High Overlord Varok Saurfang, known globally as just Saurfang, was one of the most famous, powerful, and respected Orc warriors of The Horde. A veteran of every major conflict from the Orc's arrival on Azeroth up to the Fourth War, Saurfang was one of, if not the most powerful Orc, and an extremely high ranking member of The Horde, his authority among the Orcs being second only to the Warchief.
Despite a lifetime of conflict and combat, Saurfang had survived it all and even retained his might in his old age. However, over the years, the price of wars began to take a toll on him both emotionally and in his soul. A grizzled and legendary veteran, Saurfang fought with honor, but refused to fight at all when such actions were for an injust cause. Despite participating in the opening battle of the Fourth War, Saurfang deeply resented the conflict and harbored intense dislike and disgust for Slyvanas and her actions, taking The Horde down a path of darkness and evil. Refusing to follow her cruelty and malice any longer, he began the inner conflict within The Horde to free themselves of her wickedness. He would ultimately challenge her to Mak'gora, a duel to the death. Saurfang would gain the upperhand, but Sylvanas would attack with the dark powers of her master The Jailer and kill him. Although he fell, his actions exposed her true intentions to The Horde, and in turn would liberate them from her, succeeding what he set out to do.
Playable characters: Uther the Lightbringer | Leeroy Jenkins | Reno Jackson | Rokara
Curse of Naxxramas:
Goblins vs. Gnomes:
Blackrock Mountain:
The Grand Tournament:
League of Explorers:
Whispers of the Old Gods:
One Night in Karazhan:
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan:
Knights of the Frozen Throne:
The Boomsday Project:
Rastakhan's Rumble:
Rise of Shadows:
Saviors of Uldum:
Descent of Dragons:
Ashes of Outland:
Madness at the Darkmoon Faire:
Forged in the Barrens: