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What are you waiting for? GO!
Everyone has a weakness...
~ Valentine

Valentine is one of Anti-Heroines in Skullgirls, replacing Squigly and Umbrella in the initial line-up so there would be a playable villain during the game's release. She is encountered as an antagonist in almost every character's Story Mode, usually alongside Double, who appears as an antagonist in her Story Mode. She can be considered a tragic villain for losing her entire group and an anti-heroine for defeating Marie and becoming the next Skullgirl.

She was voiced by Asami Imai in Japanese and Laura Post in English who also voiced Diana Cavendish in Little Witch Academia.


Valentine is the only survivor of the Last Hope, a group of special Anti-Skullgirl Lab operatives. Before meeting their end at the hands of the Skullgirl, the Last Hope worked for the mysterious Lab Zero and performed duties ranging from reconnaissance and sabotage to advanced research.

Now Valentine dutifully serves the Skullgirl, carrying out her will from the shadows. She keeps to herself, so much of her true nature and personality are unknown.

See also[]

Valentine on the Villains Wiki


            SkullgirlsLogo Heroes

Anti-Skullgirl Labs
Dr. Avian | Dr. Victor Geiger

Peacock's Gang
Peacock | Avery | Andy Anvil | Tommy Ten-Tons | George Bomb & Lonesome Lenny

The Last Hope
Christmas | Valentine | Patty | Easter | Hallow

Other Members
Painwheel | Big Band | Stanley Whitefin | Hive | Leduc | Ileum

Black Egrets
Parasoul | Adam Kapowski | Molly | Panzerfaust | Roxie | Juju

Renoir Family
Franz Renoir | Nancy Renoir | Umbrella

Medici Family
Filia | Samson | Marcus Medici | Amelia Medici | Dog

Contiello Family
Squigly | Leviathan | Roberto Contiello | Selene Contiello

Cirque des Cartes
Cerebella | Feng | Hubrecht

Fishbone Gang
Ms. Fortune | Sinker | Eli | Toady | Leo

Other Heros
Beowulf | Grendel | Annie | Sagan | Detective Irvin | Mrs. Victoria (Deep Violet) | Minette | Yu-Wan | Isaac | Florence Méliès | Aileen | Marie Korbel | Mr. Hilgard
