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Grand Elder Guru

Hi everyone. This is my second proposal of a character of the Dragon Ball franchise. But unlike the occasion with Grandpa Gohan this time I have analyzed the admirable standards of the franchise so I wouldn't make the same mistake. This time my candidate is Guru.

What is the Work?

Dragon Ball is a manga and anime series created by Akira Toriyama. The story is about Goku, a young martial artist who decides to explore the world with his new friend, Bulma, to find the seven Dragon Balls. On his journey he meets other friends and enemies that prove to be very strong, this motivates Goku to become the strongest fighter of the entire world. As the series progresses, Goku must face new challenges to be stronger than before and fight enemies that threaten the Earth to protect his family and friends.

Who is Guru? What has he done?

Guru was the eldest Namekian at the moment he was introduced. He was born in Planet Namek in an era when the Namekian society had greater prosperity, an example is that they had spaceships like the one that Piccolo used to go to the Earth as a baby, as well Guru knew Katas, the father of Kami and Piccolo. However, things changed when a climate catastrophe happened on the planet taking the lives of most of the Namekians, being the reason why Katas sent his son to Earth in a spaceship. Guru was the only survivor in the planet, so from then on he used the ability of the Namekian asexual reproduction to rebuild the Namekian society from scratch, fathering 109 children throughout his life and educating them to create a peaceful society. Because Guru was a member of the Dragon Clan he used his magic abilities to create a Eternal Dragon named Porunga who has the function of granting three wishes every time he is summoned after reuniting the seven Dragon Balls and asking the wishes in the Namekian language, each Dragon Ball is guarded by his most trusted Namekians.

Guru is introduced in the Frieza Saga, where Bulma, Krillin and Gohan goes to Planet Namek to find the Dragon Balls of the planet and use them to revive the Z-Fighters killed during the battle against the Saiyans, because following the death of Piccolo the Dragon Balls of the Earth are now inactive. However, prior to their arrive, Frieza, the leader of the Galactic Frieza Army which is dedicated to conquering planets and controlling their inhabitants, went to the planet to use the Dragon Balls to gain immortality. At the same time, Vegeta who left the Frieza Army, wants to get the Dragon Balls for the same purpose. Guru is introduced when Dende takes Krillin with him, using his powers, Guru learns about the past of the Nameless Namekian that was separated into Kami and King Piccolo, who was the son of his old friend Katas. Then Guru decides to entrust to him the Dragon Ball that he guards and uses a technique to unlock the inner powers of Krillin to fight against the enemies. Sometime later Krillin takes Gohan with Guru and he uses the same technique to unlock the power of Gohan. Sometime later, Guru uses this technique with Dende so he can support the Dragon Team with his healing abilities and help them with the Dragon Balls, since they need someone who speaks the Namekian Language to summon him and ask their wishes. After summoning Porunga, Dende asks at Gohan's request to revive Piccolo (reviving Kami and reactivating the Earth Dragon Balls in the process) and to teleport him to Namek to fight against Fieza. But before asking the third wish, Guru dies for his advanced age and a broken heart after almost all his children were killed by Frieza, this causes the death of Porunga and the deactivation of the Namekian Dragon Balls. However, thanks to Kami being revived Mr. Popo summons Shenron and asks him to revive all the people killed by Frieza and his soldiers in Namek. Guru revives along all his children (except the ones killed by Vegeta) during the fight between Goku and Frieza. North Kaio tells him that the planet is about to explode by Frieza's fault and that they must use the last wish of Porunga (who was revived too) to teleport everyone except Frieza to the Earth, and Goku also asks to not be teleported to finish the fight. Then Guru uses his telepathy to order Dende, the Namekian that was closer than Porunga, to ask him this, which Dende does successfully. Then everyone including Guru are teleported to the Earth leaving Goku and Frieza alone. On Earth Guru tells everyone what happened and because he barely has time left to live he gives the possession of the Namekian Dragon Balls to Moori, one of his eldest sons. Then Guru dies and is never revived again.

Admirable Standards

The Dragon Ball franchise has very high admirable standards, but I believe that Guru passes it. First of all, after being the only survivor on Namek he dedicated his life to repopulating his planet, giving birth to 109 children, which can already be assumed that it was not an easy task to do alone, as well he created a peaceful society who valued life and the nature of the planet. As well, Guru never showed any corrupting qualities, since what he valued most were his children and he decided to trust in the Z-Fighters when he met him. He also was very kind with everyone even with Frieza during his brief meeting. Since the Namekians love and care for him it is implied that he never used any hard method with them, the only time when was shown angry is when Nail disobeyed his order of assisting the Dragon Team (only to protect Guru from Frieza) and yet he took it very calmly. Although Guru doesn't have much screen time he has enough characterization to qualify.

Now that I clarified his honorable traits and his lack of corrupting factors I'm going to explain what makes him pass the standards, and is the creation of Porunga. Similar to Shenron, Porunga is a Eternal Dragon that has a big power and is capable to grant any wish asked to him (as long as it does not exceed his power), unlike Shenron at the beginning of the story, Porunga was capable to grant three wishes per summon and he is capable to revive the same person as many times as necessary (although at that time he only could revive one person per wish). The participation of Porunga was key during the Frieza saga, since he revived Piccolo, reviving Kami and Shenron at the same time, since the protagonists had no other means to reactivate the Earth Dragon Balls, as well he teleported Piccolo to Namek who fought against Frieza before Goku was recovered from his injuries and by last he teleported all the Namekians and the Dragon Team minus Goku to the Earth. Even after Guru's death Porunga continued doing key actions in the franchise, like reviving other Z-Fighters many other times or restoring the Earth and reviving all the inhabitants after it was destroyed by Kid Buu. Similar to Shenron, Porunga is also capable of granting evil wishes, but in his case the Namekians guarded the Dragon Balls to prevent them from being taken by evil people from other planets and even in this case the villains must speak Namekian to summon him and ask him their wishes. The proof of this is that when Frieza reunited the seven Dragon Balls he was incapable of summoning him and although both Vegeta and Frieza were in front of Porunga he didn't grant their wishes because none of them asked it in the Namekian language. In short, Guru created Porunga only for good purposes and his Dragon Balls were protected to prevent their use for evil purposes.

And if it can still be argued that he had a very indirect influence on Porunga's actions we still have to talk about his participation in the Frieza Saga. Because he is the one who extracted out the dormant potential of Krillin, Gohan and Dende, significantly increasing their powers. In the case of the first two this allowed them to hold out in combat against the Ginyu Forces until Goku arrived at Namek to help them in battle and later against Captain Ginyu and Frieza. As well this would be part of their bases for their trainings against future threats. In the case of Dende this allowed him to arrive in time to ask the wishes to Porunga as well it increased his healing ability that he used to heal the Z-Fighters during their battle against Frieza. Later, after being revived by Shenron he uses his telepathy to inform Dende of the situation and that he must use Porunga's last wish to teleport everyone to Earth. So Guru had a key role in the only saga in which he appeared.

Mitigating Factors

None. As I mentioned Guru was a benevolent person with his children and showed respect towards everyone as well his participation was important enough to pass the admirable standards. So he should meet all the criteria.

Final Verdict

I think that he deserves an easy yes, now is your turn to decide.