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Heroes Wiki

Warden is a supporting protagonist of DreamWorks’s 21st full-length animated film Megamind (2010).

He is the Warden of Metro City Police Department who kept the titular character in prison for 88 life sentences for his crimes, until he turned into a hero, for now on he is keeping Tighten in prison for attempting to destroy and ruling over Metro City.

He is voiced by J.K. Simmons



Warden is an elder police cheif with soft gray hair, blue eyes a gray mustache, with a dark blue suit with a dark blue tie.


When Megamind was an infant and living in prison, Warden suddenly dislikes Megamind from the tricycle incident.


Countless Years later, Warden has kept Megamind in his own asylum room as a preschool like prison and tells Megamind he will always be a villain and shows him the gift Metro Man has gave to him which is a Ho-lo Watch. When Warden is doing his business, Megamind secretly switches the watch into him, with the cops believing the Warden is Megamind and sent him into his room and lock him up, until it’s revealed Warden has been disguised with Megamind saying a phrase to Warden and the police that “I’ll always be a Villain” and sinisterly laughs and locks them in the prison making Warden frustratingly glare at him. When Metro Man has died from the observatory, A depressed Warden reacts that Megamind has killed his sworn-enemy. He is never seen throughout the film.

Until, Megamind returns back to prison meeting Warden again, sees the problem that Megamind forces himself to go to jail, with Minion disguised as Warden and frees him to stop Tighten and save Roxanne Ritchi, with the real Warden tied up to the chair allowing both of them to stop Hal.

He is seen at the ending with the song “Bad” by Michael Jordan, Warden and two police officers dance to the beat with their new most wanted criminal Hal Stewart.


  • He is the first Dreamworks character to be voiced as J.K. Simmons. Followed by Kai from Kung Fu Panda 3.
  • For unknown reasons, Warden didn’t appear in Megamind: The Doom Syndicate, it’s likely because despite some people saying Megamind 2 is non-canon.


           Megamind Logo Heroes

Megamind | Ol' Chum | Roxanne Ritchi | Metro Man | Brainbots | Keiko Morita | Megamind's parents | Mr. Dount | Hu-Mouse | Dude Monkey | Supercool Power-Kid | Blanche Morita | Eccentric Eddie | Warden
