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Heroes Wiki

Vinis the main protagonist of the original Mistborn trilogy, by Brandon Sanderson. She is a half-skaa Mistborn from the Final Empire on Scadrial. She later becomes known as Heir to the Survivor, the Ascendant Warrior and the Lady Mistborn, as well as taking on the alias Valette Renoux.


She was born to Tevidian Tekiel's skaa mistress in year 1005 FE in Luthadel, and was raised by her half brother Reen after he discovered that their sister had been murdered by their mother. The two lived on the streets and worked in the underground, until eventually coming to work in Camon's crew.  

Vin trains in and works with Kelsier's crew after he prevents Camon from beating her to death, and infiltrates the nobility under the guise of Valette Renoux, eventually helping to save the survivors of the skaa rebellion's army and killing Shan Elariel before fighting the Lord Ruler and killing him. After the Collapse, she marries Elend Venture and sets herself and Elend up as the empress and emperor of the New Empire, respectively, during the Siege of Luthadel, wherein she kills Zane and Straff Venture, saves the city from rampaging koloss and forces Lord Cett to swear his allegiance to them. In the aftermath of the siege, she inadvertently frees Ruin from its prison at the Well of Ascension.  

Following Ruin's release, Vin helps to secure her and Elend's empire; locating the Lord Ruler's storage caverns, participating in the Siege of Fadrex City, and takes up the Shard Preservation shortly prior to the Battle of Hathsin, wherein she gives her life to kill Ruin. In the years following the Final Ascension, she becomes a mythical figure to the descendants of the survivors, known as the Ascendant Warrior. In the Words of Founding, it is said that she became the guardian of the mists and now watches over people in the night.  


  • Free.  No, I'll never be free.  Reen made certain of that when he left.  
  • It didn't seem that way between Kelsier and Dockson.  They appeared to trust each other.  So, he's lost someone too.  How can he laugh so much?  So honestly?  
  • They really don't hate each other.  What would that be like?  
  • Anonimity.  Hiding, even when you're with others.  Being q uiet, unobtrusive.  Forcing yourself to stay apart, emotionally, at least.  It's a way of life.  A protection.  
  • I'm particularly tired...I'm tired of the games.  I'm tired of people dying because of arguments between their leaders.  I'm tired of good men being taken advantage of.  You brought armies to attack my city.  You threatened my people.  I won't slaughter your soldiers, make them pay for what you did, but I will kill you, Cett.  
  • All right.  What was that pink thing I just passed in the hallway?  
  • No more memories!  Focus on the moment.  
  • I have no respect for these things...nor will I ever.  
  • Oh, come on. You have to admit that you're unusual, Vin. You're like some strange mixture of a noblewoman, a street urchin, and a cat. Plus, you've managed -- in our short three years together -- to kill not only my god, but my father, my brother, and my fiancée. That’s kind of like a homicidal hat trick. It’s a strange foundation for a relationship, wouldn't you say?  
  • I can't decide if you're a fool, or if you simply exist in a way that makes you incapable of considering some things.  You said that the only reason to create something is to destroy it.  We create things to watch them grow, Ruin.  To take pleasure in seeing that which we love become more than it was before.  
  • She was strong and vulnerable all at once. She was my last master, and my greatest. She had a way of pouring everything of herself into what she did. When she fought, she was the blade. When she loved, she was the kiss. In that regard, she was far more . . . human than any I have known.  



  • Vin was originally male in a single chapter of Mistborn before Brandon changed his mind.  


           Cosmere Heroes

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