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Heroes Wiki

For months I’ve been afraid... to listen to myself... to be me. I'm not gonna do it anymore.
~ Yolanda Montez to Courtney Whitmore

Yolanda Montez, also known by her superhero name, Wildcat, is one of the main protagonists of the The CW and DC Universe series, Stargirl.

Yolanda is a straight-A student at Blue Valley High who never did anything wrong until she was put in a situation in which she had no control. Her popularity quickly vanished and she became an outcast due to a scandal.

Yolanda forms an unlikely friendship with Courtney Whitmore, Beth Chapel, and Rick Tyler as they worked together to stop the villains of the past. With her new friends, Yolanda continues the legacy of the Justice Society of America as the second Wildcat.



Season One (2020)[]

To be Added

Season Two (2021)[]

To be Added

Season Three (2022)[]

To be Added

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Abilities via Wildcat Suit:
    • Retractable Claws
    • Wallcrawling
    • Superhuman Agility
    • Superhuman Ballance
    • Superhuman Reflexes


  • Peak Human Conditioning
  • Skilled Martial Artist
  • Skilled Acrobat
  • Stealth/Infiltration
  • Intelligence
    • Bilingualism


  • Anger
  • Lack of Proper Training


  • Wildcat Suit



  • Juan Montez - Father
  • Maria Montez - Mother
  • Unnamed Grandmother
  • Alex Montez - Cousin



  • Jordan Mahkent/Icicle †
  • Henry King Sr./Brainwave † (victim)
  • Eclipso †
  • Ultra-Humanite †



  • Yolanda comes from a religious family and is also religious herself.
  • Yolanda is left-handed and is the only left-handed member of the JSA's modern age.
    • Furthermore, the way she holds herself and positions her lower body while assuming a boxing stance shows that she is a southpaw; a person who is left-handed but leads with their right.
  • Yolanda is the first member of the Justice Society of America's modern age to kill someone. She killed Henry King Sr./Brainwave in "Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. Part Two"; but it was in self-defense.
  • Yolanda was afraid of height and jumping off buildings, something she wasn't able to do in "Wildcat". She overcame this fear in "Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. Part Two" when she jumps off The American Dream building to catch Stargirl.
  • A running gag with Yolanda is that she incorrectly states superhero alter egos. In "Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. Part Two", she calls Sir Justin the "Silent Knight"; instead of the "Shining Knight". In "Summer School: Chapter Two" she refers to Jennie as the "Green Llama"; instead of the "Green Lantern".
  • Yolanda is the only member of the modern day JSA to hold the Cosmic Staff, though it didn't work for her.

External Links[]


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