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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Wadi is a supporting character of The Secret Saturdays. She is Zak Saturday's love interest.

She was voiced by Liliana Mumy, who also played Lucy Miller in The Santa Clause 2 and later on voiced Leni Loud.


Wadi starts off as a kleptomaniac, which her father disproved of. But after her first appearance she's vows to steal only stuff that was wrongly taken and give it back to it's rightful owners.

In the episode, Eterno, she steals a salt crystal unknowingly awakening the monster of the same name. She teams up with Zak and the others to defeat the monster and save her tribe.

Later, in Curse of the Stolen Tiger she is being babysat by the Saturdays and later on aids them in rescuing a blue tiger from a Japanese crime lord/false philanthropist, Shoji Fuzen. In this episode, she and Zak start developing feelings for each other, despite denying it.

In Life in the Underground, she finally shows her feelings for Zak and even gives him a kiss on the cheek.

In the series finale, War of the Cryptids, she aids Zak and his allies against V.V. Argost and his army, later attending Van Rook's funeral.


  • A running gag throughout the series is that she is usually stealing Zak's belt.

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