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Heroes Wiki

For this page - DJ Pon-3 (Equestria Girls)

DJ Pon-3 should be listed as a supporting character in the Equestria Girls franchise, not simply a "character" as that is a major disservice to her as a supporting hero in the franchise, and some information should be changed such as her skills also including driving as she canonically is legally able to drive, and perhaps sign language given she is one of the only characters never given a voice actor despite having several spot light scenes to herself more than any other supporting character.

She is also seen being friends with Trixie as seen in some shots of the series, and seems to be close friends with Pinkie like with FIM, so I feel she should be listed as such, and she seems close to Fluttershy like with a few short alternate endings of those multiple ending episodes, and also in the fourth film where they are happy to be paired up and are seen a few times together, and also Vinyl is seen chatting to Fluttershy in one scene even if she isn't speaking.

As such those three should be added as close friends in the allies section of her page.