Venom is the titular main protagonist of the Marvel Comics story "Venom: The End."
He is a version of Venom from an alternate future where most of humanity has been killed off by an army of machines called the A.S.I. After creating an army of superhumans, he waged war against the A.S.I.s to take back his universe.
Venom's history is identical to history is identical to his 616 counterpart. He had gone on several adventures and bonded with countless hosts, including Peter Parker himself, but his favorite had always remained the failed journalist Eddie Brock.
When the A.S.I., a group of war robots created by various alien races, started to close in on the galaxy, almost every symbiote left. However, Venom stayed on Earth. As the years went on, Eddie slowly wilted away while Venom remained ageless due to being a Kylntar. Venom desperately tried to save his host, using his symbiote body to replace Eddie's failing human organs. However, despite his immense power, he could not preserve Brock's mind, and his memories became warped and filled with the Venom symbiote. Eventually, Venom separated from Eddie, and he watched his beloved host die.
Venom soon set his sights on building an army to destroy the A.S.I. He first sought out the other symbiotes, though symbiotes had never been good at cooperating with one another. Thus, Venom was thrust into a long war which resulted in him killing off the other symbiotes. After this, Venom used the powers he'd acquired from various mutant hosts to create a new species known as the superhumanois, and fill the universe with them. Venom was then approached by a Starkware A.S.I., who offered to assimilate the superhumanoids into the A.S.I.'s cybernetic database, though Venom refused, starting another war, this one lasting trillions of years.
The A.S.I. proved too powerful for the symbiote, and he knew he needed a new tactic. Thus, using his hosts, he started transforming his own hands into antimatter, an ability which made him strong enough to destroy entire planets. This gave Venom an edge, but it was not enough. Thus, Venom resorted to using the powers of Quicksilver, though his hosts were not capable of withstanding his speed, and they all died. Venom also tried to send pieces of himself into the past to prevent the A.S.I.s from being unleashed, bonding with every organism that ever lived in the process.
Despite all he had done, the A.S.I.s still remained supreme, and Venom had to make the ultimate sacrifice. In his final moments, he ripped his extradimensional tesseract out of his body, killing himself but creating a universe without the A.S.I.
On the surface, it would appear that Venom is a violent alien with no attachment to humanity. However, there is much more to him deep down. Venom loves humanity and will do anything for it, even die. He's also very loyal, as he stopped at nothing to protect Eddie Brock. His loyalty can be his downfall, however, as he ended up forcing Eddie to be alive for far longer than he should have been.
Like most versions, Venom has no qualms about murder and even killed off most of the symbiote race personally.