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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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I know it was a mistake to stay with Darktail. I should have left along with Rowanstar when the rogues took over ShadowClan. But I... I wanted to stay with Needletail, and I knew she would never leave. I wanted to believe it would all turn out okay.
~ Violetpaw regretting staying with The Kin

Violetshine is a major character in the Warriors series, serving as one of the main protagonists in the A Vision of Shadows arc and a supporting character in the Broken Code arc. She and her sister Twigbranch were found as newborn orphans by Alderpaw and Needlepaw, who bring them back to the Clans. Twigkit stays in ThunderClan, while Violetkit is brought to ShadowClan. She later goes with Needlepaw and several others to join a group of rogues called The Kin. Soon they realize what a horrible mistake that was though, with The Kin's leader Darktail killing Needletail while Violetpaw flees. Soon she and Twigpaw find out that they're the daughters of SkyClan's deputy Hawkwing and his deceased mate Pebbleshine. After The Kin is defeated and SkyClan settles into the lake, Violetshine joins her father's Clan to be with him.


Violetshine is a small she-cat with glossy black-and-white fur and yellow eyes, the latter of which she inherited from Hawkwing. She also has wide paws and a long, thick tail, which she inherited from Pebbleshine.


Pebbleshine's Kits[]

After SkyClan is chased out of the gorge by Darktail and his rogues, Pebbleshine gets split up from her Clan when she gets trapped inside a truck before it drives away. She's anxious that her kits will be born before she can get back to them, wishing that Echosong or Frecklewish was with her. When she goes into labor, she seeks shelter in a tunnel under a thunderpath, where the StarClan spirit Micah helps her give birth. She then births two she-kits; a gray one and a black-and-white one. She wishes their father Hawkwing was with them, but tells her newborn daughters that he already loves them.

A little while later, Pebbleshine leaves the nest to hunt, but sees a badger nearby, which is alerted to the kits by one of their wails. Pebbleshine fights it, trying to lure it onto the thunderpath to get it run over, but is hit instead. She dies, and Micah assures her that her kits will be ok, showing her that Alderpaw and Needlepaw will soon find them. Pebbleshine then begins watching over her daughters as a ghost.

A Vision of Shadows[]

The Apprentice's Quest[]

After they get separated from the group, Alderpaw and Needlepaw find a tunnel under a thunderpath, with something moving in a moss nest within. They two find the newborn kits, with Needlepaw wondering where their mother is. Alderpaw inspects the kittens, noticing how thin they are and telling Needlepaw to go catch some prey. She brings back a vole, which the two apprentices start chewing up and putting into the kits' mouths. After the kits are fed, they fall asleep as Alderpaw and Needlepaw lick them to keep them warm. The two apprentices conclude that their mother must be dead or have abandoned them considering the state they were found in, and decide to take them back to the Clans. Alderpaw names the gray kit Twigkit because she's so small, while Needlepaw names the black-and-white one Violetkit because she smells like violets, which likely came from the nest. As they pick the kittens up, Needlepaw recalls the recent prophecy the Clans had received; "Embrace what you find in the Shadows, for only they can clear they sky", remarking that the two must be what it was referring to.

The two apprentices reunite with the rest of the group, and begin heading towards the lake with the kit in tow, feeding them chewed-up bits of prey along the way. Soon the reach the Clans, where Alderpaw awkwardly says goodbye to Needletail and asks her to put Violetkit on his back. Needlepaw protests that she won't leave the kits with him, as she helped find them, and no one said they'd be going to ThunderClan anyways. Alderpaw retorts that he was the reason they went on the quest in the first place, and Needlepaw argues that it was her idea to investigate the tunnel the kits were in. The kittens' mewling interrupts their argument, and they come to an agreement that the kits' safety matters more than which Clan they'll go to. Needlepaw suggests having one go to ThunderClan and the other to ShadowClan, an idea that Alderpaw doesn't like, but before he can respond a ThunderClan patrol spots the two.

The patrol is surprised to see the two kittens and asks where they came from, with Alderpaw saying that doesn't matter right now, what matters is getting them to ThunderClan's camp. Needlepaw tries to argue, but Birchfall agrees, since Alderpaw is a medicine cat apprentice. Needlepaw objects that they both found them, stating that they're part of the prophecy, though Alderpaw isn't very sure of this. They all then come to an agreement that what to do with the kittens will be decided in a few days at the next Gathering, but until then they'll stay in ThunderClan.

Twigkit and Violetkit are taken in by Lilyheart in ThunderClan, who raises them alongside her own kits Leafkit, Larkkit and Honeykit. Alderpaw checks on the two in the nursery, who have since opened their eyes and are watching their adoptive siblings play-fight. He asks how they're doing, and Violetkit replies that she and her sister are well, with the apprentice noting that they're now plumper with healthier fur. Violetkit then says it's nice to be with their mom, but Leafkit tells her that Lilyheart isn't their mother, and that they came from somewhere far away from the lake. The two sisters exchange a hurt and confused look, to which Lilyheart assures them that she loves them just the same. The ginger medicine cat apprentice agrees with this, adding that the two are special, after which the two purr contently.

That night, Twigkit and Violetkit are brought to the lake's island for the Gathering, with Violetkit riding on Alderpaw's back while his sister Sparkpaw carries Twigkit, the two explaining Clan life to them along the way. When they get to the island, Violetkit is amazed at all the cats while Twigkit looks around curiously. As the Gathering begins, ShadowClan's leader Rowanstar asks ThunderClan's leader Bramblestar about the kittens. The two then tells the gathered cats about the quest and the kits, with Bramblestar adding that they could be apart of the prophecy. As the leaders bicker about the kits, they conclude that ShadowClan should get one of them, to Alderpaw's horror. Violetkit asks why everyone's angry, and Twigkit asks what's going on, with Alderpaw trying to give them empty reassurance by saying the leaders are always fighting. The gathered cats' attention is now fully on the two she-kits, with Sparkpaw snapping at them to get back when they start to crowd the two.

After the gathering is adjourned, Bramblestar and Rowanstar approach the two kits, with the former telling the latter to pick one. Rowanstar chooses Violetkit, promising her that she'll be well taken care of in her new Clan. As he picks her up, she begins to wail, and Twigkit tries and fails to get him to release her by attacking his leg. Bramblestar snaps at his fellow leader to take her away quickly, and Violetkit calls out Twigkit's name as her sister sobs hopelessly. She's then carried away, with Alderpaw seeing her on Needlepaw's back as the two disappear into the crowd of ShadowClan cats.

Thunder and Shadow[]

In ShadowClan, Violetkit has been adopted by Pinenose, who's raising her alongside her kits Puddlekit, Lionkit, Slatekit and Birchkit. While Alderpaw is visiting ShadowClan, he sees the black-and-white she-kit pawing at a root, looking very lonely while playing by herself. He tells her that he has a gift for her from her sister, which she assumes is Lionkit, with Pinenose reminding her that she isn't her sister. Alderpaw corrects her that he means Twigkit, giving her a bright red feather, just like one she'd found when she was in ThunderClan. Violetkit is overjoyed and asks if it's the same one that she found. He says that it isn't, because the one she found had gotten dirty, but Twigkit found her a new one. She happily pounces on it and begins licking it until it's soggy, before bombarding the ginger tom with questions about her littermate. After answering a few of her questions, Pinenose calls the kit over for a nap. She protests, saying she isn't tired, but Pinenose replies that Grassheart is and wants a break from her chatter. Alderpaw then says he has to go, telling her to get some rest. Violetkit is disappointed, asking if he'll come see her again soon, and the ginger tom says he'll try, though the she-kit doesn't seem to believe him. She climbs into her nest sadly, and Alderpaw lays the feather next to her, and she tells him to tell Twigkit that she'll be the best warrior ever. Alderpaw promises before he leaves the nursery.

Violetkit feels awkward when she overhears Ratscar talking about her. During the medicine cat Littlecloud's vigil, she knows she's supposed to feel sad, but can't bring herself to. She wakes up Pinenose to ask if she belongs in ShadowClan, wishing her new mother would hold her close like Lilyheart did. She tries not to think about being separated from Twigkit as she cuddles the red feather while drifting off to sleep. When she wakes, she hears Pinenose telling Puddlekit to go fetch Leafpool, one of ThunderClan's medicine cats who's been staying in ShadowClan, since Littlecloud was their only medicine cat, as Grassheart is going into labor. She watches as Leafpool helps with the kitting before getting sent to the apprentice's den to sleep. As she heads there, she worries what the apprentices - namely Sleekpaw - will say about her. She hears Needlepaw's voice behind her though, who says she was waiting for her, and the two need to go somewhere. Tawnypelt then asks the two why they're up so late, and Needlepaw lies that she's taking care of Violetkit. The black-and-white kitten is surprised and impressed by how confident Needlepaw is, wishing she could be more like her.

When Tawnypelt leaves, Needlepaw asks Violetkit if she's ready to go, and she nods before asking why they can't be seen, to which the apprentice explains that they're going on an adventure outside the camp. When the kit hesitates, Needlepaw thrusts her snout close and asks if she's scared, with Violetkit insisting she isn't, worried that the gray she-cat will think she's a coward, but then add that they may get into trouble if they sneak out. To her confusion, Needlepaw replies that she won't get in trouble as long as she's with her. She guesses it's a special mission that has something to do with Littlecloud or Grassheart, concluding it must be ok to sneak out because of how strange the day has been. Needlepaw then rests her tail on the kitten's back, soothing and assuring her that she'll be ok before the two leave the camp.

Violetkit trips over a root as the two walk, and admits she wasn't looking where she was going when Needlepaw reminds her to be careful. The apprentice tells her to start paying attention because the forest is dangerous at night, and foxes could be anywhere. Violetkit is scared by this, despite not knowing what foxes look like, padding closer to Needlepaw, who snaps at her to give her some space and nudges her away. She then asks where they're going, and the apprentice says it's a surprise. Violetkit then struggles across a ditch, Needlepaw grabbing her by the scruff as she scrabbles to haul herself up. A screech is then heard, and Violetkit asks what it is while cowering, to which the older she-cat snorts that it's an owl. She remembers Lionkit and Birchkit saying owls stole kits in the night, never knowing they could fly. The apprentice then tells her not to try fighting the bird as she climbs onto her back, and Needlepaw teases about her weight, saying a mouse would be heavier and asking if Pinenose has been feeding her enough. Violetkit says she has been, beginning to worry that she'll never get as big as her Clanmates.

Needlepaw then starts running as Violetkit clings onto her back. When they come to a stop, Violetkit asks where they are, sliding off of Needlepaw's back and recognizing a familiar scent, realizing they're in ThunderClan territory. She begins bombarding Needlepaw with questions, and the apprentice playfully cuffs her ear, saying no one will see them. She then asks why they're there, and the gray she-cat tells her to be quiet and hide. She then hears Alderpaw's voice and asks what he's doing there, and Needlepaw tells her that she's brought someone to see her. She then catches Twigkit's scent before her sister barrels into her, purring. The black-and-white she-kit is overwhelmed, but tells Twigkit she's happy to see her. She then comments that her sister smells like cobwebs, and Twigkit in turn remarks that she smells like pine needles. Twigkit then asks if Needlepaw is a friend, and she's usure of what to answer with, not wanting her littermate to think she hadn't made any friends, and wonders if Alderpaw and Needlepaw are friends. Twigkit then starts playfully pawing at her flank, and Needlepaw tells a confused Violetkit that she wants to play, and she's supposed to chase her. The two sisters then begin playing until they're out of breath. When it's time for them to go home, Violetkit protests that she belongs with her sister, not ShadowClan, saying that no one in the Clan cares for her. Needlepaw promises to be there for her, and over time, the black-and-white kit starts to think that she's the only friend she has in the Clan.

The next time Needlepaw sneaks Violetkit out, she asks if they're going to see Twigkit again, and is surprised that Sleekpaw is accompanying them, the golden she-cat mocking her for supposedly not being Clan-born. The three then meet up with two rogues named Darktail and Rain, with Needlepaw introducing the kit to them. Darktail, Rain, Needlepaw and Sleekpaw then discuss with several more rogues about the Clans being terrible, with Violetkit being berated when she tries to defend them. The rogues then ask her why she's in ShadowClan if she wasn't born there, and Needlepaw states that the Clans' borders are less important than the ideals they have, causing the kit to begin wondering if the Clans' culture really is wrong, and if she truly belongs in ShadowClan.

When they return to camp, Tawnypelt reports their sneaking out to Rowanstar, who orders Violetkit to stay in camp, with Needlepaw being punished with taking care of the elders for her transgressions when she protests. The leader then tells Pinenose to keep a better eye on the kit, who thinks that her adoptive mother has never been too fond of her. Later, as Needlepaw takes care of the elders, she sends Violetkit to go tell Rain that she won't be able to meet with the rogues, which the black-and-white she-kit accepts, wanting to please her. On the way there though, she's grabbed by an owl, but saved by Rain and another rogue named Roach. She then delivers Needlepaw's message, but as she's about to leave, Darktail stops her and remarks that it's too dangerous for her to travel back home in the dark. She stays with them for the night, and in the morning Darktail brings her back to ShadowClan's camp. She thanks him, but he doesn't leave, instead entering the camp with her. Needlepaw rushes over and asks if she had gotten lost, and she struggles to come up with an excuse. After Darktail leaves, Violetkit prepares for whatever punishment Rowanstar will give her for sneaking off on her own.

Darktail later comes back to ShadowClan's camp with his rogues, requesting to join the Clan, but Rowanstar refuses and forces them to leave. Needlepaw then challenges the leader for this, asking why he declined their request, to which he explains that they aren't Clan-born. The gray she-cat retorts that Violetkit isn't Clan-born either, calling her just another mouth to feed, which hurts the kit, wondering if Needlepaw really thinks of her like that, and if they were ever really friends. The apprentice then states that ShadowClan could rule the lake if they lived like Darktail and his rogues, announcing that she's leaving to join them. Sleekpaw, Juniperpaw, Strikepaw, Yarrowpaw and Beepaw join her, but Violetkit begs her not to leave. The gray she-cat decides to take the kit with her as well, saying that she found her, and thus she belongs with her. Leafpool argues against this, but Rowanstar allows it, telling the apprentice that Violetkit has caused nothing but trouble, and so she's welcome to take her. As the apprentices leave with the kit, she wonders if she was ever wanted in ShadowClan.

The apprentices and Violetkit join Darktail and his rogues, with the combined group now taking the name The Kin. The apprentices give themselves warrior names: Needletail, Sleekwhisker, Juniperclaw, Strikestone, Yarrowleaf and Beenose, while Violetkit is renamed Violetpaw. Later, Violetpaw encounters Twigkit - now a warrior apprentice named Twigpaw - who tells her she believes their birth mother may still be alive, though the black-and-white she-cat doesn't show much interest in this, saying she always thought their mother was dead anyways. Needletail then approaches and manipulated Violetpaw into hollowly saying that The Kin is her new family, and the gray she-cat is her new sister. Twigpaw begs her sister to help her look for their birth mother, but Needletail makes her leave.

In The Kin's camp, Violetpaw thinks about how Darktail's idea of a Clan is nothing like ThunderClan or ShadowClan. She then thinks about her recent encounter with Twigpaw, frustrated that her sister thought she'd leave to help her look for their mother, and then thinks about how different it is to live in The Kin instead of a Clan, but is comforted that Needletail is there with her. She watches nervously as Darktail and Rain argue, the latter insisting they drive out the Clans and take over the lake. The two then fight, and Darktail nearly kills Rain before Needletail begs him to spare the gray tom. Violetpaw then watches in horror as, after forcing him to acknowledge him as leader, Darktail slashes of Rain's eyes, partially blinding him. She begins to long to return to ShadowClan, who were never as cruel to each other as the cats of The Kin, and sneaks away one night.

She goes into ShadowClan's territory and is escorted into camp by Tawnypelt and Tigerheart, where Rowanstar hesitantly takes her back in, assigning Dawnpelt as her mentor. Wanting to work her way back into her Clan's good graces, she takes on all the tasks apprentices dislike, but refuses to talk about Needletail or The Kin, making some of her Clanmates suspicious of her. As yellowcough ravages the Clan, she urges the new medicine cat Puddleshine to ask Rowanstar to ask Leafpool for a cure, and when the leader refuses, she helps gather herbs with Dawnpelt. When Puddleshine finds out that Lungwort, an herb that only grow in WindClan, is the cure for yellowcough, Violetpaw goes with a patrol to ask Onestar for some. However, Onestar recognizes the apprentice as one of the cats to join The Kin, refusing to give the patrol herbs and ordering Tigerheart to take her away.

That night, Twigpaw sneaks into ShadowClan to tell Violetpaw that their birth mother is dead. She's then caught by the ShadowClan cats and take her prisoner, hoping that Bramblestar will convince Onestar to give them the lungwort in return for the gray she-cat. Violetpaw is comforted to have her sister with her again, though is irritated that she carelessly snuck into the camp and got herself caught. The two help tend to the cats ill with yellowcough, with the black-and-white she-cat wondering why her littermate cares so much about them. That night, she tells Twigpaw how glad she is to have her as a sister, and the two promise to never forget each other.

Bramblestar retrieves Twigpaw two days later, and Violetpaw tries to get her to hide, not wanting her to leave. Twigpaw tells her that she belongs in ThunderClan, but she argues that they're sisters. She then leaves with Bramblestar, causing Violetpaw to believe she was a fool to think her littermate cares about her, Clanmates argue about the gray she-cat being the key they needed to get the lungwort. She continues to help Puddleshine, shaken when Kinkfur dies of sickness despite their efforts, leaving camp to have some time alone. She runs into Needletail and Rain, the former looking at her with anger and disgust, mocking her for returning to ShadowClan. The apprentice defends her choice to return, and the two discuss whether or not they should take her back to Darktail. They decide against it, so she returns home, feeling lonely.

Two weeks later, the yellowcough finally eases, but not before killing Crowfrost. The cats of ShadowClan constantly argue with each other and insult Rowanstar, who is still recovering from the illness, with Violetpaw thinking that they've forgotten the meaning of loyalty. When the Clan is about to go to the next Gathering, Scorchfur and Spikefur refuse to attend, not wanting to see the Clans who let them suffer through the sickness. The Kin then attack, with Darktail attacking the weakened Rowanstar, but being driven off by Tawnypelt and Tigerheart. The cats of ShadowClan - save for Tawnypelt and Tigerheart - abandon their leader however, perceiving him as weak, with Violetpaw reluctantly joining them, as they all join The Kin. Later, Twigpaw and her mentor Ivypool encounter Violetpaw and Needletail, the gray apprentice urging her littermate to seek refuge in ThunderClan. Needletail attacks her for this, cutting one of her ears. Violetpaw then tells her to run away, and watches her flee with sadness in her eyes.

Shattered Sky[]

As the Clans battle with The Kin, Violetpaw faces Twigpaw just as Onestar calls for WindClan to retreat, causing the Clans to become overwhelmed. Twigpaw tells her sister that she misses her, but before Violetpaw can reply, Needletail hisses to her that Twigpaw is an enemy, forcing her to attack her littermate. She reluctantly does so, but is soon chased off by some ThunderClan warriors. Due to WindClan's sudden retreat, The Kin defeats the Clans.

Later, while Violetpaw tends to Oakfur's ticks and listens to him talk about the old ShadowClan, when Needletail demands to know why she's taking care of him, stating that elders should have to look out for themselves. While the two eat together, the black-and-white she-cat then confesses that she feels guilty for attacking Twigpaw, but Needletail replies that her sister is an enemy now, and The Kin are the only ones who truly care about her. Violetpaw isn't convinced of this though, thinking that she could never forget her littermate. The two then visit Darktail in the medicine den as his battle wounds heal, where he praises the apprentice for attacking Twigpaw.

Violetpaw visits The Kin's leader again later, where she witnesses Rain try to suffocate him while he's weak to take over the group. For a moment she believes Darktail is dead, but he springs back up and kills Rain, saying he always knew the gray tom would betray him eventually. When telling Needletail what happened, the older she-cat is grief-stricken and horrified, with her attempts at comforting her proving fruitless. Violetpaw begins noticing how Darktail has become more aggressive towards Needletail ever since Rain's death, likely suspecting her of also planning to betray him since she and Rain were close. Later still, Darktail brings three kittypets named Max, Loki and Zelda into The Kin, making them swear an oath of loyalty. He prevents the three from leaving when they try to return home at the end of the day, with Violetpaw worrying that he only brought them in to have them spill Clan cats' blood.

That night, as Violetpaw sleeps next to Needletail, she reflects on how the gray she-cat has changed since Rain's death, becoming traumatized and beginning to regret her choice to join The Kin. Dawnpelt then tells her that she's leaving and urges the apprentice to come with her, but the apprentice refuses, wanting to stay with Needletail. As Dawnpelt tries sneaking out, Violetpaw hears Darktail's voice and worries that he caught her. She wonders if she'd made a mistake by joining The Kin, but assures herself that she must stick by Needletail's side as she drifts off to sleep.

The Kin raids RiverClan the next day, with Darktail ordering the elders and three kittypets to attack first. Violetpaw tries to protest this, since the elders are weaker than RiverClan's warriors and the kittypets have very little battle training, but Darktail ignores her, telling her she'll have the honor of fighting by his side. During the battle, she hesitates to attack, wondering if the RiverClan cats deserve it, but joins in the fight anyways. Soon The Kin is victorious, with RiverClan being driven out of their territory, with the cats too injured to flee with their Clanmates being taken prisoner. The apprentice notices that Pinenose was killed in the battle, and mourns her death. Later, Alderheart and the RiverClan medicine cat Mothwing go to the latter's old camp to find where the prisoners are being held, claiming that they're just retrieving some herbs that got left behind in the medicine den. While they're there, Violetpaw asks Alderheart how Twigpaw's doing, and he lies that her sister is fine in ThunderClan, when she actually had snuck off to go find SkyClan.

Later, Violetpaw notices that Berryheart and Beenose are missing, wondering if they had been killed by Darktail like Dawnpelt had. She then hangs out with Zelda and Loki as they mourn Max, who had been killed in the RiverClan raid, and have realized they won't be allowed to leave. She then watches as Darktail forces the prisoners to recite an oath of loyalty in exchange for food, sadistically making RiverClan's deputy Reedwhisker say it louder, and refusing to give them food afterwards. Darktail then informs Violetpaw that some herbs are missing, asking if someone from The Kin had taken them. She explains that Alderheart and Mothwing had come to retrieve them, realizing she shouldn't have revealed that when he asks who allowed them to. He tells the young she-cat that the two of them are alike, as they were both unwanted kits, ignoring her attempt at a retort by adding that he could make her life very difficult if she doesn't tell the truth. He deduces it was Needletail and falsely promises he won't hurt the gray she-cat, to which Violetpaw admits that it was her. He then confronts Needletail for this, accusing her of being a spy, asking her and the apprentice if they want to leave The Kin. They both say no, and Darktail tells Violetpaw that she's passed her test, revealing he already knew what happened to the herbs, and orders Needletail to be imprisoned. Violetpaw protests this, reminding him of his false promise not to punish her, then volunteers to be imprisoned as well. The Kin's leader refuses though, telling her that the gray she-cat deserves to be punished, as well as Puddleshine for allowing the herbs to be taken too, with Violetpaw wondering with horror what she's just done.

As Violetpaw tends to the prisoners, she refutes Brackenpelt when she accuses the apprentice of being on Darktail's side, stating that she finds him just as cruel as the prisoners do. She admits that she made a mistake in joining The Kin, and is planning on helping them escpae. After telling Darktial she's going hunting, she then sneaks off to ThunderClan, with Dewnose escorting her to their camp to speak to Bramblestar. She asks to speak to Twigpaw first though, so Dewnose takes her to Alderheart, telling him the conditions the prisoners are facing. She says she felt for a long time that Darktail was evil, but wanted to stay with Needletail and believe everything would turn out ok. Alderheart then informs her of a plan to defeat The Kin, but they need a cat from within to help pull it off. She accepts to help, then asks where Twigpaw is, to which the medicine cat reveals that her sister has been missing for a while, and they fear she might be dead. Greif-stricken, Violetpaw refuses to believe this.

Back in RiverClan's camp, she tells Needletail about the plan, and the gray she-cat takes the blame for everything that's happening to the apprentice, with Violetpaw promising to get her out of there. She helps Oakfur and Ratscar sneak out and take refuge in ThunderClan the next day, and helps Snowbird, Gullkit, Conekit and Frondkit sneak out three nights later. She then meets with Alderheart and says she doesn't think she can sneak any more cats out without Darktail noticing. The ginger tom tells her that ThunderClan is going to attack soon, but first they must rescue the prisoners, and Darktail must be asleep long enough to do so. He gives her poppy seeds, telling her to use them to sedate Darktail and his closest followers.

One the day of the rescue, Violetpaw puts poppy seeds into fresh-kill and gives it to Darktail and his followers, but Sleekwhisker catches her. The leader declares she's made herself an enemy of The Kin, but says he won't kill her, instead having Needletail be dragged out of the prison and stating that she will pay for the apprentice's betrayal instead. Violetpaw and Needletail are then brought down to the lake by Darktail, Sleekwhisker, Roach and Raven. Darktail and Sleekwhisker start to drown Needletail while Raven and Roach force Violetpaw to watch, with the young she-cat begging to be punished instead, admitting that she was the one who put the poppy seeds into the prey, and that the gray she-cat had nothing to do with the plan. The two then let Needletail breath, but just when Violetpaw thinks they're sparing her, they start drowning her once more, The Kin's leader stating that forcing her to experience the pain of losing her only friend is a better punishment than just killing her, adding that she's just as disloyal as Needletail.

Darktail suddenly stops though, and says that perhaps Needletail deserves a second chance, with Violetpaw telling him she'll do whatever he wants if they let her live. He and Sleekwhisker let the gray she-cat go, the former ordering her to prove her loyalty by killing the apprentice. Needletail then orders Violetpaw to be brought to her, and the apprentice is horrified, but understands that she's willing to do whatever it takes to survive. The gray she-cat pounces on her, but rather than killing her, she tells her to run away, turning to attack Roach and Raven. Violetpaw obeys and flees the lake, hearing Needletail's yowls and realizing she's being murdered, but continues to run without looking back.

Violetpaw flees to ThunderClan, where she finds that they have successfully rescued the prisoners and driven The Kin out of RiverClan's territory while Darktail was busy with Needletail. She also finds that Twigpaw is there, having found SkyClan and brought them to the lake, with her sister being overjoyed that she's alive and thanking her for her help in taking back RiverClan's territory. After the black-and-white she-cat explains what happened, Twigpaw takes her to meet Hawkwing, SkyClan's deputy and the two's father. Several ShadowClan cats then hail Violetpaw as a hero as her father greets her warmly, inviting her to stay and help rebuild SkyClan. Hawkwing is baffled when Alderheart points out that his daughters both live in different Clans, wondering how Clan loyalty could outweigh loyalty to kin.

Later, Violetpaw is part of a patrol that witnesses The Kin battling WindClan. After The Kin is fought off, Onestar explains that Darktail is his son who he had with a kittypet named Smoke, and rejected him from joining WindClan, which lead to his hatred of all the Clans. He then explains that he retreated from battle because Darktail had told him a cat who abandoned and killed their own son would end up in the Dark Forest, but resolves that WindClan will fight with the other Clans this time. During the battle, Onestar and Darktail drown each other in the lake, and soon after The Kin is driven out by the Clans. Zelda and Loki return to their owners in the twolegplace, and Violetpaw bids them farewell. In the aftermath of the battle, SkyClan decides to stay at the lake permanently, and Hawkwing tells his daughters he'd like for them to come live with him once the Clan's territory is established. Violetpaw then hopes that the worst is over, and everything will turn out ok.

Darkest Night[]


River of Fire[]


The Raging Storm[]


Squirrelflight's Hope[]

Violetshine gives birth to her and Tree's kits, a yellow tom and a black-and-white she-kit. The tom is named Rootkit after Tree's father Root, while the she-kit is named Needlekit after Needletail. Leafstar announces this at the Gathering, and while speaking to Squirrelflight, Tree says Violetshine can't wait until the kits become apprentices so Twigbranch can see them.

In SkyClan camp, Violetshine watches her kits play in puddles while sharing prey with Reedclaw. At the next Gathering, Violetshine's eyes shine with admiration when Hawkwing defends Tree from Breezepelt. When stuck between life and death, Squirrelflight's spirit visits SkyClan camp and hear Fidgetflake mention that Violetshine can nurse the kits of Moonlight, the deceased leader of The Sisters. Violetshine cleans the bedding as her and Moonlight's kits play, and when the kits are old enough to be brought back to The Sisters, Hawkwing notes that she misses them.

The Broken Code[]

Lost Stars[]

As Rootkit and Needlekit prepare for their apprentice ceremonies, Violetshine asks the former if he knows what day it is, which he excitedly says yes to. She then fusses over Rootkit's messy fur, and soon after she and Tree proudly watch as he and Needlepaw become warrior apprentices, earning the names Rootpaw and Needlepaw. Later, the black-and-white she-cat looks at Rootpaw looks at her son with pride as he brings back a large crow.

When it's discovered that the Moonpool has frozen over and StarClan cannot be contacted, Violetshine and her family join several other Clan cats in travelling to the Moonpool to try to break the ice. Needlepaw questions why a bunch of warriors came, and her mother tells her that the medicine cats may need their help, as communicating with StarClan is incredibly important. Rootpaw then asks why no ShadowClan cats came, and his sister says that she heard their mother say that the Clan believes their newest medicine cat apprentice, Shadowpaw, may be the cause of their ancestors' silence. While Violetshine continues on towards the Moonpool, Tree and their children turn around and head back home. Despite their efforts though, the gathered cats are unable to break through the ice.

Later, Needlepaw tells Rootpaw that their parents want to talk to them in private outside of camp, where Tree expresses his concern over the previous Gathering. When Violetshine asks what he means, he points out how odd Bramblestar was acting, especially his insistence on punishing codebreakers. She then asks why that worries him, asking if he'd broken the code, which shocks him. he then explains that Bramblestar's behavior reminds him of how his mate had described Darktail, bringing up how he killed Needletail. Violetshine is griefstricken at the mention of her deceased friend, and states that The Kin had nothing to do with the warrior code, but Tree disagrees. He then suggests the four of them flee the lake before something like The Kin's massacre can happen again, but Violetshine says she can't leave after spending so long looking for her family. Tree then asks if she'd follow SkyClan if they returned to the gorge, but she insists that she can't leave Twigbranch behind, either. Finally, she concluded that if things with Bramblestar got bad enough, they as a family would decide what to do.

The Silent Thaw[]

At a Gathering, Rootpaw sees Violetshine conversing with Twigbranch, and soon after she goes to sit with Tree, Plumwillow and Sandynose, hushing her children as the leaders begin their meeting. During the meeting however, Rootpaw is distracted by the ghost of the real Bramblestar, who begs him to help get rid of whoever's possessing his body, and Violetshine hisses to him to pay attention. After the Gathering, Rootpaw runs away from Bramblestar's ghost and falls into the lake, and his mother worriedly asks what happened. The yellow tom's mentor Dewspring scolds him for his carelessness, but his mother tells him to leave him alone, saying he could've drowned. She then tells him that walking will help him warm up, and he presses up against her as they head back home.

Later, Violetshine watches Pigeonfoot demonstrate how she caught a bat while relaxing in the sunlight. Before an emergency Gathering, she confronts Rootpaw about seeing the ThunderClan warrior Bristlefrost in secret, urging him not to with Bramblestar's growing aggression against codebreakers. She also worries about her sister, who had moved Clans multiple times, but her son assures her that Frecklewish didn't mention Twigbranch as one of the codebreakers. He promises to stop seeing Bristlefrost, and sits between his parents during the Gathering. During the meeting, Bramblestar begins listing off codebreakers, and Violetshine's eyes go wide with fear when he says Twigbranch's name.

At the Gathering after, when Rootpaw objects to the codebreaker punishments, Bramblestar accuses him of being a codebreaker as well by doing so

Veil of Shadows[]

Violetshine watches with the rest of her family during Needlepaw's warrior ceremony, where she earns the name Needleclaw, her mother purring loudly. Leafstar calls a Clan meeting soon after, where the black-and-white she-cat silently agrees that if Bramblestar is hurting cats, he must be stopped, remembering her time in The Kin. She and some of her Clanmates then visit SkyClan's old camp, where codebreakers Bramblestar had exiled are residing, and is surprised to see her sister there, running over to greet her.

When Tree tries summoning Bramblestar's spirit with a ritual, Violetshine joins in and starts howling. She later congratulates Rootpaw when he informs her that he's almost ready to become a warrior. Rootpaw and Dewspring bring Shadowpaw's badly wounded body into camp soon after, where Violetshine runs to her kit's side and says she was worried about him when he disappeared all of a sudden. She goes with Rootpaw when he visits ShadowClan to tell Tigerstar and Dovewing about their son's condition. She later watches proudly as Rootpaw becomes a warrior, earning the name Rootspring.

Darkness Within[]

After Bramblestar is revealed to be possessed by the spirit of Ashfur, who is imprisoned in ShadowClan, Violetshine attends a mass vigil to honor all those killed by Ashfur's actions. She sits next to Plumwillow, comforting her as she mourns the death of her mate, Sandynose, saying she'll miss him too. Tree says he'll miss him as well, and wonders how anyone could fight on Ashfur's side. Sagenose mutters that it will take a while to forget that he was killed by a traitor to SkyClan, and the yellow-eyed she-cat responds that they can still forgive.

The Place of No Stars[]


A Light in the Mist[]



  • Violetpaw/Violetshine is mistakenly shown to be a black cat with a white muzzle on the covers of Thunder and Shadow and The Raging Storm.
  • Violetshine is author Kate Cary's favorite of the two sisters for her more vulnerable side.
  • Kate has stated that the reason why Violetshine's fur description changes so much is because she thinks of her as more of a personality than a pelt color.
  • Kate has also stated that Violetshine tastes like liquorice.

External links[]

Violetshine on the Warriors Wiki


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