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And finally, Sparkster is getting a proposal.

What's The Work?

The Rocket Knight franchise is a 4-game franchise that started with one of my favorite games on the Sega Genesis, Rocket Knight Adventures in 1993. It later got a sequel on the same system in 1994 called Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2 and a spin-off on the SNES simply called Sparkster on the same year. Konami brought it back in 2010 for another game and released a collection of the first three games in 2024 called Rocket Knight Adventures: Re-Sparked.

Who Is He?

Sparkster is the main protagonist of the franchise (and becomes the titular main protagonist in the two 1994 games). He's the savior of the Kingdom of Zephyrus/Zebulos, protecting it from the Devotindos Empire (in Rocket Knight Adventures and Rocket Knight (2010)), from the Gedol Empire (in Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2), and the Mountain Wolves (in Rocket Knight (2010)). He also saved the Kingdom of Eginasem from the Wolf Army in the SNES Sparkster game.

Admirable Standards?

Not only does he save the Kingdom of Zephyrus/Zebulos thrice, but I think he's even more admirable, since he had the audacity to save a foreign kingdom from the Wolf Army. Sure, all of the villains of the series rely on too much Fridge Horror to confirm that they are anything above bog-standard, but Sparkster is basically the only Rocket Knight to have defeated them all, making him the only character to pass the admirable standards.

Mitigating Factors?

Don't let some of his hilarious animations fool you, he is nowhere near incompetent even if he can get startled by some of his enemies' surprise attacks. He's otherwise portrayed a knight that was seriously dedicated to his job (even though he left and was eventually forgotten for a while in the 2010 Rocket Knight). Other than that, yes, he is shy and will leave princesses right after saving them, but if anything, that highlights how heroic he is (not the shy part, it's the fact that he doesn't need any thanks for saving the day). This isn't him being rude, it's him being humble. While not trusting of the Devotindos Empire having a truce with Zebulos/Zephyrus, he did try to accept the king's words and lived a simpler life with a wife and a son far away from the kingdom. And when it got attacked again, he quickly jumped into action, and was shown to be right to not trust the Devotindos Empire, as General Sweinhart created the alliance between Devontindos and Zebulos/Zephyrus to take over the latter with a giant robot and was behind the Wolf Army. Other than that, Sparkster has no corrupting factors.

Final Verdict

Safe to say he's a keeper. Time to finally give him the green lock after having the Pure Good category for the longest time. I'm kinda running out of ideas for Pure Good Proposals, but next candidate is from an even more obscure game that didn't even become a franchise, High Seas Havoc.