Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

”You’ll see.”

May the stars shine down upon you.
~ Rosalina’s blessing.

Alright, here we go. Thanks to Emeraldblade95 for giving me permission a while back.

What’s the Work?[]

In case you’ve been living on a deserted island your entire life, Super Mario Bros. is a series of platform games developed by Nintendo, following Mario and Luigi as they rescue Princess Peach from the tyrannical Bowser.

More specifically, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2 are… well, exactly what they sound like: Mario IN SPACE!!!!! The titular plumber travels through various solar systems and planets as he tries to reach the center of the universe and stop Bowser from conquering everything.

Who Is She/What Has She Done?[]


Rosalina was once a young girl who had recently lost her mother. While stargazing one night, a Luma falls into her yard and she agrees to help him get back to his mother.

After years of searching and gathering up numerous other Lumas on their adventure, Rosalina realizes that they’ll likely never find the Luma’s mother, and that due to the timey-wimey nature of space travel, the rest of her family is probably long dead. However, she decides to start a new family with the Lumas, raising and protecting them for eons and eons thereafter.

Super Mario Galaxy[]

Bowser attacks Rosalina’s Comet Observatory stealing her Power Stars to fuel his Galaxy Reactor, which Bowser will use to completely dominate and reshape the universe. Rosalina rescues Mario after he gets stranded in space, promising to fly him to the center of the universe and save Peach (oh yeah— Peach got kidnapped again) if he can collect enough Power Stars to fuel the Observatory.

Rosalina gives Mario a peach-colored Luma to help him on his way, and uses the Observatory’s power to propel him to different galaxies, where he rescues Luigi and the Toad Brigade. After collecting 60 (I think, it’s been a bit) Power Stars, Rosalina flies Mario to the center of the universe, where the plumber proceeds to rescue Peach and punch Bowser into the sun.

Unfortunately, Bowser’s reactor implodes, creating black hole that will suck up the entire universe. Realizing this, the Lumas all join together and fly into the black hole, offsetting its pull and causing an explosion. Mario finds himself in a strange, colorful void, where Rosalina assumes him that the cycle of life will begin again.

Mario then awakens in an entirely new galaxy, made from all the Lumas that entered the black hole (it’s not as dark as it sounds— the Lumas live, die, are reborn as celestial objects, die again, and live again endlessly) and celebrates.

Super Mario Galaxy 2[]

Throughout the game, Rosalina narrates the story and sends letters containing useful items to the Baby Luma. She also appears in the form of the Cosmic Spirit, who will guide Mario to the Power Stars if he loses too many lives.

Super Mario 3D World[]

After defeating Bowser and clearing “World Star-2: Super Galaxy”, Rosalina joins Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad on their journey to Champion’s Road, a level that gives me PTSD thinking about it.

Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope[]

Rosalina gets possessed by an entity known as Cursa, who uses her body in an attempt to destroy the universe. Upon being freed, Rosalina uses her powers to destroy Cursa, saving the universe.

Mitigating Factors[]

None whatsoever. She’s mysterious and a bit closed-off, but she’s otherwise a perfectly nice person who never does anything wrong.

Admirable Standard[]

This is why she was removed to begin with. The argument was that she fails compared to Mario and Luigi, saying that she doesn’t do anything other than “drive Mario to the final boss” and that we don’t see her doing her job as the universe’s guardian. Neither is true.

  • She rescues Mario from space.
  • She grants him access to areas across the universe.
  • She gives him a Luma sidekick and grants him the spin-jump, an ability that is required to beat the game.
  • On a lesser note, she also allows Luigi and the Toad Brigade to stay with her after being rescued, and also transports Luigi so he can collect stars.

As for guarding the universe? That’s all we see her doing:

  • She’s been raising, nurturing, and caring for the Lumas for eons. Which is definitely nice of her, but what makes it truly admirable is when you take into account what the Lumas actually are...
  • The Lumas are basically everything. Once they reach a certain age (or if you just feed them a crap ton of Star Bits), they’ll transform into things like planets, moons, stars, or even entire galaxies. When these celestial bodies die, they’ll be reborn again as Lumas, and Rosalina will continue taking care of them. Basically, the lady has devoted her existence to ensuring that everything in the universe continues to be created and born in a perfect cycle. When Bowser stole her Power Stars, he essentially broke that cycle and tried to create a galaxy of his own to rule the universe.
    • On the topic of Power Stars, Lumas also transform into those, too. Power Stars (also Power Moons, which Odyssey revealed are the same things) are THE power source in the Mario universe, and societies would basically collapse if they stopped appearing.
  • She also takes Mario to fight Bowser, which he literally wouldn’t have been able to do on his own. Could she have joined him? I guess, but it’s implied that she isn’t a fighter and stays out of most mortal matters, and only stepped in because Bowser was a legitimate threat to both the Lumas and the universe as a whole.

Basically, Rosalina has been ensuring the continued stability of the universe for who knows how long, and we see enough of her doing so onscreen to prove it. She also plays a vital, if hands-off, role in the events of the Galaxy games; Mario and the Lumas never would’ve made it to Bowser without her, and the universe would’ve been his for the taking. I think she’s quite impressive given how little she appears in the main series and how little screentime she has overall.

Also, as for the entire franchise, canonicity is… questionable, to say the least, since the characters and events tend to differ across the games. Personally, I think we should only be considering the main platform games when it comes to Rosalina, since there’s little connection to the spin-offs (Donkey Kong, Yoshi’s Island, and Luigi’s Mansion are the only games I can think of that actually tie in to the main games), but y’all can think of that what you will. If we are including spin-offs, then I think her saving the universe in Sparks of Hope is noteworthy enough to qualify.


I’d say an easy yes, and I was bewildered when I found out she was removed.