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Chihiro Ogino has declared Whirl (Rescue Bots Academy) is to be renamed to
Whirl (Transformers)

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"I want you to know my real name. It's Chihiro."

Stop hand

Police Copter-Bot Whirl

Whirl is a female Rescue Bot Recruit transforming into a police helicopter and one main protagonist in Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy.


When Whirl was invited to the Rescue Bot Training Academy to train as a rescuer, she began her first year of study with Hot Shot, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge. Together with the teaching of Heatwave and other teachers, she learned a lot about rescue with her teammates, and from time to time she and her team performed rescue missions at Griffin Rock. And when the first year of study was coming to an end, an energy bubble emerged around the Rescue Bot Academy, solidifying everything in place, but along with her other teammates she managed to knock out the energy bubble and save the Earth from the energy bubble spreading, and then she got her first year diplomas.

Then, when the second year of study began, a mentor was chosen for her and her other teammates to guide her and her other teammates during the second year of study, and she was mentored by Chase. During her second year of study, she and her team met many new friends while performing many rescue missions, and at the same time she, Wedge, Hoist, and Medix were given access to the Mul-T-Cogs, as Hot Shot has been in use, and with that she chose another vehicle mode. And when the second year of study was coming to an end, she had to complete one more thing before completing the second year, and that was a graduation ceremony party by Citadel Secundus. But when she and Hot Shot didn’t go to the graduation party because Hot Shot wanted to show on the nanomaterial statue how much Heatwave and others took him back, and just then Wedge sent a message and said the asteroid had collided with Secundus, creating an anti-energon field which stopped everyone in place, even Secundus himself. She and Hot Shot then recruited old friends Sludge, Snarl, Brushfire, Slash and Laserbeak to help save Secundus and the Bots inside him, as well as the whole world as well. In saving Secundus and the whole world, they all did their part, and Wedge, Hoist, and Medix also helped, and eventually, thanks to the traps of all of their cooperation, they managed to save Secundus and the whole world as well. And after that, she and her teammates got their second-year diplomas after graduating from the second year of study, and when new recruits started their first year of study at the Academy and she and Hot Shot showed a nanomaterial statue, they believed the best was coming.

