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Hello all, welcome to my first ever proposal on here. This won’t be very long since but I thought these were simple candidates.

I might try Poo, Apple Kid and Boney too but here we go for now. Really a bunch of characters can qualify. I’ll have to look back and see if Lucas’s gang had any corrupting factors (Duster being a theif and Kumatora being a Tomboy which I’m still debating if is justifiable or not) and just make sure Ninten and gang don’t have anything corrupting (I only know about the first game from basic descriptions.) anyways let’s get to it

The Work

EarthBound/Mother 2 is a 1994 NES video game about a boy named Ness teams up with other kids in a team called the Chosen Four to defeat Giygas and many of his minions from destroying the World. Giygas possesses multiple objects and animals used to attack the Player.

Who is Paula Jones?


Paula Jones is the deuteragonist and second member of the party. A religious girl from Twoson, she is a cherished figure in her city who helps her father run a preschool. She is somewhat of religious icon in her town with magical PSI abilities whose prayers are able to come true and do things like heal others.

When Ness sets out to find her, however, she has been kidnapped by a group of cult members called the Happy Happy Cultists, though Ness can save her. They go to the haunted town of Threed together

Who is Jeff?

Jeff Assist Trophy (SSBB)

Jeff Andonuts is a nerdy boy who is the third member to join. He is a boy from a home school in the winters with his roommate Tony. Upon hearing that Ness and Paula were kidnapped, he sets outside into the wilderness, befriending Bubble Monkey then uses

Throughout the game he always uses his scientific weapons to fight enemies and use gadgets to support the party.

He meets his father and uses his phase Distorter to rescue Ness and Paula from being buried alive by Belch's zombies by crashing to create a hole.

What do Jeff and Paula both do?

For the sake of me not repeating everything, you could read this proposal here and infer that they help Ness with most of his deeds, but I’ll still breifly go over what they do.

Alongside Ness, they traverse the continent to defeat Giygas's army with villains like Master Belch who take over the town of Threed and its thousands of people with zombies, stop the Man eating boogie town, rescue Mr. Saturn slaves from Master Belch, save Fourside from its corruption (during which Ness and Jeff rescue Paula from a mook), kills evil monsters in multiple regions,  rescue 7 people from alien tubes (which render them unable to breathe) in the Stonehenge based then finally gives up their bodies to travel to the cave of the past to fight Giygas as well as his right hand Porky after Dr. Andonuts revives their bodies.

In the final battle with the omnicidal Giygas, Paula delivers a prayer to the friends the kids made during their adventure and give the finishing blow to Giygas just as the party is in a state of hopelessness. Thanks to her, Giygas is defeated.

Paula goes back to her preschool if I remember correctly.

Jeff travels back to his father's lab and decides to devote his life to helping him with his science.

Mitigating Factors

None, they are both all around good and killing monsters is completely justified because most of them are mindless threats or arrogant sadists. They aren’t even morally ambiguous like Ness or aloof like Poo (both of whom admittedly meet the PG criteria imo, even with those qualities.)

Admirable Standards

Though a plethora of other characters could pass the admirable standards in their own unique ways (e.g. Apple Kid, Flint, Maria, George, etc.), the only real completions are Ninten, Lucas and Ness himself. For Jeff, his own father is competition too.

First it must be said that Ninten and Lucas as well as their respective allies are completion since the former postpones Giygas's invasion by singing and saves the world, while Lucas and co stops Porky Minch from destroying the universe. I wouldn’t say they need to compete tho because like Ness, they are equally important in stopping Giygas' omnicide and other admirable deeds.

The baseline standard is not an issue at all but the question is if they stand out from Ness since he is their leader and does most heroics since he is around the entire game and defeats more threats.

Well first off almost all of their deeds are shared together with Ness (and many with Poo who joins later), so it’s not like Ness is way more admirable than them just because he technically does the most.

Anyways, Paula (despite being not doing much for most of the game other than standard nice acts to stick out from her team) easily counts by surprising us at the end of the game where she is actually the one to defeat Giygas through her prayer and directly save the entire world.

Does Jeff do enough? Yeah I think so. He’s not much of a fighter like the other kids but he constantly supports them with his scientific gadgets which proves to be very necessary in helping and boosting the members up. He also directly rescued Paula (twice actually) and Ness so their journey would continue, meaning without him, they wouldn’t be alive and have died all the way back in Threed. It’s also thanks to asking his father for help that they are able to turn themselves into Robots to defeat Giygas.

I can see the arguments that Jeff fails to his father who makes most inventions like the Phase Distorter and actually returns to stop Porky in Mother 3, but Jeff has less resources since he’s a kid with less knowledge and plays a much more active role in defeating Giygas. That and his dad mostly helps to support Jeff when he asks, so both him and his father stand out from and against eachother in their own ways.


I think so. Up to you though.