of the prequel, the reporter does not come close to being a challenge to Sam. Thus, Sam easily passes the admirable standard.
Corrupting Factors
Okay Sam does have some factors that do need to be addressed, including the one that prevented her from being Pure Good in the original game, but which I do believe is sufficiently addressed in the remake.
- The first issue is that due to the heavily reworked prologue which greatly expands Beth's playable segment, the scene where Sam goes to find Hannah to warn her about the prank in the original game is removed. However, the remake makes it very clear that Sam did desperately try to warn Hannah about the prank, but Hannah falsely believed that Sam was part of the prank thanks to the other members of the group framing Sam due to using her drawing of Hannah for Mike's note to lure her to the prank. Similarly, while Sam does stop Mike from running after Hannah, it is for the very understandable reason that Hannah did not want to see any of them at the moment, along with the fact that Sam had no idea that would be the last she would see Hannah and Beth, and Sam makes it very clear in the main game she deeply regrets failing to find Hannah.
- Her swearing. With Until Dawn being a horror game, characters swearing should come as no surprise. Furthermore, Sam only uses the more heavier swearing when sufficiently scared or terrified, and generally tends to use more minor swearing. Furthermore, the only time she ever swears heavily directly at someone is at Mike if he shoots Emily, with this being depicted as fully justified since Mike just shot his ex girlfriend over something that may have happened. The fact that it gets revealed seconds later that Emily died for nothing, further showing that Sam's disgust at what Mike did was fully warranted.
- Violence. Sam only uses violence in self-defence and is never aggressive, with no dialogue options or choices allowing her to become violent of her own will, she only becomes when she is absolutely forced to. She can, at the player's decision, throw a vase at Josh and hit him with a baseball bat when he is disguised as the Psycho, but given that Sam did not know Josh was the Psycho, just that the Psycho was an intruder that had filmed her while she was bathing, showed her a video of Josh being killed, and had threatened her life, her decision to attack him is depicted as a very understandable reaction to a stranger who she thinks is going to kill her. And while she can kill a Wendigo in the mines, it is clearly because she is protecting Mike and herself from a creature that is desperately trying to kill them. Furthermore she kills at least 3 Wendigos, including the Makkapitew, in the lodge explosion at the final battle, but this is explicitly depicted as the only way to stop them, since they are dead set on killing her and her friends, the Makkapitew especially, since it has been stalking and attacking the group all night long. So anytime Sam gets violent, it is in complete self defence.
- Killing Mike and the others in the lodge explosion. If Sam opts to run for the switch early, it will kill Mike, along with Emily and Ashley if they are still in the lodge. While in the original game, she only showed remorse for Mike, she did not show remorse for Emily and Ashley, I believe the remake does sufficiently address this issue. In the epilogue Sam gets if she survived, a photo of her, Mike, Emily, and Hannah is shown on her bedside table. This photo is treated explicitly as a memento to the friends she lost in the game, including Emily and Ashley, given that it is featured prominently throughout the epilogue. Furthermore, a bonus feature that you can get after beating the remake has Hayden Paniterre, Sam's actress, explicitly admit that she is still deeply grieving the friends she lost on the mountain, including Emily and Ashley. With a photo that seems to clearly show Sam is still grieving over the loss of her friends on Blackwood Mountain years later, including Emily and Ashley if she killed them in the lodge explosion, I do believe that Sam does show sufficient remorse to qualify as Pure Good.
Final Verdict
Since Sam's personality is largely unaffected by dialogue choices and by player decisions, and the remake clearly shows she overcame the corrupting factors she had in the original game, I do believe that Sam does qualify in the 2024 Until Dawn remake as Pure Good.