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Vegeta is the tritagonist of the SML YouTube non-canon series, Jeffy Ball Z, parodying Dragon Ball Z.

He is the Prince of all Sayings and minion of Frieza who seeks to obtain the Dragon Balls so he can know every Saying known to man. He is Jeffyku's former arch-rival turned best friend.

He is voiced by Logan Thirtyacre.



Vegeta is the prince of all Sayings whose planet was destroyed by Frieza, who then forced Vegeta to become his minion.

Episode 2[]

While Jeffyku is searching for the Dragon Balls, Vegeta confronts him and attempts to kill him so he doesn't find the Dragon Balls, only for Jeffyku to turn Super-Saiyan and defeat Vegeta by slamming him against the wall repeatedly before sending him down the slide at the park.

Later, Vegeta begins to lose confidence after being beaten up by Jeffyku, before assuring himself before taking out the trash. While taking out the trash, Vegeta gets into a fight with Screwball over a Dragon Ball and Vegeta manages to defeat him and take the Dragon Ball. While celebrating, Jeffyku arrives with a giraffe for some reason to obtain it and defeats Vegeta once again.

Episode 3[]

Desiring to get revenge on Jeffyku, Vegeta recruits his friend, Nappa, to gang up on Jeffyku. This briefly succeeds until Jeffyku goes Super-Saiyan and defeats them both, even after Vegeta turns into a monkey. Once again humiliated, Vegeta runs to Frieza, who agrees to battle Jeffyku after tricking him into bringing Frieza the Dragon Balls. Frieza winds up defeated while Vegeta looks on in defeat

At the end of the video, Vegeta is suddenly surprised by Frieza, who orders him to help in getting revenge on Jeffyku.

Episode 4[]

Kicking off from when the last episode ended, Vegeta is ordered by Frieza to distract Jeffyku, so he can obtain the Dragon Balls for Frieza to become omnipotent.

Vegeta finds Jeffy in his room and challenges him to fight, but soon changes his mind when he witnesses Jeffyku dodging his ki blast and dunking it into a basketball hoop. Vegeta encourages Jeffyku to both play a game of "Ki Blastketball" to decide who is more powerful. Vegeta wins, but Jeffyku tells him he isn't strong enough because he does not know how to become a Super Saiyan, so Jeffyku teaches him how to become one.

Frieza finds both Jeffyku and Vegeta, and shows the seven Dragon Balls he obtained. Frieza informs that he will use one of the Dragon Balls to wish everyone he deems inferior (or "monkey" as he calls them) is destroyed, including Vegeta. Vegeta gets enraged after realizing that Frieza never cared about him and only saw him as a pawn, which triggers him into becoming a Super Saiyan. Vegeta swears revenge and fights Frieza, but Frieza overpowers him too quickly.

Episode 5[]

Vegeta comes across Jeffyku in a depressed state after failing to rescue his mother Rose from being abducted by Android 19. Vegeta tells him that there is a trainer that may help Jeffyku regain his powers by bringing him a cheesecake. The two find the cheesecake in the fridge, but Chef Pee Pee intervenes. Since Jeffyku is too weak for a fight, Vegeta fights Chef Pee Pee for him and wins with a single ki blast.

Later on in the video, they finally reach the trainer's territory, who is revealed to be ShreKami. They bring him the cheesecake, allowing Jeffyku to enter his chamber to train. When Vegeta wants to enter the chamber to become more powerful like Jeffyku, ShreKami informs he cannot go unless he brings him another cheesecake. Since there was only one cheesecake left, ShreKami orders both of them to leave.

Vegeta and Jeffyku finally find the lair of the evil Dr. Gero Finkleshitz, the creator of Android 19, who had previously and publicly announced that he will murder Jeffyku's mother Rose if he does not get the seven Dragon Balls in 24 hours. Android 19 immobilizes Vegeta, prompting Jeffyku to use his new powers against Android 19, damaging the robot malfunctioning it into global self-destruct. Dr. Finkleshitz leaves. Jeffyku teleports himself and Android 19 to outer space, which ends up with Jeffyku sacrificing himself in order to save humanity.



  • Vegeta is played with a Junior puppet.
  • Interestingly, Junior appeared in Episode 1, but not as Vegeta.

External Links[]


           SML Logo Heroes

Main characters
Marvin | Jeffy | Rose | Junior | Cody | Joseph | Brooklyn T. Guy
Supporting Characters
Chef Pee Pee | Penelope | Karen | Braxton | Simmons | Jackie Chu | Ya Boy Duggie | Lil' T | Susan Smith | Judge Pooby | Charleyyy | Craig the Devil | Chief | Chef Poo Poo |
Brooklyn T. Guy's Son | Scooter
Foxy the Pirate | Vegeta
