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Heroes Wiki

Wildebeest! 400 pounds of primal heroic fury!
~ Master of Games

Wildebeest is one of the many honorary Titans from the show Teen Titans and comics. His power is super strength and the power of a wildebeest (hence his name).

He was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, who also voiced Soto, Cinderblock, Gnarkk, Plasmus and Silkie in the same franchise.

Teen Titans[]

Wildebeest first appeared in the episode "Winner Take All", in which he faced Beast Boy in the first round. He won the round when Beast Boy turned into a T-Rex, which caused the iron cage floor to break, and Beast Boy fell and was trapped in the amulet by the Master of Games. Wildebeest then faced Robin and Speedy in the final round in which he was defeated. Robin later freed Wildebeest after he defeated the Master of Games and gave him a communicator in case he needed help. Wildebeest then briefly appeared in the episode "Trust", in which he tried running away from Madame Rouge. He broke his communicator so that Rouge will not track the heroes, but he ended up being captured and then became frozen afterwards. He was defrosted in the episode Titans Together, and, along with Hot Spot get revenge on Madame Rouge by pulling her body and then Jinx defeats her. Wildebeest is last seen at the end of the episode helping the other Titans recapture Dr. Light.



           TeenTitansLogoPrimeEarth Heroes

Teen Titans | Titans East | Titans West | Titans North | Titans South

Aqualad | Beast Boy | Cyborg | Kid Flash | Raven | Robin | Speedy | Starfire | Superboy | Wonder Girl

Anima | Aquagirl | Argent | Arsenal | Bart Allen | Blue Beetle | Bombshell | Bumblebee | Bunker | Shazam | Captain Marvel, Jr. | Cassandra Cain | Cassie Sandsmark | Crush | Damage | Damian Wayne | Djinn | Flamebird | Green Lantern | Impulse | Jackson Hyde | Jakeem Thunder | Jason Todd | Jericho | Jesse Quick | Jon Kent | Klarion the Witch Boy | Kole | Hawk & Dove (Hank Hall) | Lorena Marquez | Mia Dearden | Mirage | Miss Martian | Nightwing | The Offspring | Power Boy | Power Girl | Ray Palmer | Ravager | Roundhouse | Red Arrow | Red Star | Static | Steel | Supergirl | Terra | Tim Drake | Wally West | Zatara

TV Shows
Teen Titans (2003)
Robin | Starfire | Raven | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Terra | Kid Flash | Thunder | Lightning | Kole | Gnarrk | Hot Spot | Speedy | Bumblebee | Más y Menos | Aqualad | Melvin | Timmy Tantrum | Teether | Herald | Arella Roth | Argent | Bushido | Red Star | Killowat | Pantha | Jericho | Wildebeest | Red X | Tramm | Ravager | Jinx | Larry | Val-Yor | Silkie

Teen Titans Go!
Robin | Starfire | Raven | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Bumblebee | Silkie | Aqualad | Speedy | Halloween Spirit | Más y Menos | Kid Flash | Batman | George Washington | Easter Bunny | Sticky Joe | Team Robin | Super Robin | Birdarang & Beat Box | Pain Bot | Sparkleface & Butterbean | Unicorns | Superman | John Stewart | Wonder Woman | Batgirl | Wonder Twins | Polly Ethylene and Tara Phthalate

Nightwing | Starfire | Raven | Beast Boy | Hawk | Dove | Wonder Girl | Red Hood | Superboy | Krypto | Ravager | Aqualad | Barbara Gordon | Blackfire | Tim Drake | Batman

DC Animated Film Universe
Nightwing | Starfire | Beast Boy | Raven | Blue Beetle | Robin | Cyborg | Speedy | Bumblebee | Kid Flash | Terra | Superboy
