Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

JoxFox2109 JoxFox2109 18 April 2021

PG Proposal: Joel Dawson

I'm back for another PG proposal and this time it's about a character that surprsingly doesn't have a proper page on this wiki yet. It's Joel Dawson from the 2020 film, Love and Monsters. So let's begin!

  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who is He and What has He done?
  • 3 Admirable Standards
  • 4 Corrupting Factors
  • 5 Final Verdict

Love and Monsters is a 2020 sci-fi film with comedic vibes that is about the 24-year old Joel Dawson who lives in a dystopian world where insects and other animals have been mutated to grotesk and murderous beasts who killed many humans. So humans who have survived are living in shelters and fight for their lives. Joel lost his parents and hadn't seen his girlfriend for 7 years. So he goes on an adventure on his own to find his girlfriend and…

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JoxFox2109 JoxFox2109 2 March 2021

PG Proposal: Kao the Kangaroo

I'm back after a long time with a new Pure Good proposal and this time with one of my childhood heroes. I was surprised that he didn't had a page already, so I had to immediately create one today! What I noticed is that he could be a potential qualifier for the category, because he shows how heroic he is. So let's begin!

  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who is He and What has He done?
  • 3 Admirable Standards
  • 4 Corrupting Factors
  • 5 Final Verdict

Kao the Kangaroo is a platformer video games series created by the polish video game developers Tate Multimedia. It is about an anthropomorphic kangaroo named Kao who is a very good boxer and has a fitting outfit. He lives in a peaceful environment with many colorful animals. However, this peace is often interrupted by the …

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JoxFox2109 JoxFox2109 3 January 2021

PG Proposal: Tari

So I already did a proposal for Tari from Meta Runner like one year ago and it was rejected. However at that time, it was only season one and now that season two is over, we have more heroic deeds and screen time from Tari that could make her Pure Good. So I try my best and list down all her heroic actions from season one (hopefully I will remember) and season two.


  • 1 What's the Work?
  • 2 Who is She and What has She done?
  • 3 Admirable Standards
  • 4 Corrupting Factors
  • 5 Final Verdict

Meta Runner is a science-fiction web series created by Glitch Productions. It takes place in a city named Silica City where everything is about video games and technology. The main plot surrounds about the Meta Runners, gamers that ha…

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JoxFox2109 JoxFox2109 8 July 2020

PG Proposal: Ishiro Serizawa

So another PG proposal of mine. This one is about the character Ishiro Serizawa from the MonsterVerse. I watched both reboot Godzilla movies again yesterday and I saw him as an possible qualifier.

  • 1 Who is he and what has he done?
  • 2 Mitigating Factors/Corrupting Factors 
  • 3 Admirable Standard
  • 4 Final Verdict

Ishiro Serizawa is a japanese scientist who researchs about ancient creatures, like Godzilla and the other titans. He is a very calm and wise man, who wants to show the government and all the people that Godzilla and maybe other titans aren't evil and are on their side. He even states that he respects all life forms, so humans, animals and titans. His biggest wish is to bring humans and titans together and make peace and co-living with them poss…

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JoxFox2109 JoxFox2109 4 July 2020

PG Proposal: Paul "Jesus" Rovia

So there's another PG Proposal of mine. This is about "Jesus" from The Walking Dead. I'm talking more about his tv version than his comic book version. I just watched the show and didn't read the comics. I just know (SPOILER ALERT) that the comic book version is still alive and around whenever the tv version is deceased. 

  • 1 Who is he?
  • 2 What he has done?
  • 3 Admirable Standard
  • 4 Corrupting Factors
  • 5 Final Verdict

Paul "Jesus" Rovia is a survivor of the zombie outbreak in AMCs The Walking Dead. He was intruduced in later seasons when he met Rick and Daryl. He then was a potential ally of them until his death in season 9 by the hands of the Whisperers.

Paul was a very religious man and was faszinated with the bible and Jesus Christ. He was so much into it…

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