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Heroes Wiki

White Shadow, real name Whiteman Shatford, is a main character in DreamWorks’s movie, Turbo. He's a snail who competes in Tito's after-work snail racing. He is part of Whiplash's crew. He was voiced by Michael Bell; who also played Swoop in Transformers fictional series, Sideswipe and George Bungle.


White Shadow is the largest snail of the F.A.S.T crew with a cape and eyeglasses.


White Shadow is falsely swashbuckling, who knows how to laugh. He says he's as fast as a shadow, ignoring the fact that blurs are inherently faster than shadows. While he may have jerk moments, White Shadow is a great friend. He doesn't understand many things, but still, he often gets along with his friends and always helps them when they need him. He also proves to be quite a glutton.

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