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EoW Princess Zelda Render

Well, it has certainly been a long time since I have done a proposal here and since the new The Legend of Zelda title came out; this may be the first time only one incarnation of an iconic character is proposed and not along with the others as some of them are approved and the others are rejected. I have been meaning to do this for a while, but now, it's time to get this over with.

What is the Works?

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is the recent installment of The Legend of Zelda franchise. No, I'm not counting the infamous CD-i games; I know there are two of these games that have Princess Zelda as the main protagonist, but these games are non-canon to the main timeline. This marks the very first time that the princess of Hyrule is the main protagonist in the canon main series. It follows the adventure of Princess Zelda (that's right, it's about time she gets to be the star in her series), who sets off on a quest to close the Rifts that were rapidly opening across Hyrule, and the people that were caught in it were dragged into the Still World where they are rendered completely immobile and helpless and extended time in this state will cause them to fade into nothingness with Link and Zelda being the only ones that can move freely, and when the Rifts they are trapped in are fixed, some will go about their business like it never happened while others experience its effects and are petrified and unable to speak. Princess Zelda wields the Tri Rod that she uses to create echoes of objects and monsters to get around the kingdom and solve puzzles. She also uses the Swordfighter form and gains the bow and bombs she gains from an imposter of Link, though temporarily. She travels across land while also looking for the Prime Energy while discovering a dark secret behind the creation of Hyrule.

Who is She? What Has She Done?

Princess Zelda starts with her traditional damsel in distress role as usual who has been imprisoned by Ganon and Link goes into the Suthorn Ruins where she was held and after he defeats Ganon, his trident creates a dark Rift that ends up trapping Link in it, but not before he shoots an arrow at Zelda's crystal which allows her to break free as he completely falls into the rift. She was barely able to escape as the Rift began to grow rapidly. Things go from bad to worse when at Hyrule Castle, her father and his subjects, Minister Lefte and General Wright end up being absorbed into the Rift that formed in the throne room and replaced with imposters that frame the princess for doing it, and was sentenced to death despite it not being her fault and the only witness to these events. With the help from the mysterious fairy named Tri, Zelda is able to escape the castle dungeon with Impa also helping her go out in disguise using Link's hood that he left behind to pass off as a common traveler. Tri's kind have a task of preventing the Rifts from spawning. She travels across the land to fix the Rifts that formed while also helping the people that were affected by their presence. She also encounters the imposters of important people that were attempting to hinder her progress while the real ones were trapped in the Still World. When she defeats the monsters behind the Rifts, the Tris are freed and they proceed to fix the damage along with Minister Lefte and General Wright also being set free. After defeating the echo Ganon at the Stilled Hyrule Castle, she is saved by Link from a mysterious monster behind the events, but the warrior ends up being captured while she escaped and her father is also liberated from the Still World and he was able to declare Zelda innocent of the crime behind the Rifts. With new rifts forming at the new regions where the, she now has to seek the Prime Energy from the Goddesses which require her to head to these areas, the Faron Wetlands, Eldin Volcano, and Lanayru Mountain, which she heads to these regions to gain the Sanctions from the Goddesses after she closes the Rifts. She learns from one of the goddesses about why Hyrule was created in the first place and it was a prison for an ancient evil monster named Null, who would eliminate anything that came into existence and they also created the Tris to ensure that it doesn't try to escape, but Null eventually had it figured out and imprisoned the Tris in the monsters it creates, even the bosses, which it then created the Rifts. After gaining the final Sanction, she was ambushed and Null creates an imposter of the princess and steals the Sanctions from her to gain access to the Prime Energy. When she visits the Great Deku Tree in Eternal Forest, she gains access where her imposter attempts to use the Prime Energy (which is the Triforce) to wish for everything to become a void once again, but the Triforce splits apart and goes to certain people and as usual, Link gets the Triforce of Courage, Zelda gets the Triforce of Wisdom, and Null (not Ganon this time) gets the Triforce of Power. As a result, the Zelda imposter attempts to take the imprisoned Link's Triforce when he couldn't prevent it, before the real Zelda gets in the way and defeats it. She managed to save Link the same way he saved her and returns his weapons and they travel through Null's Body to reach the ancient evil itself and after a brutal battle, they managed to weaken it to take the Triforce of Power from it using Bind. With the Triforce whole again, they wish for the Rifts to be eradicated (which also destroys Null). With Hyrule being restored and Null destroyed, Tri and its kind have served their purpose and Tri bids Zelda an emotional farewell before it ascends into the heavens and sends her and Link back to Hyrule where they were commemorated for their efforts and Link is introduced to the King and the others as well.

Mitigating Factors

Princess Zelda isn't shown to exhibit any corrupting factors and in this game, she is the silent protagonist (which is odd, since all of the previous incarnations are perfectly capable of speech) but Princess Zelda still displays a full moral agency and she has been shown to know what is right and wrong and her various reactions to different scenarios still show that she still does have characterization despite her not speaking at all in this game, and there have been silent characters who have been approved, especially multiple incarnations of Link himself. Even actions such as attacking the Cuccos only amount to video game cruelty potential, meaning it's the players who have the option to be jerks to NPCs, and the killings of monsters are often necessary since they are trying to kill her and other characters in the game.

Admirable Standards

The Legend of Zelda series have a very high admirable standard as it often has Link, some versions of Zelda, and other supporting characters contributing to saving Hyrule or the world from villains, usually Ganondorf/Ganon and other villains across the series. This incarnation of Princess Zelda takes the cake for saving the entire world from Null, the all-consuming demon whose existence predates even Demise and the reason the world exists. People that fell into the Rifts actually suffer a fate worse than death and it shows that they are traumatized to the point where they couldn't speak of their experiences, while Link was one of the very few victims who still recalls what happened but was rendered mute, and by saving the Tris in the Still World, it also rescues those who were trapped, from the Hylians and the Gerudo to the Deku Scrubs and the Gorons. Zelda also helps free the ancient ruins during the first half of the game and reconciles the Sea Zora chief and River Zora chief while revealing that the aggressive Lord Jabu Jabu was fake and going out of her way to save the real gentle Jabu Jabu. And in doing so, she saves Lefte and Wright and eventually her father at Hyrule Castle which clears her good name. She also helps the new Goron chief Darston understand what it means to be a good leader and he doesn't have to be exactly like his late father to achieve this and his studies have helped in various ways. When she finds the carving Condé's brother made in one of the caves, she also helps the Yeti Condé understand that his older brother is still proud of him even though he still hasn't returned from his adventures when he believed that he wasn't a good brother. With Link, she returns the favor by setting him free and preventing her imposter from trying to take the Triforce of Courage from him and they managed to defeat Null and despite it demanding to hand the Triforce to it, she and Link wish for its elimination and for all Rifts to vanish to restore her broken kingdom.

Final Verdict

Princess Zelda definitely has the best chance at qualifying as Pure Good and it shows that even through so much adversity and suffering she endured during her adventures, she proved that she was truly the Priestess of Wisdom with a pure heart for others. But as always, I will leave her up for discussion for her qualification. Have a wonderful day!