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Vivian Krill is a supporting character from the 2015 film Jurassic World. She is a Jurassic World employee who worked in the control room, along with Lowery Cruthers.

She was portrayed by Lauren Lapkus.


Vivian Krill was working in the control room of Jurassic World before and partway through the incident. She monitored the park along with Lowery and was on good terms with him. When Claire Dearing asked her why the West Plains were closed, Vivian told her that it was another Pachycephalosaurus that had broken loose and, when she expressed annoyance at the failure of the invisible fences for the second time that month, explained that the dinosaurs shorted out their implants when they butted heads.

She was later talking to Lowery Cruthers when they were called by Claire, who demanded the current coordinates of the Indominus rex. Lowery, confused, obeyed and they were both stunned and horrified to see that the I. rex was still in her paddock according to the implant and that there were people inside.

Vivian frantically warned them to flee, but her warning came too late and she listened in horror as the Indominus killed and ate a worker and broke down the doors of the paddock. She attempted to alert the entire park about a dinosaur being on the loose but was stopped by Simon Masrani, who believed the Asset Containment Unit could quietly contain its threat. Asset Containment proved ineffective and the majority of them were slaughtered by the creature.

During Owen Grady's rant, Vivian exchanged a significant glance with Lowery before putting the park on alert. She later went with Simon Masrani as he prepared to pilot his personal helicopter, fitted with a heavy machine gun, to deal with the creature, despite her worried protestations. Upon witnessing Masrani's death when his helicopter was attacked by Pteranodons, she reported the breach while crying in shock. After Vic Hoskins took control, she and the other personnel were evacuated, with the exception of Lowery who elected to stay behind. When he attempted to kiss her, she awkwardly told him that she had a boyfriend, but gave him a hug before departing.


Vivian, like most of the rest of the control team, is a consummate professional. She is quickly annoyed by delays and obstacles. Her presence seems to stabilize the rest of her team and she is initially portrayed as a person of keen wits. Vivian stays on top of new emergencies as they arrive and manage to keep the rest of the park alert to problems. Though collected and stoic at first, the death of Masrani leaves her emotionally crippled. Vivian tries to remain as professional as possible but still has her breaking points both dealing with stress and unwanted advances.


          JurassicParkLogo Heroes

John Hammond | Henry Wu | Allison Miles | Ray Arnold | Robert Muldoon | Gerry Harding | Oscar Morales | Roland Tembo | Ajay Sidhu | Simon Masrani (Legend of Isla Nublar) | Owen Grady (Legend of Isla Nublar) | Claire Dearing (Legend of Isla Nublar) | Lowery Cruthers | Barry Sembène | Vivian Krill | Supervisor Nick | Roxie & Dave | Benjamin Lockwood | Sedrick Masrani | Hal Brimford

Hammond Documentary Team
John Hammond | Ian Malcolm | Sarah Harding | Eddie Carr | Nick Van Owen | Kelly Malcolm

Kirby's Mercenary Team
Udesky | M.B. Nash | Cooper

Dinosaur Protection Group
Claire Dearing | Franklin Webb | Zia Rodriguez

Nublar Six
Darius Bowman | Kenji Kon | Brooklynn | Yasmina Fadoula | Sammy Gutierrez | Ben Pincus

Department of Prehistoric Wildlife
Mr. Ryan | Alan Grant (film series) | Ellie Sattler (film series) | Ian Malcolm (film series) | Ramsay Cole

French Intelligence
Barry Sembène | Wyatt Huntley

Blue (Legend of Isla Nublar) | Beta | Charlie | Delta | Echo | Bumpy | Pierce | Angel and Rebel | Firecracker | Big Eatie | Little Eatie | Geba

Alan Grant (novel series) | Ellie Sattler (novel series) | Ian Malcolm (novel series) | Tim Murphy | Lex Murphy | Donald Gennaro | Jessica Harding | Nima Cruz | Eric Kirby | Billy Brennan | Paul Kirby | Amanda Kirby | Zach Mitchell | Gray Mitchell | Scott Mitchell | Karen Mitchell | Zara Young | Hap | Maisie Lockwood | Dr. Mae Turner | Brandon Bowman | Rebecca Ryan | Hudson Harper | Red | Kayla Watts | Ronnie | Mateo | Zayna Mballo | Aminata Mballo | Ousmane Mballo | Earnest | Zora Bennett | Henry Loomis | Duncan Kincaid
