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Heroes Wiki

Believe me guys, PG was not my first pick for this character, but since people said he'd be a better fit here, I might as well try.

Note: Any perceived "Plagiarism" stems from sources written by me.

Extra Note: I am aware of the proposed character's lack of page; I will soon make his myself.

What is the Work

Monster is a psychological thriller manga and anime series. It follows a brilliant neurosurgeon named Kenzo Tenma, in a quest to stop a serial killer, fleeing from the police since he was accused of some of the crimes of this monster. The killer? A former child this doctor once saved. In his journey to stop him, Tenma meets people, both new and from his old life, runs from the police, and goes through tons of straight up nightmare fuel. The work is realistic and dark, yet surprisingly idealistic in its morals once you take a look at it.

Who is him?

Rudy Gillen is a major supporting character. He is a criminologist, being famous for being able to enter and comprehend a serial killer's mind. He usually carries a tape recorder, that he uses to record interviews with his patients, his own thoughts and whatever else is relevant. He had a one sided rivarly on his part with the main protagonist, but this is soon resolved and he becomes a clear cut ally, advocating for Tenma's innocence.

What does he do/Why is he Pure Good?

Rudy was a student alognside Tenma in college, and was always envious of his popularity. In an important test, he was caught cheating by Tenma, who didn't rat him out. Rudy assumed Tenma despised him ever since. Whne the doctor came to his home, fleeing form the police, Rudy pretended to listen to his story and was ready to set him up for the police.

However, after investigating Peter Jurgens, one of the criminals he treats with psychiatric "sessions", Rudy begins to suspect Tenma's story might be real: Jurgens was ordered by a mysterious "friend", who somehow knew all about his childhood, to kill a specific person. Once he is convinced the "Johan" Tenma talked about is the same as Jurgen's friend, he sneakly manages to prevent Tenma from being caught by the police and go safely in a bus, and starts his OWN investigation on this "Johan Liebert".

He later forms an alliance with another person who met Tenma and wants to help him: Dr. Reinchwein. He tries to get in contact with Tenma for both of them by planting a secret message in the newspaper, about their cheating in college, which he thought only Tenma would pick up on... buuuut Heinrich Lunge, a ruthless but brilliant detective picks up on it, and tries to get to Tenma through Rudy. Rudy knows he believes Tenma to be guilty, but shares some information (not all) with him, hoping to convince him of Tenma's innocence and have Lunge help them stop Johan. Lunge, uh, doesn't bite it. Rudy does however crictize Lunge's method of info memorizing, saying that while it was effective, it was also, unlike his own tape recorder, subject to his own bias and subjectiveness. If this had any wheight in Lunge's change of heart later on is unknown, but at the moment, the detective dismissed it.

Rudy comes into play once again when Nina Fortner, sister of Johan Liebert, is dealing with a traumatic recovery of supressed memories; at least, an attempted one. Gillen's help is needed to fully unlock her memories from before her change of identity, using his hypnotic skills. He puts himself in danger to do this, as Nina gets quite agressive during her trance, but regardless, it was effective, and made Nina remember a lot of important stuff, such as the Three Frogs, that, with some help and work from many characters, helped them all get closer and closer to Johan and his plans.

Once Johan's endgame is decided to be in Ruhenheim, a town where Franz Bonaparta, a shady figure from Johan and Nina's past, lives, Rudy goes with Nina there. They help a few fugitives get away and instruct them to call the police, as Johan is destroying the whole town from the inside out. Rudy later explains everything to the officer, as Nina is in state of shock and Tenma is silent, helping her. Rudy, being a known and respectable figure, is likely the only reason (most of the) true story was finally disclosed, as without him there, Tenma, framed again and again for Johan's crimes, would be arrested and Nina likely wouldn't have been heard.

Admirable Standarts

Not low I'll tell you.

  • Kenzo Tenma; he is a loving medic who saved dozens of lives through the years, helped stop a mass fire from breaking out in a Turkish District, tried again and again to stop Johan and kill him, saved dozens of lives from the fire within the library, saved his ex-fiancee's, Eva's, life, and is overrall the goodest a person can be.
  • Nina Fortner; she investigated Johan on her own, wanted to save a Turkish prisoner before she got executed, held a Neo-Nazi at gunpoint, halting his attempt to set the chemical werehouse on fire, thus playing a role in saving the Turkish District, and, by uncovering her own past, going to Ruhenheim to stop her brother once and for all.
  • Dieter; a kid that Tenma takes under his wing, he has less feats due to being just a child, but he still stands by Eva when she is being shot at, makes a child lose the nihlistic and suicidal view Johan imposed on him, and saving the Turkish District from being set on fire, by using an old carpet to put the wick out.
  • Wolfgang Grimmer; a traveller who spends his life trying to expose the shady orphanage Kinderheim 511, that abused several children, tried to bring one of its former headmasters to justice when he believes he is abusing a new set of kids (he was wrong, but still), and kinda sacrificed his life by fighting the snipers in Ruhenheim who were shooting at whoever got close to the hotel that was being used as a fortress for survivors of the townwide massacre.

Well, I believed Rudy failed, even if just slightly, due to his lack of direct action compared to the others, but some others thought and insisted he counted, so, here's why: once he comes to the conclusion Johan is not only real, but commanding other serial killers into some shady plan, his act of letting Tenma escape from police is not just saving his friend from unjust imprisonment: it is enabling his quest for Johan, who he now knows is very dangerous. Then, while less hands on than others, he investigates Johan with his knowledge from the criminal world, and brings Nina's memories back, both actions leading to important breakthroughs, such as Johan's relation to Shuwald and the importance of Ruhenheim.

Corrupting Factors

He could be seen as arrogant from how he initially acted with Tenma, but it was more insecurity than anything else: he believes the "good-in-everything" Tenma looks down on him, and wants to bring him down. So yeah, there was definitely jealousy involved, but after he helps Tenma escapes, not only he saw the error of his ways, he never acts condescending with anyone ever again, showing the whole thing was more of a one sided rivarly with Tenma, and once it got resolved (not to mention he had a mini-epiphany as Tenma never looked down on him, and said he'd always wanted to be his friend) these don't show up again.

And... that's it. His personality doesn't show any corrupting qualities after this (which was at the start of Rudy's involvement in the story anyway); not that he is a "shining beacon of selflessness" or anything like that; this is more like Tenma. He is pretty deadpan guy, but his actions speak louder than words. Plus, his talk with Inspector Lunge shows how he is a righteous man, that believes in unconvering the truth unbiasedly, and is a good foil to the more anti-heroic inspector.


Not gonna lie, this is not a strong yes... but I believe it may be a yes nevertheless.