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Heroes Wiki
Fi (Hyrule Warriors)

I can’t believe it’s been like two years since I made a proposal on this wiki. This character’s been in my head for a while.

What's the Work?[]

The Legend of Zelda is a series of fantasy action-adventure games created by Nintendo. They follow the various incarnations of Link, a boy chosen by the goddess Hylia to protect the kingdom of Hyrule and its ruler, Princess Zelda, from the forces of Ganon, the Great King of Evil.

Skyward Sword is the series’ controversial (but still pretty good) 2011 installment, chronicling the origins of the Master Sword and the connection between the three Triforce Wielders. In the high-up land of Skyloft Zelda (not a princess yet) is swept down to the surface world by a mysterious tornado. Her childhood friend, Link, sets off on an adventure to find her (after like an hour of tutorials, of course) and becomes wrapped up in a divine conflict with himself, Zelda, and the sadistic yet fabulous Demon Lord Ghirahim as pawns.

Breath of the Wild is the series’ latest (and highly acclaimed) installment that takes place at the end of the series’ timeline. It follows Link as he wakes up from a century-long slumber to find the Master Sword and reclaim Hyrule from Calamity Ganon, a monstrosity that left the kingdom in ruins and forced Zelda to seal herself in Hyrule Castle to keep him at bay.

Who Is She/What Has She Done?[]

Skyward Sword[]

Fi is introduced as a mysterious spirit who appears to Link through dreams and visions, eventually guiding him to the resting place of the Goddess Sword in Skyloft. There, she reveals that she is the spirit of the Goddess Sword, created by Hylia to act as a companion to guide Link towards his destiny: to rescue Zelda from the clutches of the Demon Lord Ghirahim and destroy the Imprisoned, an ancient evil from the surface world’s past.

Her role throughout the rest of the game is quite simple. She provides Link with powers and songs for his Goddess Harp that help him get further in his quest to upgrade the Goddess Sword, while also giving him tips for defeating enemies, conquering dungeons, and finding the paths forward. After being upgraded to the Master Sword, Fi helps Link open up the Sky Keep and crash a large chunk of Skyloft into the Imprisoned, killing it. Link Zelda, Impa, and the game's true hero, Groose, all celebrate their victory… only to be blindsided by a surprise attack from Ghirahim, who captures Zelda and drags through a time portal to the past, where the Imprisoned is still alive.

In the past, Ghirahim sends massive hordes of monsters to distract Link and Fi while he performs a very goofy-looking ritual that feeds Zelda’s soul to the Imprisoned, before revealing that he himself is a sword spirit for the Demon Blade. Although they defeat Ghirahim, he finishes his ritual, resulting in the Imprisoned being transformed back into his original form: Demise the Demon King. Demise then forcibly transforms Ghirahim back into the Demon Blade and challenges Link to a duel. Fi warns Link that he has a 0% chance of coming back alive if he doesn’t defeat Demise (how encouraging) before wishing him good luck.

Long story short, Link defeats Demise, who then curses him and Zelda to fight a reincarnation of his hatred and “wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time”. Fi then absorbs his essence into the Master Sword, and the world is saved.

With her purpose fulfilled, Fi tells Link to place the Master Sword back in its pedestal, where she will fall into an eternal sleep to keep Demise at bay. Link does exactly that, and she disappears… only to reappear a moment later, disobeying her weird magical programming to thank Link, telling him she enjoyed their adventures together and that he introduced her to a feeling she didn’t know she was capable of: happiness. With that, she falls into her slumber, keeping Demise trapped within the Master Sword for all eternity.

Well, that is until…

Breath of the Wild[]

Thousands upon thousands of years after the events of Skyward Sword, a new Link, the Hero of the Wild, pulls the Master Sword from its resting place in order to fight Calamity Ganon alongside the Champions of Hyrule. While doing research on Hyrule’s past, Zelda comes across writings about the Master Sword, learning that a “voice” can be heard within it by the chosen hero. She wonders if Link can hear this voice.

During the Great Calamity, the Champions are all killed and Link is mortally wounded while trying to protect Zelda from an onslaught of Guardians. Devastated, Zelda begins to weep over Link’s body… only for Fi to reawaken for the first time since Skyward Sword to remind Zelda of the Shrine of Resurrection, before falling back asleep immediately afterwards. Zelda then rushes Link to the Shrine Resurrection, which heals him for the next 100 years while Zelda seals herself and Calamity Ganon inside Hyrule Castle.

After Calamity Ganon’s (temporary) defeat, Link and Zelda reunite to begin rebuilding Hyrule. She then remarks that her powers have waned after all that time, and she can no longer hear Fi within the Master Sword. She then asks Link if he can hear her. Link, being Link, doesn’t respond.

Mitigating Factors[]

Although Fi is essentially a magical AI whose sole purpose is to carry out Hylia’s will, she displays moral agency by reawakening from her sleep twice, first just to say goodbye and second to save Link’s life.

Although she’s kind of aloof, she’s never outright rude to anyone.

Overall, none.

Admirable Standard[]

Passes it, surprisingly. Unlike, say, Navi from Ocarina of Time, Fi’s hints are actually helpful (sometimes a little too helpful) and her assistance is outright required in order to get to the end of Skyward Sword. It’s very clear Link wouldn’t have made it far without her. Plus, her sealing Demise, the biggest threat in the entire franchise, and giving up her chance at an actual life in order to do so is extremely admirable. Add on the fact that she helped forge the Master Sword itself and pretty much saved Link, in turn allowing him and Zelda to defeat Calamity Ganon, and Fi is a surprisingly admirable character despite only have a main role in one game.


I’d say yes, but what do y’all think?