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I've been having these visions for a while. I'm sure some cat is sending them to me. And with the warning - the stream running with blood - they're seeming more urgent than ever. Maybe if I can find the place, everything will become clear. Maybe cats who have been long forgotten can be remembered again?
~ Whistlepaw about her visions of StormClan

Whistlebreeze is a supporting character in the eighth arc of the Warriors book series, A Starless Clan, as well as the super edition Ivypool's Heart. She is the medicine cat of WindClan who trained under Kestrelflight, and became a close friend of RiverClan's medicine cat Frostdawn since their apprenticehood, even faking her death and lying to the Clans about it for her safety. One day she gets a vision of a fox-headed mountain and a warning that a debt must be repaid, setting out with several other cats from different Clans to save two wildcats and restore the memory of the long-forgotten StormClan.


Whistlebreeze is a small tabby she-cat with gray fur and amber eyes.


The Broken Code[]

Darkness Within[]

Whistlepaw is a WindClan warrior apprentice born to Featherpelt and Oatclaw alongside her sister Songpaw and brother Flutterpaw, and is being trained by Hootwhisker.

At the half-moon medicine cat meeting, WindClan's medicine cat Kestrelflight says that he's been thinking of making Whistlepaw his apprentice, noting how she helped him with treating Emberfoot's whitecough. The other medicine cats are apprehensive though, as StarClan has been silent for moons, and thus wouldn't be able to give her their approval. Mothwing says she could just be taught the medical side for now and wait until StarClan starts speaking again to be taught the spiritual side, but Alderheart and Willowshine disagree. Regardless though, Kestrelflight insists that he'll train her even without StarClan.

A Light in the Mist[]

When the connection between StarClan and the living world is finally restored, Kestrelflight officially makes Whistlepaw his apprentice. He later reports that StarClan has accepted her, and says she'll make for a fine medicine cat in time.

A Starless Clan[]


At the first half-moon meeting Mothwing's new apprentice Frostpaw attends, she and Whistlepaw get along quickly when their mentors introduce them, with the WindClan she-cat happy that there's another apprentice. Whistlepaw tells Frostpaw how she used to be a warrior apprentice, but Kestrelflight offered her to be his student because of how she helped him in the medicine den. She adds that the spirit of Kestrelflight's mentor Barkface has taught her much from StarClan. Frostpaw thinks about how nice Whistlepaw is, and the amber-eyed she-cat shows her how to use the Moonpool by touching her nose to the surface of its waters. At the next medicine cat meeting, Whistlepaw greets her new friend enthusiastically.


When Frostpaw - who is now training to be a warrior rather than a medicine cat - receives a vision of RiverClan's former deputy Reedwhisker being murdered by an unknown Clanmate, she confides in Splashtail about what she should do. Splashtail suggests she tell a medicine cat about it, and Frostpaw decides to go to Whistlepaw. As she sneaks off towards WindClan in the middle of the night though, she's attacked by an unseen cat -later revealed to be Splashtail himself - and left to die.


Whistlepaw finds Frostpaw bleeding out near the WindClan border, trying to patch up her deep neck wound. She struggles to treat such a severe wound on her own, and asks if she can go get Kestrelflight for help. Despite her insistence though, Frostpaw tells her that she can't let anyone know she's still alive, fearing whoever tried to kill her will come back to finish the job if they find out. Reluctantly Whistlepaw agrees, though as the hours go by her friend's condition doesn't get any better. Realizing Frostpaw will die if she doesn't get professional help, Whistlepaw takes her to the horseplace, where a loner living there named Smoky calls some twoleg vets over to save the RiverClan apprentice.

Once the vets save Frostpaw, Whistlepaw cares for her by bringing her food and water, and once Frostpaw is well enough to move again, she says that she must go on an important quest. Whistlepaw helps her fake her death by taking some of her fur and putting it next to the dry blood pool she'd been found lying in, telling WindClan that she was killed and dragged away by a fox.


When Frostpaw returns from her journey mid-Gathering to expose Splashtail for killing Reedwhisker, the Clans are surprised to see she's still alive. Whistlepaw then admits to tending to her wounds in secret and helping fake her death, and Kestrelflight is disappointed that his apprentice didn't get his help and hid the truth from him. WindClan's leader Harestar then states that Whistlepaw will be punished for lying to the Clans. Later, the WindClan warrior Breezepelt tells a ThunderClan patrol that Whistlepaw's mentor and leader are both upset with her, and she's left at home during the next half moon meeting. When the ThunderClan warrior Sunbeam get in trouble for trespassing on WindClan territory to search for her exiled family, Whistlepaw gives the brown-and-white she-cat her sympathy, saying that she's still being punished for lying about Frostpaw. The apprentice wishes her good luck and leaves as Harestar approaches Sunbeam.

When a harsh storm rolls over the lake, lightning strikes a tree in WindClan's camp, causing it to fall onto the nursery. Everyone inside escapes safely except for one kitten; Whistlepaw's younger sister Leafkit. Whistlepaw tries desperately to save her, only putting herself in danger in the process. Frostpaw and her ThunderClan friends Sunbeam and Nightheart arrive to help, the blue-eyed she-cat trying to get Whistlepaw to calm down and think so they can figure out how to save the kit. She struggles out, injured from the branches she was thrashing against in desperation, and Kestrelflight takes her to the medicine den while Frostpaw, Nightheart and Sunbeam save Leafkit. Once the kit is saved, the three go check on the wounded apprentice, where Frostpaw helps tend to her and stays by her side. Whistlepaw thanks her for saving her sister, and Frostpaw thanks her in turn for saving her when she was bleeding out, apologizing for getting her involved in her troubles. Kestrelflight then apologizes to both apprentices for doubting them, then sends Frostpaw out so he can tend to his apprentice.

Ivypool's Heart[]

While dreaming, Whistlepaw has a vision of a group of unfamiliar cats telling a tabby tom that they need to continue on while kits are trapped near the sun-drown-place. The tabby tom turns to Whistlepaw and says she must make things right, or "they" will be lost forever. The dream changes to RiverClan with rivers of blood, and the spirit of Mistystar then appears and ominously tells her that "the debt must be repaid".

Kestrelflight calls for an emergency medicine cat meeting to reveal Whistlepaw's vision, and the Clan leaders meet at the Gathering island soon after to discuss it. There, Whistlepaw describes a mountain in the shape of a fox's head and draws a sketch in the ground of a cloud surrounded by vines and split by lighting, saying she saw both in the vision. The Clans decide to each send a cat to accompany her on the journey to the fox-head mountain, with the volunteers being Ivypool of ThunderClan, Dovewing of ShadowClan and Rootspring of SkyClan. Splashtail, leader of RiverClan, refuses to let any of his cats go though, so the recently-banished Icewing goes instead, hearing about the mission from Tigerstar while sheltering in ShadowClan.

Three days into their adventure, Whistlepaw has another vision of a white feather, figuring out that it means they need to follow a seagull to the sun-drown-place. Once they reach it, Whistlepaw confirms that they're heading in the right direction because she recognizes the place from her dreams. A day later, they find an strange twoleg nest with a stranger smell, which the WindClan apprentice notes feels familiar. The group explores it the next day, finding it's full of strange animals from around the world, including two wildcats named Stalk Purr and Tumble Leap, who had been separated from their group. The Clan cats find that they and the wildcats can speak to each other, and the two wildcats recognize the cloud symbol Whistlepaw draws as the symbol of StormClan, a long-lost Clan that was the combination of ThunderClan and WindClan. Wanting to know about StormClan, the cats set out to find the Star Tree the wildcats told them about that could communicate with spirits much like the Moonpool.

Once they find the Star Tree, Whistlepaw, Rootspring and Icewing enter it and find themselves in the realm of the wildcats' ancestors, where a cat named Galestar greets them. Galestar reveals that she sent Whistlepaw the vision, and explains how she used to be the leader of WindClan and fell in love with Stripestar, the leader of ThunderClan. The two merged their Clans into StormClan and left to find a new home when the other Clans didn't approve, but over time, many members of the Clan either died or returned to the forest. When Galestar had kits soon after being separated from her Clan by a storm, she was then taken in by the wildcats, where her lineage lived on. Galestar urges that the Clans must repay the debt they owe to the wildcats by freeing Stalk Purr and Tumble Leap and reuniting them with their group.

The Clan cats free the two wildcats and start escorting them back to their group, but three days later, Stalk Purr gives birth to her and Tumble Leap's kittens, with Whistlepaw resuscitating the final kit when it stops breathing. When the Clan cats get a vision of the destruction Splashtail will bring to RiverClan, Icewing and Ivypool go on ahead of the group to find the wildcats and speed up the journey. Once the two of them reach the wildcats and find out how to bring the faded spirits of StormClan back and into StarClan, they return to the group. The Clan cats then start the journey back home, eager to see the lake again.

A Starless Clan (cont.)[]


Once the journeying cats finally return home, Whistlepaw completes her medicine cat training and goes to the Moonpool to receive her full name. Frostpaw is there to receive her full name as well, and Whistlepaw rushes to greet her, asking if her neck still hurts while inspecting the scar. Her ceremony then begins, and she earns the name Whistlebreeze. Frostpaw purrs that she'll be a great medicine cat, and Whistlebreeze responds that she hopes so. Frostpaw then reminds her of when she saved her life, but the newly-named medicine cat says it was mostly the vets who did. Kestrelflight then mentions how if it wasn't for her, Frostpaw would've died and the Clans might not have ever learned the truth about what happened with Splashtail, though he still wishes she had told him about Frostpaw. The gray she-cat says she's thankful her friend kept her secret, though. Mothwing then praises both she-cat for their excellent work as medicine cats, and Frostpaw is granted the name Frostdawn.

External links[]

Whistlebreeze on the Warriors Wiki


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