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Slippy Toad

Alright then, since the Near Pure Good Proposal didn't work out, I have decided to propose him here. I would like to wrap up the ranking for the members of the Star Fox team and the only one left is one of the more divisive characters in the series, and that is Slippy Toad. Regardless of what you all think of him, whether you like him or not, he does deserve credit for many of his accomplishments he made as part of the team. And he is under the Pure Good category for a very long time now, but he was never approved yet, which this proposal will take decisive action on whether he should be approved or not.

NOTE: The "What is the Works?" section will contain contents from my Near Good Proposal on Peppy Hare and the "Who is He? What Has He Done?" section will have contents from my Near Pure Good Proposal on Slippy, so just to clarify, I am the one who wrote them, so I'm not taking them from anyone else's (and I wouldn't do it unless I have the original proposer's permission while also crediting them for their work). Since I was the one who did the work on these proposals, I can use it freely.

What is the Works?

The Star Fox series follows the adventures of the stars Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, Slippy Toad, and eventually the newcomer, Krystal. They are a series of rail-shooter games that focus on their missions to eliminate major threats, most notably Andross, and there's General Scales and the SharpClaw tribe, the Aparoid Queen and the giant insectoid species known as Aparoids, and the Anglar Emperor and his army. The stories of each of them often start with General Pepper contacting the team to let them know about a crisis and they would spring into action and on each planet or star system, he will give information about the events on the planet and lets them know what they are up against.

In Star Fox 64, when Andross initiates the Lylat Wars, General Pepper contacts the team to tell them that Corneria is under attack along with the other planets, which they react accordingly. Each team has their own unique aspects that set them apart; obviously you play as Fox himself, Falco will reveal hidden paths to alternate routes or leave hints about them, Peppy, being the elder expert he is, gives helpful advice, and Slippy will reveal the boss's shield gauge, and keeping them in the battlefield reaps the rewards later and contributes the gaining the award medal on Venom. They will encounter the villainous rival team, Star Wolf, led by Wolf O'Donnell and his subordinates are Leon Powalski, Pigma Dengar, and Andrew Oikonny and these individuals target specific teammates; Wolf attacking Fox, Leon targeting Falco, Pigma unsurprisingly pursues Peppy, and Andrew chasing Slippy. Eventually, Fox goes it alone in the battle against Andross where he defeats his true form and things look dismal for Fox until James suddenly appears and guides him out of the base safely, Peppy sees Fox looking around for his father and asks what was wrong, though Fox brushes him off.

In Star Fox Adventures, eight years have passed, when their mothership, the Great Fox falls into disrepair and the team unable to find a job that would give them significant pay to help improve its condition. Eventually, General Pepper gets into contact with the team about the shattering planet named Sauria, to find the source of the problem and help put it back together like a puzzle as its complete destruction will greatly impact Lylat. Peppy himself has retired as a pilot due to his age and instead works as a navigator of the Great Fox. Peppy, Slippy, and Pepper are relegated as supporting characters from far away as Fox travels on foot on the continents while using his Arwing to get to each continent. Peppy, as usual, will give advice to Fox when he asks for it, and he usually helps him stay focused on the mission. Fox would gain the SpellStones and bring the Krazoa Spirits to their rightful places while dealing with General Scales and his troops, who were responsible for the planet splitting apart, but something else is working behind the scenes and the general is a mere pawn. Eventually, he frees Krystal from her confinement and confronts the true mastermind behind Sauria's miserable state, Andross, and the battle ensues but Fox appears to be in a losing battle until Falco, who was absent for the majority of the game, appears and provides Smart Bombs for Fox to turn the tides and the maniacal scientist is defeated forever and the Krazoa Spirits managed to piece Sauria back together, ending the crisis. General Pepper sends them their paycheck and Krystal joins the team, with some teasing from his teammates.

In Star Fox: Assault, a year goes by, and Andrew Oikonny has long since left Star Wolf to lead the Venom army in his uncle's stead and leads a rebellion against Corneria and the army appear to be at mercy, up until Star Fox arrived in the nick of time. After tearing through enemy forces at Fortuna, they go into battle with Andrew who is quickly defeated by something much bigger and badder than him, which is known as an Aparoid. Once they defeated it, they learn that a single Aparoid wiped out an army seventeen years prior from Slippy's father Beltino. They head to Katina when they picked up a distress call there and they would later find out that it was a fake out created by Pigma to fool them into defeating the Aparoids, so he can steal the Core Memory from them and, being as greedy as ever, he can sell it for his own profit. The team heads to Sargasso Space Station where they are met with a group of Ruffians led by Wolf O'Donnell, whose team has changed a bit, while Pigma and Andrew are out of the picture, Panther Caroso takes their place and he takes a liking to Krystal, who doesn't pay attention to his romantic gestures towards her, and it was because of this trait that led him to reveal Pigma's location on the frozen planet, Fichina. They find that Pigma was helping the Aparoids infect the sentry robots which turned them against their allies and even attacked Fox when he is trying to get the dysfunctional Climate Control Center working again before Falco saves him and defeat the Aparoid, Pigma created with the Core Memory. Slippy gets a message from his father that they need to take back the Core Memory Pigma stole, because it contains the location of the Aparoid Homeworld, and because the Aparoids are using assimilation to multiply nonstop, they need to reach their home planet to defeat their leader which is the only way to put a permanent end to them. Pigma noticeably acts unnervingly off as he flies towards Meteo, where the next battle takes place. As the team fights the Aparoid forces, Pigma is revealed to be so severely infected by the Aparoids that undergoes a horrific mutation by fusing with a satellite and looks incredibly monstrous when he becomes an Aparoid. So, Fox and his crew finally managed to destroy him (Bye, Pigma! Hope James beats you to a pulp in the afterlife!) and they managed to get the Core Memory back and send it to Beltino. They were about to make a trip to Corneria when Krystal receives a telepathic distress call from the Saurian Dinosaurs and it was found that, according to Slippy that the SharpClaw had seemingly been wiped out and Peppy notes that the Cloudrunners are critically endangered by the end of the battle when the Aparoids have been destroyed and they had a brief reunion with Tricky the dinosaur. Things go from bad to worse when General Pepper makes a distress call to them that Corneria is under attack, and he is captured and eventually infected by the Aparoids and trapped in his flagship which he uses against the Star Fox and surprisingly the Star Wolf team against his will; with Wolf in particular having saved Fox from falling to his death. General Pepper wants the team to kill him, so he doesn't undergo a fate worse than death, which is transforming into an Aparoid alive. Once they defeat him, Peppy flies in his Arwing and managed to soften his fall, which Pepper didn't want, though Peppy tells them to get him to the Medical Corps immediately. They would later support the surviving Cornerian military at the Orbital Gate to help them access the Aparoid Homeworld with Beltino sending the team apoptosis, the Aparoid's only weakness and to use it on their leader would spell doom for the rest of the Aparoids and their planet. and they would only invade the surface of the planet and they fought off more of them. While they find the entrance to the planet's interiors, it's blocked by a shield that their lasers and conventional weapons don't work on them, so Peppy Hare and ROB 64 take a drastic measure and because they are at the early stages of Aparoid infection and the Great Fox already being swarmed, Peppy stubbornly charges at the shield which breaks it, which horrifies the team as they protest his sacrificial actions as they knew it would result in their deaths. Despite all the emotion the team goes through, Fox tells them to push forward before the shield goes back up as the Great Fox explodes, presumably taking Peppy and ROB with it, to confront the Aparoid Queen. She tries to use the voices of Pigma, Pepper, Peppy, ROB 64, and even James himself to break their spirits and manipulate them into joining her, but Wolf's advice "Don't hesitate. When the time comes, just act." managed to help them break out of it and take the fight to her with Fox shooting the self-destruct program into her, but she flees as she tries to suppress it which has them pursue her through shooting at her until the program activated which effectively kills her and the team flies out of the planet as it falls into complete destruction. As everyone takes a moment to remember the fallen, Slippy sees Peppy and ROB, alive and well, having used the escape pod in their mothership to defy their doom, which Fox then thanks everyone for their support.

Who is He? What Has He Done?

Slippy Toad is one of Fox McCloud's best buddies since their academy years. He is the team tech wizard who is the son of Beltino Toad, nephew of Grippy Toad, possible husband of Amanda, and possible father of numerous unnamed children. He is the least experienced pilot in the team which often makes him the butt of the joke and is often picked on by Falco Lombardi for it. Even with his below-average piloting experience, he does make up for it with his many inventions, including the Landmaster and the Blue Marine and it's evidenced when he asks Fox how it's holding up for him and they tend to work just fine. He is also considered the goofy side of the team due to his comedic antics and his role within the team, is to display the shield gauge of the boss as soon as it appears. Fox would eventually assemble the new Star Fox team in his father's place, which Slippy becomes a part of.

Mitigating Factors

Slippy has sometimes gotten himself into reckless situations which has at times caused problems for his teammates one of which he tried to fight Spyborg and swatted to Titania which forced the team to save him, but even when he does get clumsy most of the time, he usually doesn't mean to, and he still contributes to the team whenever he can. He isn't the best pilot in the team, but he is at his best in inventions and improvisions. Another thing is that Slippy can be quite the snarker as shown in Assault regarding his enemies or even Falco of all people but given how they tend to be minor and brief, it shouldn't be too much of a problem as he shows that even as the typical butt-monkey, he still has a spine and willing to stand up for himself and doesn't sit down and take all the misfortunes thrown at him. In Adventures, Slippy, like the rest of his teammates, does not directly join Fox to save Sauria from destruction, but at the same time, one needs to remember that Krystal was also out of the picture for the remainder of that game, she still puts in enough effort and her joining the team to stop the Aparoids in the following game and her boundless compassion helped her to qualify.

Admirable Standards

The Star Fox series standards are pretty high to say the least, but I think Slippy does stand out at the very least enough for various reasons:

  • Slippy is especially known for being a very considerate individual who is one of, if not the most, gentle of the group with not only his friends, but he was also very friendly with the Star Wolf team, even if they are expectedly hostile towards him and he was pretty mournful over Pepper's infection and Peppy's sacrifice to break the shield to allow entry for the team. I know Starlink: Battle for Atlas isn't an actual Star Fox game, but I'll bring this up anyway, during the Slippy's Scheme side mission, Slippy turns down Falco's request to take his place since he wanted some independence and once he succeeds in defeating Andrew Oikonny, Falco gives his very rare praise to him, Slippy politely tells him that it is okay to admit when he is wrong, which is very wholesome for him to say to the person who constantly picks on him.
  • His occupation as the mechanic and team scientist, there's no doubt that his skills in this area of the team are superb and he does know how to get ahead of the game. Before the series began, he joined the new Star Fox squadron with the rest of his teammates. In Star Fox 64, he improvised the Arwings so that they can withstand the scorching temperatures of Solar so that they don't send them on the crash course when the shield gauge is at its lowest, with being hit being the biggest concern. Aside from that, Slippy also created the Landmaster for ground missions and the Blue Marine for underwater missions, sure the only time it's used is Aquas, but it's still a notable and it helps a lot that Fox is grateful to him that it came through and Peppy stating that he isn't a screw up as they thought him to be. As one of his specialties as a team member, Slippy immediately displays the boss's shield gauge the moment they appear, and it helps players know when their attacks are actually doing anything and when they know if their close to defeating them. (if he isn't around, don't expect the boss's shield gauge to appear). This has helped significantly in the Lylat War, and it was pivotal in the victory of the heroes. In Star Fox Adventures, he grants Fox the Hi-Def Display Device even though the Shopkeeper found it first and Fox had to purchase if from him, and when Fox was captured by the SharpClaw, Slippy acted by sending him the SharpClaw Disguise to trick one of the guards into returning Krystal's Staff. In Star Fox: Assault, Slippy's role isn't too different since he still displays the shield gauge of bosses, and his creations still help the team a lot, but Slippy has a lot more agency here as once his father, Beltino sends him information about the Core Memory that Pigma stole from them and tells them that the Core Memory contains the location of the Aparoid Homeworld which leads them on the path to the Aparoid Queen later on. Not to mention that unlike in 64, Slippy, and the rest of his teammates actively take part in the final battle against the queen and activated the Self-Destruct Program on time when she tried to suppress it. Even if his piloting skills aren't that good, given that he isn't experienced in that area, it doesn't stop him from doing anything he can to contribute for the greater good.

Final Verdict

I would say that Slippy has a chance to be approved as Pure Good and this is long overdue, and it's time for him to get an actual consensus. As always, I will let you all vote to decide if he should be approved or not. Have a great day!