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OK, I'm postponing my Sparkster (and if you couldn't tell, that's the opossum I teased in my Maria Robotnik PG Proposal) PG proposal. I just want to get this out of the way already, because he's a great candidate.

What's The Work?

The Mega Man franchise is about a blue robot named Mega Man, who fights Dr. Wily and the Robot Masters he reprograms or creates to foil the evil scientist's plans of world domination.

The series also had stories about the future of the Mega Man series, like Mega Man X, Mega Man Zero, Mega Man ZX, and Mega Man Legends. It also had two alternate timeline series called Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Star Force.

Who Is He?

Dr. Light is the series' overarching protagonist. He created Rock (or Mega in Mega Man: Powered Up) and Roll, who were his lab assistants and robots who had free will. When they succeeded, the first six (or eight according to Mega Man: Powered Up) Robot Masters, other robots that act like humans were created. But one day, Dr. Wily stole them and reprogrammed them to to help him conquer the world. Rock/Mega then asked Dr. Light to turn him into a battle robot that can foil Wily's plans. Dr. Light reluctantly agreed to this, and, as a result, became Mega Man. Mega Man then fought the Robot Masters and foiled Wily's plans of world domination for the first time.

He'd then help Mega Man foil Dr. Wily's plans again and again. In late 20XX, he then created Mega Man X, who had true free will. However, he became so old that he knew he wouldn't live long enough to test X to make sure he never chooses to harm humans. As a result, he sealed X in a capsule to make sure his wish for him to not harm humans comes true. He still gave him fighting abilities so that he can fight for peace and also prepared capsules for X to find so that he could give him Armor Parts.

Admirable Standards?

First of all, Dr. Light does not fail the standards to X, because he was X's creator, and he sealed X in a capsule to train him in help humans instead of harm them, he wouldn't have done all of the great things he did from the first X game to Zero 3. And being responsible for the entire Reploid race should count for something, especially since he also had a wish for humans and robots to live in harmony and equality as shown in Mega Man X8. What about the Classic Mega Man? Although more on the supportive side, remember he made him a combat robot in the first place. As a result, he's technically responsible for his admirable deeds by giving him the power to do those great things. Same goes for X, even though he was dead by that time. It's honestly amazing that he was able to make Light Capsules to help out X in the first place.

Mitigating Factors?

I don't see any for Dr. Light. I mean I guess there's the fact that one of his upgrades for X required him to die many times, but the canonicity of the Hadouken upgrade is, at best, questionable. And even if it was canon, the fact that you have to die many times to get this upgrade in the first place is only a gameplay thing anyway. Had this been counted against him, Mario would be Inconsistently Admirable for killing Toads in the first SMB game (although in that case, there's also the argument that none of the bricks he breaks were Toads and the fact that if the Toads were turned into bricks, those Toads were the mushroom and fire flower bricks that cannot be broken in any way).

Otherwise, he's a caring father to Mega Man and his other creations who decided to help him defeat Wily by turning him into Mega Man in the first place. And any possible corrupting factors he may have are entirely gameplay-related (except for shutting down Wily's Double Gear System research, but even if that made Wily become villainous, he regretted and did not intend that to happen. Plus, he did grow wise enough to realize that the Double Gear System could still be used for good, even with the risk of it endangering the world had robots not been trained to use it for the good of others).

Final Verdict

Yeah, Light easily counts in my opinion. If you need more proof that he passes the admirable standards, look at his TUG page. You know who's next, but I'm out of ideas on who I should propose next after Sparkster. Honestly this is probably my worst PG Proposal so far, even though I still got my points across.